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How does your dog show they're wanting sex?

I'm new to this, but I am trying to show my boy when he can make a move and how to do it. I let him know I am open o ay by being naked (cause that' the only time I am naked around him.) He likes to lick everywhere in general, so when he licks my balls or cock, I give a rub of his sheath or knot. I am basically trying to teach him "if I lick owner' penis then I get my sheath or knot rubbed". It changed from frivolous licks to experimental and now it feels much more purposeful.
My GSD boy tries to get me to touch his sheath by moving around until I'm giving him "lower belly" rubs, which is hilarious when I'm just laying in bed giving him a head-pat with no ulterior motives and he decides to stand over me and maneuver his belly into my hand :gsd_laughing:

It's good though, because it's a very clear indicator of when he's in the mood so I never have to worry about whether or not I'm the only who's needy. And people say dog's can't consent :p
My dog kept sending me mixed messages, turns out she's not really into sex.
But she would push her rump into my crotch and turn her head and look back at me.
I thought, Does she want me to do something?
So I tried a few times to rub her gently under the tail and see if she was truly interested.
But everytime she drops down and sits on her butt.
So I just quit even trying.
I think shes just a tease.
Once I was at a petting Zoo and a female llama turned her backside to me and shifted her tail to the side to show me her wares.
First thing I thought was "I bet her keeper is getting some of that"
either way it really aroused me while I was standing there. Had to really quickly think about my Grandma, So I would not start "Tenting"

The only time my girl truly shows she wants sex is during heat, and i can only tell when i pet her, because if i go anywhere near her hind quarters, she lifts her tail as high as it will go and contracts her vagina up and down. And if i touch it, shes off on a thrusting fit that only ends when she cums.
Is it OK to have sex when she's not in heat? Does she still enjoy it?
Is it OK to have sex when she's not in heat? Does she still enjoy it?

? That's quite an individual decision of the dogs. Some do, some don't. Some don't even differ between "in heat" and "not in heat" in regards to their interests and sexual thrive.

If the female dog enjoys it outside of heat, why shouldn't it be okay? Humans don't limit their copulation activities to the time span where the female part is ovulating as well. And female dogs which know how to initiate copulation with a male dog outside of heat might as well enjoy sexual activities with him out of heat.

That's a bit rare as they don't get that long of a stimulation out of it as they could with manual stimulation with a human, as example - but it's still a given and as well documented.
My dog does several things. we only doing it in my bedroom/bathroom .

If he is really horny he would always like grab something form me. stealing it.. making a run for it to one of those room.. he knows he is in charge there..

Or he would just come nexst to me growl.. and sort of blocking my way to walk.. like guiding me too one of those rooms.

Love reading all of you peeple stories, i thought it was silly of me to give in so mutch. but i see iam not the only one thats doing it!
Even if he is not very big as a dog, my wife's bichon knows what he wants and to make himself understood, at least by her who is starting to know him well. If she's busy in the kitchen and he needs to feel that under her dress her is out in the open, he'll come and turn and rub against her legs. My wife knows he's asking to eat her. If she is busy, she will squat down to allow him to give a few licks and will allow him to eat it as long as he wants. If she is not busy, she lies down on the carpet and offers him her beautiful flower all open.
Perfect husband
My Dog is getting really Playful and Wild. He's jumping around me, climbing on my Sofa or bed, etc. and gives me Kisses.
He Barks at me Sometimes, Stares at me, and Basically Waits for the Permission to Have me.
It's a Little Crazier when he's in Big Heat. But he's a Good Boy and knows that there are Rules, so he just Barks more at me and be Clinging on me.
She will press her head between my legs…. I’ll rub her belly and she lifts a leg. I’ll move to her pussy and begin to rub gently to get her wet. She knows when I‘m in the bedroom and call her up its play time. Sometimes she pauses and plays hard to get, then gets zoomie and comes in. She’ll bark and lightly bite my hand paw at me. If I’m naked she’ll lick me wich feels amazing and i have to regulate her so i don’t cum. I’ll rub the outside of her pussy and she melts in my arms… As she gets wet, I’ll insert my finger… I have a chair I sit in at the right height and she’ll back into me. I’ve only been able to get the tip in, not full depth… But she still made me cum… But we’re new lovers And I want more. Next I need to figure out how to give her oral.
Mine just look at me until i ask what. Then he go to my bed room and return to me several time with little barking. He understant when I say no and wait. When we are in the bed he just put his sheat in my face like suck this... or sit on my hand to put his balls (rip no more ball tumeur) or his sheat in my hand a good way with me lol . Dog are smart and can know what you love too.