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How does your dog show they're wanting sex?

I have to laugh at normies and sometimes even people here saying consent with a female is hard to determine. Really? Flagging and lifting their vulva or humping is a sure sign of consent. There is also body language you can use to determine what a dog is saying. The Rotty girl I lost my virginity to years back for instance litterally would rest her head on my chest while she's was laying in missionary position and I took her from the side nice and slow. when I was on top she would thrust her hips into me, she seemed to enjoy that position moreso and I just let her do her thing. And thats saying something because it's a submissive position. They won't allow it unless the absolutely trust you and are consenting! She loved our moments together. Anybody that doubts a dog can consent is a fool. Especially since they're jumping to unfounded conclusions solely based in zero experience with a dog sexually so their opinion is irrelevant ?
Yet the amount of people that will forever say that dogs cannot consent. There's overwhelming evidence that there is, just like flat earthers still believing the world is flat despite the evidence it's not
My boy starts bouncing around. And from time to time he jumps towards me. If im sitting, he will try to lick my neck and face, and once he catches the smell of my pussy, the its go time
If it's been more than a day or two, just say "wanna get your dick out?" And he knows this means its horny time. He will usually try to mount and get excited by then.

Otherwise, he never humps or anything or anyone and I think it has to do with this command, and body language
I think that to get to this stage he really has to learn and understand this sentence. Because dogs don't understand what we say, especially when it's long sentences. It is difficult for them, as for us, to understand each other because we are a different species with a different type of language.
However, they are good at understanding words and short sentences by repeating them.
So I'll shorten it to one word.
I don't have a male dog. But I know how they walk.
My dog has a few ways. He will try to position himself so that my hand ends up on his sheath. If that fails for a long time, he tries to mount my leg or arm. And if that fails he will vocally complain about it. :D
His 'proper' way of asking for a suck is after we play for a while (I guess he sees it as foreplay), he will come to me and place his paw on my leg.
Then we have sex and when he has had enough, he lifts his left hind paw up to signal that. This usually happens as he is loosing erection. Those gestures are so precise and happen in very specific situations that I have good confidence I know what they mean.
I wish my boys were trained this well that's awesome that you have such Clear signals for it
The girl I had was always trying to push her nose into my crotch and occasionally would present with her head down and rear up after petting her. The boy I had was a humper from early on and would also put his tail up if I touched his butt.
The only time my girl truly shows she wants sex is during heat, and i can only tell when i pet her, because if i go anywhere near her hind quarters, she lifts her tail as high as it will go and contracts her vagina up and down. And if i touch it, shes off on a thrusting fit that only ends when she cums.
That sounds like a fucking dream! You lucky lucky guy.
I have two mixed-breed puppies, both signalling in a similar way. When I'm out in the yard with them they put their noses to my butt or front to my pussy and bark in a different tone than usual. Sometimes they will jump on me and fuck my leg :D
My girl will try and push herself on me or if I'm rubbing her chest, she pushes my hand down between her legs.
I let her tell me when she wants it, otherwise good chanse of receiving a bite. She's fast as a cobra! She knows how to say no.
I have multiple dogs but I’m only romantic with my one gal. She is a pitbull and boy is she strong.
She gets really humpy which is an obvious sign and it’s cute because she often will only do that to me, I would say 90% of the time. It’s rare for her to be sexual to many others but she has a few select friends she is interested in xd

But other ways she loves to lick me. I would be laying down and she would just start licking and working her way to my crotch. She always starts by kissing my face and mouth.
If I pull my dick out she will literally try to hump/sit on it aside trying to go to town with a tongue job.

I haven’t gotten too much sexual stuff with her yet due to my own anxieties. But she’s a very wild girl haha
It depends on the moment and how much he wants, but most of the times we sleep together, in the early morning he stands next to the bed and starts barking loudly while staring at my ass and won't shut up until I give him what he wants.
[Leaving the thread up, but deleting the text, as requested.]

Interesting thread… bunch of similarities here. We have an unspoken agreement on time of day. Usually after dinner or a run, evening he’s allowed to ask. He likes when I get really sweaty, probably the smell. But when he is ready he will roll on his back, he’s used to me touching him that way. Sometimes he can be aggressive at night, and I know to just let him do what he wants. His needs over mine obviously.