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How do I find a beast girlfriend?

When I worked at an animal shelter, I worked with a girl that would go on rants about how she hated that we had to spay/neuter everything that walked through the door. I didn't consider it at the time but I really should have asked her out. She was also an anit-social ball of anxiety so...almost 100% into zoo haha
TX checking in ('-')7
Hey that “antisocial ball of anxiety“ thing hits a little hard ???
First get a k9
Yeah, it's the most obvious solution. Now suppose, I do want to have a k9, firstly bc I want a pet and I am a dog person. Now shit gets tricky: How do you train him? Mmm?
In order to get a trained dog, you need a woman. In order to get a woman you need a trained dog. Vicious circle
Cali seems pretty active, in context. Also a big long state covering a lot of distance so that might be a handicap.
Yeah, it's the most obvious solution. Now suppose, I do want to have a k9, firstly bc I want a pet and I am a dog person. Now shit gets tricky: How do you train him? Mmm?
In order to get a trained dog, you need a woman. In order to get a woman you need a trained dog. Vicious circle
My dog required zero training to mount. He did that on his own, first try. And I know this is not true of every dog. Mine was just a naturally horny boy I guess. The only training he needed was when it was okay for him to have a go
Surely it can't be that hard to meet someone who's a zoo who's romantically compatible, I've told my first partner about it who wasn't one, but my current partner ended out to be one herself before we met.
Is being able to meet a zoo on here not an option?
For some, maybe most, yes.

For others, its not been a problem.

My thinking is that it boils down to 3 things. Location being pretty important, some areas are better represented than others. Hard to meet someone when you live in an area with very few members here, if here is where you're looking, right?

The other 2 things are personality and approach. Personalities have to click, which is self-explanatory....

And how you go at the approaching others is going to largely determine success or failure.
A long State that's for sure but everybody I come across are guys in California and any women or in other countries or on the east coast of the United States
Tons of guys say they want a gf into it. Reality though is only so many guys can actually handle it in any sort of mature manner.

It seems what they really fantasize about and "want" is a girl who does not have a dog already and she is "curious" so they can think that they're unlocking some secret hidden slut or something. And he can control the entire situation.
Tons of guys say they want a gf into it. Reality though is only so many guys can actually handle it in any sort of mature manner.

It seems what they really fantasize about and "want" is a girl who does not have a dog already and she is "curious" so they can think that they're unlocking some secret hidden slut or something. And he can control the entire situation.
Very insightful. What are features of guys that are able to handle it?
Tons of guys say they want a gf into it. Reality though is only so many guys can actually handle it in any sort of mature manner.

It seems what they really fantasize about and "want" is a girl who does not have a dog already and she is "curious" so they can think that they're unlocking some secret hidden slut or something. And he can control the entire situation.
I have never understood how this all works in some guy's heads. If you're this lucky, you should count your blessings and put your stupid ego in a box and forget about it.

But, it comes up over and over.
I just think being active as a guy itself and knowing how it really feels you could be a good help during the process, instead of just wanting to see it as a real live porn movie, there is so much involved into this process certainly if the female isn't experienced in it yet.
I just think being active as a guy itself and knowing how it really feels you could be a good help during the process, instead of just wanting to see it as a real live porn movie, there is so much involved into this process certainly if the female isn't experienced in it yet.

for sure, but I believe that the topic here in Brazil is still very scarce, women are afraid to talk about it, or I show "disgust"
even on fetish sites.
Maybe out of fear, I don't really know.
This is the first website, forum really dedicated to this.
maybe I'm a little excited haha
for sure, but I believe that the topic here in Brazil is still very scarce, women are afraid to talk about it, or I show "disgust"
even on fetish sites.
Maybe out of fear, I don't really know.
This is the first website, forum really dedicated to this.
maybe I'm a little excited haha
It's everywhere really scare, it's mostly everywhere illegal and it can distroy your whole private life, so yes ofcourse people are really careful and self defensive about it, I am to.
I think you just have to be dilligent and share your kinks up front. It can be a risk but life is a risk and if you search certain places you can find the one. I know i found the Mrs. This way and we havent looked back. ?
Nice it worked out for you, but I'm probably not really fast with telling this kinks upfront, unless i do know the dating get really serious and the woman is really REALLY open minded.
Nice it worked out for you, but I'm probably not really fast with telling this kinks upfront, unless i do know the dating get really serious and the woman is really REALLY open minded.
Not so much being fast telling them. Its just dating someone who is sexually adventurous.
Well I'm talking with someone I share a lot with about sexual thing's, but this still keeps on the background ? as I say if it gets really serious i will test these grounds a bit more, she has potential though ?
Nice to hear that! Fingers crossed?