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How does your dog show they're wanting sex?

All these descriptions sound so familiar. Different doggies have different ways of signalling. My neighbours black lab used to come and scratch on my back door whenever she wanted sex. About two or three times a week. Then she’d run straight to my bedroom and go wait for me with wagging tail, panting with excitement. If I inserted and didn’t start immediately she’d start jumping to make the pleasure begin. She loved it even when she became old. She was a lovely friend.
Odd case maybe! *and not owning dog nowadays! But been a dog owner back in the days!* And i am sure to 99% that experience about this dog isnt even gotten to have sex irl, sex is depending on what stages you say is actual sex. Do i send out or giving out a sign? I am sure alot of people here will have their oppinions. Good and bad..

BUT! Here is the case.. Dogs are intelligent, can scan and read who you are! And i mean read WHAT you are into.. IF a dog ask me! Who am i to try to explain! *you cant ask me for this, as..*. People has and this forum has their oppinion.. *ban me from this site if you want!*

I dont hop fences, dont force anything! And as i *by opinion* has my experience about dogs.. Not as animals only and their needs, they are intelligent individuals that are either trained or not trained into areas.. *100% sure this male dog has not even touched our area* Human/k9 sex have never even had been happened. *BUT! that dog asked me..* stage by stage.. No shitting!

BY my means ADMINS of this site know what i am talking about.. If your a.. You know!

I know its.. *there is no words of explaining!*
I had one terrier who’d nudge against my hand deliberately and lick me excessively and swallow hard. His who body would be tense and his tail would be vibrating. Then he’d grab my arm or leg with his front paws and try to hump. His cock woukd often be slightly swollen with the tip just protruding. Problem was that he’d do this at random moments when it was a nuisance. Fortunately I trained them well and if I firmly told them to knock it off they’d usually calm down. I used a dog whistle to call them when it was time for play. They literally went wild when they heard it.
My old boy had a particular way he liked to show he was in need. He would stay close to me. Trying to get my attention. And if I ignore him. He gives this low whine like growl before I realize. Oh hey! He is needy~ another thing he would do is bat at ly leg with his little paw with cute needy whines. I couldn't resist heh
my boy used to be more pushy and he knows to not do that anymore, but now he'll usually sniff my crotch really hard or lick my butt/thigh when nobody's around. but he usually waits for me to offer/initiate and isn't so fussy anymore about when he gets action!
I’ve never owned a dog as a sexual interest. I have had dogs for hunting and farm chores. My experience is therefore very limited in this regard but I shall speak to it. I dated a German girl who was zoo and made love to her dog. We lived some distance from each other so our visits were once every 2 weeks and lasted about 6 months. Her dog was a German Shep btw. I forget his name. In any case he would put on a display of anxiety, nervousness and curiosity when I was visiting. He would continuously be seeking attention from her by brushing against her, putting his paws on her chair or sofa, getting between us and laying on the bed. He was never aggressive btw, he was behaving more like a spoiled child I would say. This always got her attention and made her feel sorry for him so that she would end up placating him.
So what’s my story - he would act spoiled and need attention when a human lover was around.
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