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How does your dog show they're wanting sex?

When I'm in my underwear he will aggressively push me until I sit on the bed he'll then lick and work his way into my jock strap
Of course i Kiss him. Hes my boyfriend. The kissing is first at each morning. Just to celebrate the new day.
And also its always a part of the foreplay. I just love his long rough tongue. And his huge mouth.
With the kissing er expressing pur love for each other
knowing that both you and your dog are so huge strong guys makes this even cuter :'3
There are multiple ways my boy shows the signs that he is in the mood. It took me time to train him but he has learnt too. If he is horny and wants to initiate he nudges/licks my knees for sex, if he wants me to suck him he nudges and licks my neck if i am sitting. If i am standing he licks my hand for a suck. Of course we have a mat which knows is for fun times. He doesn't approach with people around , i think he figured it would be a no
If he takes his own initiative to sex normally approaches me and begins to touch me with paws. If I am the one who initiates sex, it is enough that I take off my pants and they both get completely wild, I then take off my panties it is something completely different first thing that happens is that they both start fighting right away so must separate them as quickly as possible.
Yes similar behaviour with my boy@pawing. Both the boys fight over you? no alpha then?
They let me know with snorts, grunts, sticking their noses up my butt when I'm doing dishes lol, or just facing away from them. And when I still ignore them I usually get a paw on the back of my leg as well. But they mind well and know that no means no.
I think this is key that they realize a no does mean no. You raised good boys
My boy have a few different ways! The first one is beeing vocal about it, he has this love muffeld growl he does.. clearly differen than all his other braks of growls..

Second (and the cutest one is ) he has his favo toy he brings (its his favo robe) he love to do tugg wars with it! love to show off how mutch stronger he is.. like the little alpha that he is !
Definitely very cute! I dont know if other boys do this too, but my boy has a fav toy too and he brings that to me to play tug of war kind( pull-pull) , clearly to prove his strength at times.
My boy is 3 year old and for about since 4-5 months, has been demanding a lot of sex. We live together alone and I love him to the fullest of my heart so I guess I have also spoiled him by giving in to him whenever he wants to have me. When I am awake and moving around, he will usually keep following me and grabbing my jeans or skirt with his teeth or grabbing my leg when I am wearing shorts and If I dont get on my all fours for him within some time, he will start jumping on me from behind but gently. Sometimes though he needs what he needs and doesnt care if I am awake or sleeping. If I dont submit to him in time if I am busy with something, he will scratch my leg or waist. Its painful but I guess that is more of my fault in not being able to realize his early signs that he wants to take me right then.Guess thats the rough side of my lover !
What breed is your boy anyway? seems a bit aggressive
I had read somewhere that someone taught their dog by training them to use socks on their front paws so I tried that, my dog was a German Shepherd and he usually picked things up really quickly. Whenever we would have fun time I would point his attention to the socks and put them on his paws. After some time he recognized that if he's wearing socks he gets fun time so he'd bring them and sit whimpering staring at me. I can't tell y'all the amount of times when I would have guests over and my dog would bring me a pair of socks and sit near me whimpering and people thinking he was being silly.
Thats a sweet boy actually. he seems to be following what you taught him, very cute
Usually, my female Newfoundland will part her tail with her rump facing me, look back at me, and even sometimes back into me. She does sometimes do this on her own, especially in heat. But most of the time I'll be petting and rubbing her lower back and she'll start to do this. A lot of times I'm not even trying to engage her in sex, her lower back and her chest are her two favorite spots to be pet. But I guess a nice rub-a-dub-dub feels relaxing and sensual to her. When she's horny she lets me know!
My newfie is the same way too
I dont have any pets as of now 😢
But I do remember one of my dogs getting excited before party, cuz he knew what was about to happen!
Made me realise that humans and dolphins aren't the only ones that want it so bad 😏
My girl comes to me and her signals are CLEAR, she sticks her nose in my crouch and gives a few licks (even through pants) then turns around and presents to me
she is spayed BTW, but she loves when I play with her pussy, loves being brought to an orgasm before bed
it all depends on how well you train your furry friend, in my case i have 2 beautiful German Shepherd boys and it took time to teach them the do's and don'ts, so now if they want to mount me, if standing - they will nibble my ankles, if sitting on the floor they will lick my ears. Then I know they want to mount me. Also we have a playmate and they know we only play on the mat. Its sometimes so cute when then want to play they will wait on the mat for me.
My boi is insanely obvious. When I am laying in my bed or on the couch, he will randomly drive his nose into my crouch and start pawing at my pants. The second I drop them, he goes crazy licking. Ive never met a dog with such insane sex drive.