Esteemed Citizen of ZV
Those are almost certainly men.I have ran into opposite not here long but all i get are flakes who wank then you never hear from them again
That's the reality here. I don't know what your experience has been, in detail, but the wank and run, the ghosting women, almost entirely done by men pretending to be women.
If you're talking to a woman here and you get weird or creepy, or over aggressive and it IS actually a woman, she will almost certainly ghost you.
But, if none of that is at your doorstep and its all just looking good and it all seems great and then you get ghosted its a dude, he got his nut 'chatting' with you and he's off to the next in line.
And, conversely, if you pull any of the aggressive shit with them, they eat that shit up, why? Because they're men, and they're pretty aggressive themselves.
My advice to you is to #1, assume every account here is a man or a man in costume, until you are able to reliable establish they are not a man.
#2. Pay very, very close attention the the wording they use and the manner in which they use it. Close you eyes and ask yourself does this sound like something a woman or a man would say? FORGET the actual words and listen instead to the tone.
Men and women don't speak about sex in the same tone. There are certainly aggressive women, and there are certainly horny women, but, even in those cases, the TONE of what they same is markedly different than that of a man.