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How does your dog show they're wanting sex?

They let me know with snorts, grunts, sticking their noses up my butt when I'm doing dishes lol, or just facing away from them. And when I still ignore them I usually get a paw on the back of my leg as well. But they mind well and know that no means no.
That's like mine it's all down to them it's not me who make the decisions. Some time they want to some time they don't but the ball always in there court. Apart from when others are around.You can't have dog humping you all the time. I bet some people wish they could.
That's like mine it's all down to them it's not me who make the decisions. Some time they want to some time they don't but the ball always in there court. Apart from when others are around.You can't have dog humping you all the time. I bet some people wish they could.
They've been around me long enough and can seem to tell my cycles through their noses better than I can sometimes. But it is not like they always get what they want either.
My boy have a few different ways! The first one is beeing vocal about it, he has this love muffeld growl he does.. clearly differen than all his other braks of growls..

Second (and the cutest one is ) he has his favo toy he brings (its his favo robe) he love to do tugg wars with it! love to show off how mutch stronger he is.. like the little alpha that he is !
he is without a doubt the sexiest dog i’ve ever laid eyes on ? do you ever kiss him? kissing dogs is such a turn on for me and i’d do anything to kiss a handsome boy like that
Of course i Kiss him. Hes my boyfriend. The kissing is first at each morning. Just to celebrate the new day.
And also its always a part of the foreplay. I just love his long rough tongue. And his huge mouth.
With the kissing er expressing pur love for each other
My boys will catch me sitting on the sofa or on a cushion on the floor and push their neck into my shoulder while licking at my neck. If I gently push on them, they'll usually try to mount my shoulder if they're really DTF. My female husky picked up on how my boys initiate sexy time and she does the same now, but she wants a finger to ride on instead of a palm to rub on her.
Hell yea I bet it's great to watch
The only time my girl truly shows she wants sex is during heat, and i can only tell when i pet her, because if i go anywhere near her hind quarters, she lifts her tail as high as it will go and contracts her vagina up and down. And if i touch it, shes off on a thrusting fit that only ends when she cums.
My dog has a few ways. He will try to position himself so that my hand ends up on his sheath. If that fails for a long time, he tries to mount my leg or arm. And if that fails he will vocally complain about it. :D
His 'proper' way of asking for a suck is after we play for a while (I guess he sees it as foreplay), he will come to me and place his paw on my leg.
Then we have sex and when he has had enough, he lifts his left hind paw up to signal that. This usually happens as he is loosing erection. Those gestures are so precise and happen in very specific situations that I have good confidence I know what they mean.
I can understand animal abuse and I think it is terrible. I don't want to get into a discussion on howe men can ascertain that a female dog is actually interested, and I really don't want to know either.

However, a male dog will let you know. My dog is a larger breed and knows he cannot do anything when other people are near. However, when alone, he will come up to me and just like others mentioned place his nuzzle against my crotch and push a bit, especially when standing. If I am sitting, he will often come up and put his paw on my shoulder, almost telling me he wants me to to go down for hem. When I'm on my bed, he will stand above me in a dominant position. If I don't comply and tell him off sternly, which means 'not now - bad timing', he will start growling a bit and push harder with his nozzle.
Once I do get out of my clothes (if I had any from the beginning) then he will have his penis very erect and very ready. In other words, I don't quite see how a human female with a male dog can be rape. It is taboo, maybe very naught and apparently illegal, but it is not rape and it is not abuse. It is a very mutual and sensual act. However, lawmakers would never understand that part.
This is a massive thread,

Is there a way to control a dog's behavior? Aka not constantly showing wanting sex in public?
Is it possible to train them to understand that this behavior only happens in a certain room of the house maybe?
This is a massive thread,

Is there a way to control a dog's behavior? Aka not constantly showing wanting sex in public?
Is it possible to train them to understand that this behavior only happens in a certain room of the house maybe?
Yes, master trained a lab to only play in one room. We never had a problem when out in public
He would sit and put his paw on my leg and wine. It was my signal to get up, get naked and go to his play room. In the room he would sit and wait for me to get in position. Lay on his back if he wanted to be suckedsucked or by pushing/nudging to lower me.
He would sit and put his paw on my leg and wine. It was my signal to get up, get naked and go to his play room. In the room he would sit and wait for me to get in position. Lay on his back if he wanted to be suckedsucked or by pushing/nudging to lower me.
We'd be interested in some of steps taken to achieve this, My wife does obedience classes already with our dogs, we don't see ourselves changing our current male but potentially our next one.

We already have strict rules on bedroom access, but we are also concerned about using a room that's currently being occupied a lot of the time by us and we have them at our feet on the regular.
We'd be interested in some of steps taken to achieve this, My wife does obedience classes already with our dogs, we don't see ourselves changing our current male but potentially our next one.

We already have strict rules on bedroom access, but we are also concerned about using a room that's currently being occupied a lot of the time by us and we have them at our feet on the regular.
I would have to ask my SO. He did most of the training. It was of just going through the same step over and over. We stared out with a room in the basement. When we moved used a spare bedroom, it became the dogs room. Got and water there. Full size mattress.