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How many are zoo exclusive?

are your zoo exclusive?

  • I'm zoo exclusive

    Votes: 422 34.4%
  • I'm not zoo exclusive

    Votes: 720 58.8%
  • I'm Involuntarily celibate - Incel

    Votes: 83 6.8%

  • Total voters
I tried exactly twice to have relations with a human. Once with a woman, and once with a guy. I felt nothing from the attempts.
sex changes a lot and every woman who has been properly knotted will never forget the feeling, this connection is the most beautiful thing.
a dog as a partner gives you so much, you just sometimes miss the profound conversations 😉
It would be best to have both...
Voted zoo exclusive but can say that if I find a like minded woman who’s actually a good and caring individual and not a bossy psychotic and manipulative bitch then I’d be happy with that sort of relationship. For the most part though I’d be zoo exclusive cause mare pussy, dog pussy, and dog cock are all just too enjoyable to see, touch, and enjoy. Heck my first proper sexual experience was with a mare and it was amazing. So… I’m already kinda biased towards zoo.
I'm technically an incel'?
I'm only attracted to beasts and like, some fictional depictions of humans...
But actual people turn me off. Hard.

...And I've never really had the guts or opportunity to plap the beasts of my dreams.
So I remain a frikkin virgin; no stallion-wifey to plap full of virile pearly goo.
Personal well being is really important. Being Zoo can take a terrible toll and must not be underestimated. How one gets to this space can be an erratic / traumatic journey. For you who are struggling, we accept and acknowledge you as "you" You are ok. There is another important side of self acceptance and self respect. Reach out, we are here.
I feel this. Living life with the prospects of remaining a perma-virgin due to the circumstances of just how dangerous it is to be a zoophile in most societies... The idea that you'll never be able to speak truly about your attractions, that you'll always have to put a fake front up when people ask why you're not married or dating anybody... Why you reject any and all advances from your fellow man...
It grinds you down to the soul.
"Stallion pussy is best pussy." ~Donald J. Trump (Paraphrased)

Where did you find that?

As to the need to find excuses, I agree, it's annoying but you get used to it overtime. As I live in a pretty conservative environment and almost never have female visitors I keep stressing that I am not homosexual. Even if I had a dog I don't expect ppl to think I am a zoo, but that might change if I had a female animal, I suppose.
Where did you find that?

As to the need to find excuses, I agree, it's annoying but you get used to it overtime. As I live in a pretty conservative environment and almost never have female visitors I keep stressing that I am not homosexual. Even if I had a dog I don't expect ppl to think I am a zoo, but that might change if I had a female animal, I suppose.
The quote? It's mostly just a joke, utter nonsense. Still funny tho'. Torn between including the proper title and just the name...

"There's nothing better than the inside of a horse."
~Vice President, Michael Pence (Paraphrased)
Appreciate the question and the responses, gotta say, after being ghosted, yet again, I think I’d be content zoo exclusive.
Zoo exclusive is more of a thing you are as a zoophile, where you don't have any desire for a human partner. Unless like if you have lost all attraction to people, then I'd say you are zoo exclusive.

I'm only being stubborn with what it means to actually be zoo exclusive because I myself actually am zoo exclusive and feel nothing for people (beyond platonic love). I have absolutely no desire to be with a human and the idea of having sex with one is very negative, borderline repulsive, whereas with my animal of choice (female German shepherd, which sadly I don't have yet) the idea of having sex with her is extremely desirable. The only way I get aroused when looking at a human is if it is a man (sorry, ladies, you do nothing for me) and he is ejalculating, because then I think of that happening inside of a dog, specifically a German shepherd.
Zoo exclusive is more of a thing you are as a zoophile, where you don't have any desire for a human partner. Unless like if you have lost all attraction to people, then I'd say you are zoo exclusive.

I'm only being stubborn with what it means to actually be zoo exclusive because I myself actually am zoo exclusive and feel nothing for people (beyond platonic love). I have absolutely no desire to be with a human and the idea of having sex with one is very negative, borderline repulsive, whereas with my animal of choice (female German shepherd, which sadly I don't have yet) the idea of having sex with her is extremely desirable. The only way I get aroused when looking at a human is if it is a man (sorry, ladies, you do nothing for me) and he is ejalculating, because then I think of that happening inside of a dog, specifically a German shepherd.
Thanks for sharing… we all have our own journey 🖕
Thanks for sharing… we all have our own journey 🖕
I'm just trying to explain that someone who is zoo exclusive is not just someone who, by your own words, "thinks [they would] be content zoo exclusive" (zoo exclusive meaning with just an animal for a partner). I even found a guy who said he was psychologically tested and found to be completely zoo exclusive, being indifferent towards people and completely unarroused by them. There is no need to be an asshole and give me the middle finger, whether just an emoji or not.
I guess I didn’t realize there was a gatekeeper for zoo terminology. Had I known I would have responded the way I do to most other authoritative figures, which is to properly salute with two fingers, not one! 🖕🖕

Don’t Yuck my Yum!

If your objective was to share your preferred definition of “Zoo Exclusive” maybe try just sharing it rather than directing it at someone and maybe it will be received better, but since you directed it at me I will most definitely tell you to kindly fuck off because I don’t appreciate the “education” your trying to direct at me.
Não é exclusivo do zoológico. Apenas sou muito exigente na minha escolha de humanos... e raramente fico com eles. Então fico com animais até que o humano certo retorne o interesse.
Interesting, and what would this human be like, right?
I guess I didn’t realize there was a gatekeeper for zoo terminology. Had I known I would have responded the way I do to most other authoritative figures, which is to properly salute with two fingers, not one! 🖕🖕

Don’t Yuck my Yum!

If your objective was to share your preferred definition of “Zoo Exclusive” maybe try just sharing it rather than directing it at someone and maybe it will be received better, but since you directed it at me I will most definitely tell you to kindly fuck off because I don’t appreciate the “education” your trying to direct at me.
Don't yuck my yum is my new favourite phrase!
If your objective was to share your preferred definition of “Zoo Exclusive” maybe try just sharing it rather than directing it at someone and maybe it will be received better, but since you directed it at me I will most definitely tell you to kindly fuck off because I don’t appreciate the “education” your trying to direct at me.
Interesting. I only directed towards you because I could see that you have a misunderstanding. I tried to politely correct you.

If you're wondering why it took me so long to get around to this, it's because I've all but abandoned this shithole of a website in favor of a much better place, so I didn't even know about your reply until I got a pm over on the other forum from someone who wanted to talk to me about you (an exclusive, actually) and your immature and childish behavior. I was trying to be nice and explain to you that being zoo exclusive isn't just being able to be content with just an animal partner, it's only being able to be content with an animal partner. How do I know? Well, a few ways. First, it's not just my personal definition, it's pretty well agreed upon by me and my fellow exclusives. Second, it's the story of my fucking life. I, just like my fellow exclusives, can't be happy with a human partner. You, on the other hand, have the self righteousness to declare that you are a zoo exclusive because you can be content with just an animal because you can't make it with a human. You are resorting to it as a next best thing. For me, and my fellow exclusives, there is no better thing. This is the best thing. And quite frankly, after my interactions with you, it's no mystery as to why no one likes you. Apologies, but the truth can hurt. Good day.
Dude, I could care less why it took you so long to respond, I had forgotten about this conversation like I forgot about you. It was easy to do, so take your judgment and kindly fuck off. Bye-bye
Dude, I could care less why it took you so long to respond
I know and knew that
I had forgotten about this conversation like I forgot about you.
Same. Until I got messaged on an entirely seperste forum about you
take your judgment and kindly fuck off.
No judgement from me. You defined something incorrectly, and I politely corrected you. Then you became an asshole
