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How does your dog show they're wanting sex?

If he takes his own initiative to sex normally approaches me and begins to touch me with paws. If I am the one who initiates sex, it is enough that I take off my pants and they both get completely wild, I then take off my panties it is something completely different first thing that happens is that they both start fighting right away so must separate them as quickly as possible.
Don't they have a hierarchy that dictates them which one can mount you first ?
My boy didn't have to ask, if he saw me getting naked and laying on the bed he knew we were going to play. He only ever initiated it outside of the bedroom in one situation. If I came home from school and no one else was home, he'd greet me at the back door and after "saying hello" would run upstairs barking. he'd bark until I followed him to find him jumping around on my bed, wagging his tail with his red rocket starting to poke out. He knew I could not resist and in a matter of seconds I would be naked under him getting covered or filled with his cum.
This is amazing 😍
My boy didn't have to ask, if he saw me getting naked and laying on the bed he knew we were going to play. He only ever initiated it outside of the bedroom in one situation. If I came home from school and no one else was home, he'd greet me at the back door and after "saying hello" would run upstairs barking. he'd bark until I followed him to find him jumping around on my bed, wagging his tail with his red rocket starting to poke out. He knew I could not resist and in a matter of seconds I would be naked under him getting covered or filled with his cum.
That is hot!
I had a dog that would lightly bite my pants or sleeves if I was standing, to try to pull me down. If I was laying down he would stand over me until I presented.

One would just shove his nose into my shorts, or butt if I was already naked, and start eating me out.