Well i finally crosse the line.
TBH I wasn't expecting to cross it yet, but here we are.
I already answered before with previous dogs I was lucky enough to have, but now I am fortunate enough to have another, and he decided to communicate very, VERY, clearly what he wanted.
My mastiff came to me yesterday out of nowhere and mounted me, I had not been playing with him like that, I was not pushing in that direction, the most physical intimacy was I like to massage his neck and shoulders.
I was in my room, sitting on the floor, I don't even remember what I was doing, but I was sitting there I think just messing with a box, and he walks up, puts his head on my shoulders and starts bucking his hips at me. I pushed him off and he went behind me and just put his front paws around my hips, and his head on my right shoulder and slowly pushed me forward until I was on all fours.
Then in the middle of the night, like 3am or 4am I was asleep when suddenly I felt his weight on the bed and him nosing my face, I took him outside to do his business and when I came back in I was taking everything off and I looked at him, he was sitting in front of me and I could just tell, from the look in his eyes and his overall body language he wanted more.
I put on this thick sweater and he ended up chewing a hole in it while he was on my back, so I guess that's what that sweater is for now.
Then even today, I got back from running errands and he had the same body language as he did in the middle of the night, so I made him wait. Did a bunch of stuff around the house until he relented and went to lay down and after he was relaxed for a minute I grabbed the chewed up sweater and put it on, and as soon as I sat on the floor he tried to jump me, but honestly after what he did to me last night, I just decided to use my mouth to relieve him.
So he has made it clear, down to making the first move out of nowhere. So now it's just getting used to his absolutely gargantuan size, and making sure he knows boundaries.