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How do I find a beast girlfriend?

Well, I have found mine among furry community. She is pretty chill about my sexuality and allow it, but on one condition - she has to be one and only human partner)
I'm having similar troubles except I'm looking for a boyfriend already into beast.
Problem with Introducing a partner to it is the risk that they will report you to family or the authorities, especially since they're cracking down on beast I'm the legal systems.
This is exactly what I'm afraid of. I'm poly and want to I find a partner also into beast so badly but there's a lot of fear surrounding the whole experience. ??
So basically like the title says...

I really want a girlfriend who is into at least dogs. Either already doing things or wants to.

How do I find a girl like this without embarrassing myself?

I'd say a good start would be to hangout with people who have dogs for example go to dog parks watch how they interact with there animal. Meet them how do they talk...do they talk about being open-minded what are there beliefs etc....in my experience my late wife was into goth or use to be, she had horses growing up. She spoke her mind and was very accepting of other people. I'd say open mindedness is a good place to start and you just have to build that friendship. Maybe make a joke about sex with animals in casual conversation. My late wife was very dark sense of humor so saying such things as a joke see how they react. Just take it slow is what I did and when I told her she accepted me for my feelings because I built that friendship over a period of time and even tho she wasn't into dogs she very much loved me enough to support me in my feelings and even was going to help me in the process. I hope this helps just take it with a grain of salt and take your time.
I don't think I would really recommend bringing this up to people on fetlife to be honest. I suppose it's better than bringing it up to someone IRL, lol! I just don't really recommend making those conclusions about people just for being into things like bdsm or kink. For most people these days the 'fur baby' craze seems to have taken over and pets = kids or something, so they might really react poorly to you bringing up something like this if you care at all about having the person as a casual acquaintance otherwise.
Its not really a topic you can discuss openly with someone you met from Tinder etc.. Hopefully you'll find someone on here :)
Proud to be part of the 10% that is 100%

I'm having similar troubles except I'm looking for a boyfriend already into beast.
Problem with Introducing a partner to it is the risk that they will report you to family or the authorities, especially since they're cracking down on beast I'm the legal systems.

No, I stopped looking in order to focus on getting my own property first. I figured from my own place I could meet people more comfortably. Though I'm open, I'm not actively seeking one anymore at this time.
How did getting that property work out for you? I put off looking cause I need a fully fenced in yard. Fence built. Baby steps right?
I've been lurking on sites for videos and forums. I very much doubt I'll ever do anything myself but it's made me very much aware I want to be in a relationship with someone that is into it aswell which is going to be interesting. How did other people bring it up to their partners?
You might be able to find other zoos on Grindr but I'd wager it'd be pretty difficult, just because no-one on the app is open about it and most people on the app aren't zoophiles. You could put a little hint in your bio but if it's too obvious you'll likely be reported or harassed and if it's too obscure no-one will get it.

You might find more luck on Fetlife or a similar app — but there's less FetLife users than Grindr users, and if you live in a rural-ish area you might as well not waste your time.
I threw a zeta symbol and my profile and would get asked about once a week if I was an owner and it was usually sketchy AF, seemed like the same few people over and over making new profiles. the closest id found to something that seemed real was a guy telling me about his previous bf a town over who was an owner and he introduced us on there I chatted with the bf for a couple minutes but we didn't really hit it off and I left it there not wanting to be a creeper or anything.

I'd get the occasional guy who knew the symbol and would ask, I was upfront about it and they'd either be cool with it or block me lol, overall id say nothing really came of being openly zoo on there.
What's the odds of actually finding a partner on here and do yall think that it's easier to ignore this fetish and try and be with normal girls ?
Alright, let's do some maths!

98% of the users are male. Of the remaining 2%, not all are females irl, many already have a significant other and many are zoo exclusive, not all would be open to date someone from this site.

Of the few non-zoo exclusive that are single and open to date someone from this site, they are sought after by the 90% straight and single non-zoo exclusive male members.

So, very slim chances, bordering to impossible odds.

Best of luck.
So basically like the title says...

I really want a girlfriend who is into at least dogs. Either already doing things or wants to.

How do I find a girl like this without embarrassing myself?


So basically like the title says...

I really want a girlfriend who is into at least dogs. Either already doing things or wants to.

How do I find a girl like this without embarrassing myself?

Very interesting, I have never really thought of it from the man's perspective! I normally seek out Dominant men who clearly seek control. My problem is distance! Distance limits the frequency of my interactions. I am active but only every two months or so. We all know how addictive this can be! To meet others, this site, chat rooms, all help, being able and willing to travel is a key for me. I have slowly developed friendships, that have led to other friendships and a circle of like minded people. So, interacting here is a great first step, as you are already in a community of shared interest, afterall this is not Starbucks conversation! A willingness to meet is important, if like me, you are in a small town, our chances are really slim. Doing your research is vital. I love a man who understands my needs and enjoys making it happen. Not sure it helps but good luck in your search.
Number one thing I see zoo guys saying, everywhere where they are is "I can't find any chicks into dogs, why?"

Ask them a few simple questions and the why part becomes clear fairly quickly. First question: Do you own a male dog or ANY dog? #1 answer is no. DUH........If that's the progression, I don't ask anymore questions. The reason you can't locate K9 chicks is because you are you're own worst enemy.

If the answer to the dog question is yes, then question #2 is what kind of dog. The answers here vary widely, but, 99% of the answers, regardless of what it is, makes it all a no go. Look dudes, NO k9 chick in history has EVER fantasized about a fucking Chihuahua, unless she was very very hungry and fantasizing about roasted meat. Chico is never getting his wee wee sucked. Period. Full Stop.

Same goes for Cocker Spaniels, Jack Russel Terriers, Beagles and all the other smaller breeds, cute dogs, toy dogs, etc. It's true that k9 girls HAVE fucked and sucked dogs like these, there's plenty of amateur porn to verify this, these are examples of a chick making due with the materials on hand, nothing more, nothing less.

You need a REAL dog, one with sex appeal and some good old fashion ANIMAL appeal. Do you know why commercial dog porn never uses a Chihuahua? Because you're supposed to be aroused, NOT laughing. They use BIG dogs, dogs packing real meat, real muscle, real size all around. If you have to hold the dog TO the pussy, you're doing it wrong. Occasionally, you'll run across a commercial dog porn using a smaller dog and what do you see? The dog is too short, the actress is too stupid to spread her knees out a little so the dog has footing to plow away, the dog is essentially laying on her lower back, wobbling away, falling off, dismounting, etc.....

Ladies, is this your K9 fantasy being described here? The real one, the one that makes you cum, not the one you tell guys who question you too closely..........?

Guys, think BIG. Yes, it's true, the right girl might fuck your Chihuahua, but odds are no one is really going to relish that. She also might live with your micro-penis too, but only if you're really nice and not a complete asshole, eventually. Look, no one is perfect, we all know that. Anything can work at any point with anyone in any situation. BUT, if you want to increase your odds and your chances, you need to bring your A game. Not rely on maybes.

Get a big dog. Doberman, Rottweiler, Mastiff, Pitt. Size, muscle, power, package. Preferably a dog whose cock and balls are going to present very prominently. You need to think advertising. You want her to fuck your dog, so make sure she can see your dog CAN fuck her. Make damn sure she CAN see his cock. You WANT her looking at his cock. You want her thinking about the fact that she's looking at a big fat dog cock. Trust me, you want that. No, she's not going to drool and slobber and confess a strong desire to get plowed by Rover, at least, not in so many words and not out loud, but on the inside, in her head, you want those ideas rattling around. Trust me on that.

Get the damn dog first. MOVE if you must, but without the dog, it's a lost cause, period.

Once you have the dog....WALK the dog. A LOT. Everywhere, all the time, every chance you get. Hey, it's good for the dog and it will be good for you too. At the very least, odds are YOU get laid even if Rover doesn't right away. NEWSFLASH......Chicks LIKE DOGS. Guess which dogs get more female attention? Tip.....it isn't Chihuahuas. This is a solid fact, you can see it play out daily in parks and dog parks across the country. But, in addition to you getting laid, Rover will get his too, eventually.

1.) Walk the dog a lot.
2.) Take the dog with you to places, as much as possible.
3.) Lather, rinse, repeat.
So true! Women who are interested in this won't be able to resist approaching. I have a dog tag that says "quite the STUD" with STUD in large print. Just need to make it easy for her to spot it.

Also, it's not illegal to be interested in this. It's just illegal to do it.

Instead of trying to find a girl who's into this. Look for one who'll accept that you're turned on by the idea of girls having sex with dogs. Then at least you won't have to keep your interest a secret.

Think about finding someone who's compatible in other ways and leave it at that. Women can be incredibly tolerant with a guy who they really like. And who knows, maybe her imagination will go to work. Just don't push it.

Many women have been burned in their attempts to find a guy who can accept their "dog habits," so you run the risk of one denying their interest to protect themself.

Also, if you don't already have a suitable male dog, how serious are you?


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So true! Women who are interested in this won't be able to resist approaching. I have a dog tag that says "quite the STUD" with STUD in large print. Just need to make it easy for her to spot it.

Also, it's not illegal to be interested in this. It's just illegal to do it.

Instead of trying to find a girl who's into this. Look for one who'll accept that you're turned on by the idea of girls having sex with dogs. Then at least you won't have to keep your interest a secret.

Think about finding someone who's compatible in other ways and leave it at that. Women can be incredibly tolerant with a guy who they really like. And who knows, maybe her imagination will go to work. Just don't push it.

Many women have been burned in their attempts to find a guy who can accept their "dog habits," so you run the risk of one denying their interest to protect themself.

Also, if you don't already have a suitable male dog, how serious are you?
Yeah, from a womans point of view, mine, I agree with what you and dogdaddy have said.
It has to start with connection between you. There will be chemistry and natural affection or there won't be. Focus on that because nothing is more of a turn off than I guy going on about getting his needs met..... me me me.

Women for the most part want connection. Or at least I do.

And you know I am not a hands on practising zoo. Im a vicarious zoo they tell me. I am happy to hear all the stories from the boys and fantasize and masturbate about it all, as if I will one day actually take the step.

Not sure that I will. Im a city girl and I hardly ever meet a man with a dog at all. But it's not impossible. And the other day I was in the city and just out of a meeting, crossing a big park and eagle-eye spotted an uncut rather large dog. Cross breed. Not sure what he was but he was quite a sizeable animal. And he looked adorable. And calm. And he had these big round balls sticking out the back. And from the side I could see that he had a rather large member hidden inside that furry sheath. Yes, thats right - I imagined it out and hard. But I pulled myself up feeling ashamed.

I never think about dog sex usually at all. Its just when I get a particular kind of horny, and when I get a particular kind of high. However I was shocked at how locked onto him my eyes were. I was kind of embarrassed, as if others could see me thinking about a dog in a sexual way. I was in heels and business suit skirt etc. I might have gone over and said hello otherwise. But I still felt really surprised to be looking at this animal this way. What are you thinking Minxen! I chastised myself and went home - not far from there. And I immediately put my hands down my pants and my clit was bulbous and wet. I came really hard that day. It was a lesson in being a little bit more zooey than I knew.

My point is that DogDaddy is right about big sexy dogs. Pet sex seems really messy uncomfortable and all over the place, besides being illegal. But if I met someone with a lovely big pooch as DD says - " Get a big dog. Doberman, Rottweiler, Mastiff, Pitt. Size, muscle, power, package. Preferably a dog whose cock and balls are going to present very prominently." Yes. I concur. if I liked the man and felt trust etc..... I would at least be open to the idea. I can't just fuck anymore. There has to be some connection.

So honestly two years ago....probably only a year ago I would have been shocked to think I could say this but there you go.

In sum.
Focus on the relationship. You will get hints if they are broadminded etc. But don't date them just because of that. Date them because you really like them.

And get yourself a big handsome dog.
If you love me that is.


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Hello zoo community I'm very glad to be here with people who really like what I like too, and I want to ask you a question that I'm trying to find an answer for.

I'm a 32 y man and I want to find a partner (woman) that she loves zoo too or at least don't have a problem with that. It will be nice to get some notes and tips how and where to find a woman like this. If there is a dating sites or even here :)

Thank you all !
u can go in line with VERY VERY many others

most zoos dont search a relationship with humans and women often feel unsafe here from creepy males so dont hope for much - but u can hope
zoophile ive come across has been on random sites. Craigslist, grinder, fetlife, reddit, doublelist
Zoophile, ya sure. :D
Bestialist at best, normie with a fetish most likely.
Zoophile, ya sure. :D
Bestialist at best, normie with a fetish most likely.
I appreciate this, I realize I still have a ton of learning to do within this side of myself and this has helped.