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How many are zoo exclusive?

are your zoo exclusive?

  • I'm zoo exclusive

    Votes: 422 34.4%
  • I'm not zoo exclusive

    Votes: 721 58.7%
  • I'm Involuntarily celibate - Incel

    Votes: 85 6.9%

  • Total voters
Interesting. I only directed towards you because I could see that you have a misunderstanding. I tried to politely correct you.

If you're wondering why it took me so long to get around to this, it's because I've all but abandoned this shithole of a website in favor of a much better place, so I didn't even know about your reply until I got a pm over on the other forum from someone who wanted to talk to me about you (an exclusive, actually) and your immature and childish behavior. I was trying to be nice and explain to you that being zoo exclusive isn't just being able to be content with just an animal partner, it's only being able to be content with an animal partner. How do I know? Well, a few ways. First, it's not just my personal definition, it's pretty well agreed upon by me and my fellow exclusives. Second, it's the story of my fucking life. I, just like my fellow exclusives, can't be happy with a human partner. You, on the other hand, have the self righteousness to declare that you are a zoo exclusive because you can be content with just an animal because you can't make it with a human. You are resorting to it as a next best thing. For me, and my fellow exclusives, there is no better thing. This is the best thing. And quite frankly, after my interactions with you, it's no mystery as to why no one likes you. Apologies, but the truth can hurt. Good day.
My first impulse to react to this text was with a "like", as juan_doe_drei did as I agree to most of what you say. But what I don't like is this confrontative way as in "it's no mystery why no one likes you". I didn't read the whole communication and therefore can't judge at all whose statement I support more (though I guess it's yours), but I'd prefer another kind of discussion in which the opposite side is not so ultimately degraded.
My first impulse to react to this text was with a "like", as juan_doe_drei did as I agree to most of what you say. But what I don't like is this confrontative way as in "it's no mystery why no one likes you". I didn't read the whole communication and therefore can't judge at all whose statement I support more (though I guess it's yours), but I'd prefer another kind of discussion in which the opposite side is not so ultimately degraded.


fair point.

it's one of those things that has irked me for a while as well, but i looked back up, and @MsMolly did not actually say she considers herself zoo exclusive, so there was definitely a bit of misunderstanding on @ILoveFemaleGSD's and my part. so..

my apologies, Ms Molly.

in the interest of understanding, i would like to explain why it gets under my skin when people who are sick of dating declare themselves zoo exclusive (until they fall in love again). there are struggles with being zoo exclusive that aren't something that people who are attracted to both animals and humans inherently have to deal with (though admittedly, due to circumstances, they might also share some of the struggles of a zoo exclusive).

#1 is aging. do you have someone who will take care of you as you age to the point of needing someone else to help you care for yourself? a zoo exclusive is less likely to, but it's not a guarantee, i admit. some zoo exclusives (like myself) have found a roommate who is also zoo exclusive, and the plan is to grow old together and hopefully find someone younger than us who would like to join our small slice of heaven with the expectation of caring for the animals with us and hopefully sticking around to care for _us_ as we age, because we sure aren't going to have children to do that. that said, though, someone who _isn't_ zoo exclusive could also end up in the same situation as they age if they don't find someone to be in a committed relationship with, or they commit to someone of the same sex and therefore don't have children either.
sorry, that was really wordy... i hope you get what i'm saying.

#2 is the pain of the death cycle -- companions dying several times over the course of one's life. this happens less to equine-focused zoos, but it still happens. again, without a human companion around, it's harder to deal with the pain of the loss with someone who understands that it wasn't "just a pet". but also, it doesn't negate the chance of this happening to someone who isn't zoo exclusive.

eh... my brain is tired. i know i had more to add to this, but i can't recall what else i wanted to say. we all have struggles as zoophiles. zoo exclusives simply have a different set of struggles (most likely).
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My first impulse to react to this text was with a "like", as juan_doe_drei did as I agree to most of what you say. But what I don't like is this confrontative way as in "it's no mystery why no one likes you". I didn't read the whole communication and therefore can't judge at all whose statement I support more (though I guess it's yours), but I'd prefer another kind of discussion in which the opposite side is not so ultimately degraded.
Have you looked at how she has talked to me? Swears me up and down, given several middle fingers (emojis count), etc. Was my comment maybe a step to far, yes I'll admit that, but so is saying fuck you just for trying to make sure she has a clear understanding of what it means to be a zoo exclusive, because with the way her original post was worded it seemed as though she thinks being zoo exclusive is merely just something one can be content with, rather than an actual permanent lifestyle that is the only thing that makes one happy.
Have you looked at how she has talked to me? Swears me up and down, given several middle fingers (emojis count), etc. Was my comment maybe a step to far, yes I'll admit that, but so is saying fuck you just for trying to make sure she has a clear understanding of what it means to be a zoo exclusive, because with the way her original post was worded it seemed as though she thinks being zoo exclusive is merely just something one can be content with, rather than an actual permanent lifestyle that is the only thing that makes one happy.

right, but she may have meant "i could be content with being zoo exclusive (had i been born that way instead"

and apologies. my post above appears before , but it took me so long to edit the post that you( @ILoveFemaleGSD's ) weren't able to take what i said into account with your reply.

this -- https://www.zoovilleforum.net/threads/how-many-are-zoo-exclusive.410/page-15#post-2745170
I think as soon as name calling comes on either side the argument is already lost and both sides have failed because you only resort to name calling when you have nothing intelligent to add to the conversation. Just my opinion. as far as the topic. I think there could be a few different ways to interpret it. The word exclusive simply means excluding anything else. So someone who is zoo exclusive for their whole life is def zoo exclusive. And someone who goes a period of time be it 6 months a year or more that they were only with their dog then during that time they were zoo exclusive by definition because they excluded everything but their animal at that time. So both sides are right. why does someone always have to be wrong? Why cant we acknowledge were all different but were still in the same boat. There isnt exactly a lot of us.
I think as soon as name calling comes on either side the argument is already lost and both sides have failed because you only resort to name calling when you have nothing intelligent to add to the conversation. Just my opinion. as far as the topic. I think there could be a few different ways to interpret it. The word exclusive simply means excluding anything else. So someone who is zoo exclusive for their whole life is def zoo exclusive. And someone who goes a period of time be it 6 months a year or more that they were only with their dog then during that time they were zoo exclusive by definition because they excluded everything but their animal at that time. So both sides are right. why does someone always have to be wrong? Why cant we acknowledge were all different but were still in the same boat. There isnt exactly a lot of us.

i was going to reply to this earlier, then changed my mind.
then changed my mind again.

i wanted to say "but it IS different", but i clearly laid out in my previous post that i can't deny that there are similarities between zoo exclusives and those who are zoo but not life-long exclusives (or exclusive by attraction rather than by circumstance). maybe it just boils down to ego -- "but it's our label, we made it, not them, and it's all i have to hold onto that makes me special!"


so maybe it just needs a new label? or as many have said (probably for millennia), perhaps labels are kinda pointless. .. but they're not _entirely_ useless... they can make statements a bit more concise as long as everyone knows the full context, but clearly, not everyone does, and maybe it doesn't matter.

perhaps what this poll _should_ have said was "how many zoophiles here aren't attracted to humans?"
Well zoo exclusive comes from exclusive zoophile, as in exclusively zoophilic. So, I've always seen it to only possibly mean that you don't like people. It's even used in the zoophilia wiki that way, which is why I've taken that as the meaning
Id say Exclusive now until i find some one who is the same, would not even have to be a sexual relationship but would not say no if she enjoyed H.sapiens 🍆
Tried dating she was not ticking my boxes might have been nothing to do with sexuality but more like i just did not feel she was the one and keeping this kind of secrets sucked as i want some one i can talk to about everything and the fact that i was more sexually attracted to her dog hahaha so i eventually broke it off before i did something very stupid.

Even tried pills but no was not enough, i never came with her...
Well zoo exclusive comes from exclusive zoophile, as in exclusively zoophilic. So, I've always seen it to only possibly mean that you don't like people. It's even used in the zoophilia wiki that way, which is why I've taken that as the meaning
this too is a good point. see this how how a conversation should be :) talking and learning from each other and maybe finding a different prospective than our own. talking into a echo chamber yields nothing
you know based on how ive seen this convo go im pretty sure you are correct in that statement lol
it was just an exercise in two ppl needing to be right. or one needing to be right and the other not really giving a fuck. i mostly just skimmed through it...
I don't like when people label themselves incorrectly. Like how there are some who think it's cool or flashy to have something minorly bad happen to them and make it a big deal. Or someone overinflate an emotion or mental illness, like claiming they have depression just because they aren't always happy as an example
Oh fuck me you've got to be kidding me...
perhaps there are some people with very little people experience to actually be sure what they are haha. sad but there it is.
I mean while fucking i was trying to fantasize about dogs hahahaha but to no avail was not enough
I don't like when people label themselves incorrectly. Like how there are some who think it's cool or flashy to have something minorly bad happen to them and make it a big deal. Or someone overinflate an emotion or mental illness, like claiming they have depression just because they aren't always happy as an example
I can understand this view as well. personally I dont really give a damn what people label themselves as. that being said i get very frustrated when people say they have PTSD because their partner cheated on them. Considering my ptsd comes from combat. not saying that things like that cant be traumatizing but it downplays PTSD in a way that people take it less seriously than they should which reduces the amount of help someone may get for it because its "just" ptsd
I mean while fucking i was trying to fantasize about dogs hahahaha but to no avail was not enough
Um... what?

Also the reason I said "Oh fuck me you've got to be kidding me" is because we were literally just discussing about when people do exactly what you did
I don't like when people label themselves incorrectly.
not really your place to make it a problem for someone else tho. at the end of the day, we're all "monsters". doesn't change things when someone's description is a bit off.
like claiming they have depression just because they aren't always happy as an example
some ppl claim they have depression because they either were never happy or know they were at some point and it's just gone.
you wouldn't know.
I can understand this view as well. personally I dont really give a damn what people label themselves as. that being said i get very frustrated when people say they have PTSD because their partner cheated on them. Considering my ptsd comes from combat. not saying that things like that cant be traumatizing but it downplays PTSD in a way that people take it less seriously than they should which reduces the amount of help someone make get for it because its "just" ptsd
Yes, it down plays things. PTSD was what I was thinking of as an example but couldn't formulate for some strange reason. I don't like that effect, no matter how big or small the repercussions may be. It's not a good thing, so I fight it. And there is the fact that I struggled with myself for years and hated myself more than anything else, thought I was some kind of monster or something, because I only felt true attraction to dogs, and here come these randos who have no idea what zoo exclusive actually means but wave it around like it's cool and flashy. I don't want what I am to become merely a cool trend
Well zoo exclusive comes from exclusive zoophile, as in exclusively zoophilic. So, I've always seen it to only possibly mean that you don't like people. It's even used in the zoophilia wiki that way, which is why I've taken that as the meaning

right, and it's hard (for me, at least) to not keep holding onto that. it _is_ how it was defined early on, and when the community was smaller, everyone knew what it meant, but to @Animale 's point, we should try to be less touchy about it (i know i have been touchy about it as well, i'm not intending to point fingers at anyone).
some ppl claim they have depression because they either were never happy or know they were at some point and it's just gone.
you wouldn't know.
I was thinking about the PTSD situation but could make words with it. And I do know some people fake it, I've met a few. Same with the PTSD thing. I know for a fact it was all fake for attention
Yes, it down plays things. PTSD was what I was thinking of as an example but couldn't formulate for some strange reason. I don't like that effect, no matter how big or small the repercussions may be. It's not a good thing, so I fight it. And there is the fact that I struggled with myself for years and hated myself more than anything else, thought I was some kind of monster or something, because I only felt true attraction to dogs, and here come these randos who have no idea what zoo exclusive actually means but wave it around like it's cool and flashy. I don't want what I am to become merely a cool trend
I agree and from hearing your experience and perspective I can very much understand why you feel the way you do
@Animale[/USER] 's point, we should try to be less touchy about it (i know i have been touchy about it as well, i'm not intending to point fingers at anyone).
that was exactly my point. thank you for getting it. To many people get offended and just snap to insults because they are triggered and Im not pointing out anyone here just in general. if we can all just sit and have a rational conversation then only good things can come from that rather than hurt feelings.