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How do I find a beast girlfriend?

I'm having similar troubles except I'm looking for a boyfriend already into beast.
Problem with Introducing a partner to it is the risk that they will report you to family or the authorities, especially since they're cracking down on beast I'm the legal systems.
I can definitely relate to this. I have had way too many close calls after I think I can trust someone.
Then one night after youve already finished and she still wants more.. just pull your dogs cock out and let him go to town on her. from my experience.. 4 out of 7 times it works..

I respectfully disagree with this part, I don't think any sexual act should be just sprung on someone in the moment, and especially not one thats considered this hard-core by the "average" person. If its not discussed AND agreed to before hand it is a bad idea, it can cause lots of problems and negative feelings, anger, resentment, regret, shame, vulnerability, and so on. Whether real, or just perceived, that pressure carries the same weight and influence in the moment. It’s only long after the fact they will differentiate between intentional and incidental or misinterpreted pressure. The key word is consent guys, if you don't have it, don't do it, plain and simple. That's just my two cents, do with it what you will.
I can definitely relate to this. I have had way too many close calls after I think I can trust someone.
Hindsight is 20/20
When I was 19 I started dating this super hot girl who was new in town and could pretty much have anyone she wanted. Needless to say I felt very lucky. One day we're sitting in her bedroom, just hanging out, when SHE brought up the topic of sex taboos, wanted to know if i had any. Of course I didn't mention that I was into zoo. That would've been too risky. She scrolled through her phone making jokes about obscure taboos that people have when she got around to talking about zoo. She stayed on that one for quite a while. I couldn't tell if she was trying to give me a hint, or if she was just innocently looking at weird shit on the Internet. A few years later I heard through the grapevine that she was in fact a zoo.
I can definitely relate to this. I have had way too many close calls after I think I can trust someone.
Hindsight is 20/20
When I was 19 I started dating this super hot girl who was new in town and could pretty much have anyone she wanted. Needless to say I felt very lucky. One day we're sitting in her bedroom, just hanging out, when SHE brought up the topic of sex taboos, wanted to know if i had any. Of course I didn't mention that I was into zoo. That would've been too risky. She scrolled through her phone making jokes about obscure taboos that people have when she got around to talking about zoo. She stayed on that one for quite a while. I couldn't tell if she was trying to give me a hint, or if she was just innocently looking at weird shit on the Internet. A few years later I heard through the grapevine that she was in fact into zoo
I'm having similar troubles except I'm looking for a boyfriend already into beast.
Problem with Introducing a partner to it is the risk that they will report you to family or the authorities, especially since they're cracking down on beast I'm the legal systems.

I'm having similar troubles except I'm looking for a boyfriend already into beast.
Problem with Introducing a partner to it is the risk that they will report you to family or the authorities, especially since they're cracking down on beast I'm the legal systems.
I've had bad luck in this department. What state are you in?

So basically like the title says...

I really want a girlfriend who is into at least dogs. Either already doing things or wants to.

How do I find a girl like this without embarrassing myself?

Get to know people and keep trying. I am a woman into dogs and when I told my boyfriend I was terrified but I'm always upfront.

I think it's definitely harder for men in that regard. Be patient. Like the person first. I don't think relationship should be contingent on ONE single thing. It takes years to feel close enough with someone to be fully honest with them sometimes. Othertimes it as least takes months to get used to their habits and personality.

If you just want a hook-up. Just be upfront. It's not illegal to have a fetish and ask if someone shares the fetish.
Get to know people and keep trying. I am a woman into dogs and when I told my boyfriend I was terrified but I'm always upfront.

I think it's definitely harder for men in that regard. Be patient. Like the person first. I don't think relationship should be contingent on ONE single thing. It takes years to feel close enough with someone to be fully honest with them sometimes. Othertimes it as least takes months to get used to their habits and personality.

If you just want a hook-up. Just be upfront. It's not illegal to have a fetish and ask if someone shares the fetish.
This is very true there's not many ladies out here that will discuss or talk to us men about situations of this as I call it extra curricular activities
This is very true there's not many ladies out here that will discuss or talk to us men about situations of this as I call it extra curricular activities
Getting to know them first would definitely help with that! But if they don't seem honest, I'd say move on! People who aren't honest and upfront if that is your preference, aren't the people for you. Some people are more private! And imagine how scared they might be to share!

I wish all of y'all luck!
I've only recently started looking. I'd hope to find a girlfriend, or even a trans guy, who's into mares like I am. Maybe I'll be fortunate enough to find someone like that on here, even better if they're close to where I live or want to live, but gotta play the long game.
Factual stats.

I approve and confirm their veracity.
He was also dead on with
“If you want to find a doggy friendly girl.. you need to have a dog already. a real life, flesh and blood, intact and ready to fuck male dog. otherwise, you might as well be writing fantasy fiction or posting personals ads that read.. 'guy who wants to be a millionaire someday” (but I’m curently unemployed)

i modified the ending to fit better
He was also dead on with
“If you want to find a doggy friendly girl.. you need to have a dog already. a real life, flesh and blood, intact and ready to fuck male dog. otherwise, you might as well be writing fantasy fiction or posting personals ads that read.. 'guy who wants to be a millionaire someday” (but I’m curently unemployed)

i modified the ending to fit better
I really wish I could get a dog to mess with. I just can't have one where I live now, and I'm known as pretty much exclusively a cat person, so owning a dog would look a little weird for me.

Maybe someday...
I really wish I could get a dog to mess with. I just can't have one where I live now, and I'm known as pretty much exclusively a cat person, so owning a dog would look a little weird for me.

Maybe someday...
That’s the biggest problem for a lot of people into or interested in this lifestyle, so many places are restrictive on owning pets.
That’s the biggest problem for a lot of people into or interested in this lifestyle, so many places are restrictive on owning pets.
I could have a small one, according to my lease, but I mentioned earlier in a different thread that I just can't get into little dogs. I'd want to have something medium sized, with a nicely-sized cock, but not so big that I can't handle it.

Oh, and he would ideally have some FAT balls to hold lots and lots of cum.
He was also dead on with
“If you want to find a doggy friendly girl.. you need to have a dog already. a real life, flesh and blood, intact and ready to fuck male dog. otherwise, you might as well be writing fantasy fiction or posting personals ads that read.. 'guy who wants to be a millionaire someday” (but I’m curently unemployed)

i modified the ending to fit better
Straight up. The number one fail for people who actually are non-toxic internet trolls here is this very concept.
I could have a small one, according to my lease, but I mentioned earlier in a different thread that I just can't get into little dogs. I'd want to have something medium sized, with a nicely-sized cock, but not so big that I can't handle it.

Oh, and he would ideally have some FAT balls to hold lots and lots of cum.
Lol just remember dogs Are not so unlike humans. A healthy diet and proper hydration is going to go a lot further toward healthy dog who performs better and one that will supply more semen. If it’s a crap dry food with no probiotic, no real nutrients and chloromide tap water - well he’s going to be like a junk food guy who struggles to keep it hard. Feed your dog what you would feed yourself (if you eat healthy that is)
Lol just remember dogs Are not so unlike humans. A healthy diet and proper hydration is going to go a lot further toward healthy dog who performs better and one that will supply more semen. If it’s a crap dry food with no probiotic, no real nutrients and chloromide tap water - well he’s going to be like a junk food guy who struggles to keep it hard. Feed your dog what you would feed yourself (if you eat healthy that is)
When I was dating this one girl yeeeears ago, she had me start taking something called the "cum holy grail." It's a couple vitamins that are supposed to increase how much cum and precum you make. I've always been curious what it would do to a dog.
When I was dating this one girl yeeeears ago, she had me start taking something called the "cum holy grail." It's a couple vitamins that are supposed to increase how much cum and precum you make. I've always been curious what it would do to a dog.
Give the ingredients to you vet and ask it’d it’s a healthy supplement. There are herbs people can take that dogs should never. Rosemary is no bueno (even though it’s in like 90% of all dry dog food to keep the mill moths out)
Give the ingredients to you vet and ask it’d it’s a healthy supplement. There are herbs people can take that dogs should never. Rosemary is no bueno (even though it’s in like 90% of all dry dog food to keep the mill moths out)
It was something like zinc, soy lecithin, l-arginine, and pygeum. I could never find the pygeum.

If memory serves though, I did notice a difference.
If you don’t get the vets blessing then skip it, the dog’s health is the most important thing
Eh, it's a pipe dream. It's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the road, if ever.

I like to think I see it down there, but it could just be a mirage.
Eh, it's a pipe dream. It's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the road, if ever.

I like to think I see it down there, but it could just be a mirage.
Just go with natural foods - peas carrots brown rice potatoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin (though limit the amount of those you give them). Yogurt is another good one. Think healthy foods that digest easy. easy on any leafy green though - som broccoli is ok but avoid the mustard family
When I worked at an animal shelter, I worked with a girl that would go on rants about how she hated that we had to spay/neuter everything that walked through the door. I didn't consider it at the time but I really should have asked her out. She was also an anit-social ball of anxiety so...almost 100% into zoo haha
TX checking in ('-')7