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How do I find a beast girlfriend?

I'm not looking for someone, but if I was I'd put pictures of me and my dogs on my Tinder profile and something like "kink positive" and maybe go to furry meetup since those are legal but probably have some zoos. Also, older people here have talked about swingers being zoo sometimes.
Thank you to both of you guys, that's the most sensible method I've ever heard. Will be updating tinder today then!
Look for someone interested in dog-play as well. It's likely that a fair number of women who engage in dog-play are also open to dogsex. Dog-play is adjacent to zoo.
So basically like the title says...

I really want a girlfriend who is into at least dogs. Either already doing things or wants to.

How do I find a girl like this without embarrassing myself?

Is this a joke!? How are people meant to answer this? 😂🤷 it’s not like we can say u find them in a particular place, this place is full of them. It’s a tender subject at best lol

Find someone your super close with and drop hints, gauge the reaction, if it’s negative leave it alone. If it’s curious or positive, mention a little more, the key is to give nothing away to early, and never direct yourself into it. Only once you know they are curious or into it, should you admit that you are.
But expect a lot of negative responses. I’ve been lucky and found 5 ex partners into it. And my current gf is also into it. I guess I’m just very fortunate and know how to engage the subject, gift of the gab so to speak.
my personal recommendation is to just start dating regular girls, warm them up to it a little and then one night after youve already finished and she still wants more.. just pull your dogs cock out and let him go to town on her. from my experience.. 4 out of 7 times it works.. every time.

otherwise.. looking on here, or perhaps in other dog friendly communities is probably your best bet.. lots of furries are a bit suspect as well. if you go where the dogs are.. youre going to find more girls who are receptive to dog love, per capita. also fetish girls, puppy players and those types are much more likely to wind up having an overlapping interests or potentially open minds.

artofzoo, beastdate (rather defunct, google it) and zoosbook are a few other places for doggy dating online.. but the numbers are very small. its sad because craigslist used to be a potential goldmine,, but no more. heh all other dating apps will pretty much block you instantly for putting your dog up for stud in a profile..

which begats the most obvious key.. If you want to find a doggy friendly girl.. you need to have a dog already. a real life, flesh and blood, intact and ready to fuck male dog. otherwise, you might as well be writing fantasy fiction or posting personals ads that read.. 'guy who wants to be a millionaire someday currently looking for a girlfriend'

final word of advice is if doggy is really something you require to have a successful relationship.. let your potential mates know about it as early as possible with some sort of discussion. if theyre turned off or instantly blacklist you.. that wasnt the right girl for you and you just saved precious lifetime.

my personal philosophy is 'my dog fucks first'.. and thats a rule I hold to with every girl I meet or date. if they want it bad enough theyll be willing to give it a try at least.. and youll never have to deal with a girl that hasnt already been fucked-out and turned into a sloppy dog cummy mess by the time its your turn agian!
The very first part is such nonsense. I’m sorry but what bad advice.
So I have been wanting to try this for a while but would like help. How do you find someone or a couple who is into this and willing to help me experience this? Where can I go online or in my town to find these people that are into the same interest?