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Gun Ownership - NO politics, just "Do you or do you not own a firearm"

Do you legally own a firearm of any kind?

  • I own one or more firearms, and am an American

    Votes: 432 55.7%
  • I own NO firearms, and am an American

    Votes: 122 15.7%
  • I own one or more firearms, and am other than American (Feel free to specify Citizenship)

    Votes: 81 10.4%
  • I own NO firearms, and am other than American (Feel free to specify Citizenship)

    Votes: 114 14.7%
  • I am not legally able to own a firearm (Feel free to specify reason)

    Votes: 27 3.5%

  • Total voters
Currently dont own any firearms. Looking into it not far down the road.
Canadian with a lotta guns. Many people think Canadians are quite restricted when it comes to firearms, but other than a lot of weird and quirky restrictions, it's one of the least restrictive countries when it comes to firearm ownership.
Personally I have:

- Ruger Mini-14
- 1964 Tula SKS
- 1934 Mosin
- Kodiak Defense WK180 (AR platform)
- Marlin 30-30 lever action
- Mossberg Patriot 30-06
- Remington 7mm
- Traditions .50 Cal Flintlock
- Mossberg Cruiser 12 gauge (my home defense shotty)
- Old rusty double barrel 12 gauge I got from my pops
- Ruger 10/22
- BR-99 mag fed semi-auto shotgun on an AR platform

Unfortunately earlier this year my Norinco M-14 blew up on me at the range when it fired out of battery... cut my face up a bit in the process.

Not all of them are in the picture but here's a sample
View attachment 55858
mmmmmmmmmm gun porn....lol.
Good. I try to explain to people how dangerous a chain fire can be in the mag with the tips of the rounds against the primers
Try explaining chain fires to a newb who bought the lever gun because it "looks cool", and is in the process of throwing a hissy-fit about not being able to find ammo loaded with nice, cool looking pointy-tipped bullets for it instead of all those wimpy-looking roundnose bullets or the ones with "the stupid rubber points that'll just make the bullets bounce off whatever you shoot at instead of blowing a proper two foot wide hole all the way through it"... <rolls eyes>

Those are the kind who are walking proof that there truly *ARE* people who should never be allowed to get within spitting distance of a firearm, never mind being permitted to actually own, or even scarier, operate one without CLOSE adult supervision.
Try explaining chain fires to a newb who bought the lever gun because it "looks cool", and is in the process of throwing a hissy-fit about not being able to find ammo loaded with nice, cool looking pointy-tipped bullets for it instead of all those wimpy-looking roundnose bullets or the ones with "the stupid rubber points that'll just make the bullets bounce off whatever you shoot at instead of blowing a proper two foot wide hole all the way through it"... <rolls eyes>

Those are the kind who are walking proof that there truly *ARE* people who should never be allowed to get within spitting distance of a firearm, never mind being permitted to actually own, or even scarier, operate one without CLOSE adult supervision.
Guilty - got into guns from video games. But it didn't take too long for me to learn about firearms - and whatever you don't learn on a gun range can easily be searched for.

Many start out with games (and their lack of experience shows) but some actually bother to learn.
Another chain fire is cap and ball revolvers when the ball didn't have either a lubed under wad or greased over the ball, saw a full power loaded Walker Colt explode at a range, guy lost fingers.

For those not in the know the Walker was the most powerful hand gun from 1847-1935 when the .357 matched it. A full power load is 60 grains of fffg powder behind a 144 grain .451 ball.
Guilty - got into guns from video games. But it didn't take too long for me to learn about firearms - and whatever you don't learn on a gun range can easily be searched for.

Many start out with games (and their lack of experience shows) but some actually bother to learn.
I got no problem with the ones who DO go to the effort to actually learn. Ignorance can be easily cured with liberal applications of education and practice. Stupid, on the other hand, is forever.

Another chain fire is cap and ball revolvers when the ball didn't have either a lubed under wad or greased over the ball, saw a full power loaded Walker Colt explode at a range, guy lost fingers.
A fellow I worked alongside years ago packed a black-powder "hogleg" that would be fired now and again during performances as part of his "singing cowboy" routine. Since I'd never had any personal experience with black powder guns, I was baffled at first by the can of Crisco in his kit. Finally broke down and asked him about it, and he told me it was for when he was reloading. Which left me imagining he used it for lube, or something like that. But then he went and confused me even more - For performances, he loaded blanks - not a good idea to be popping off live fire amongst an audience, obviously - made up of a half-charge of powder under a wad of toilet paper, with the rest of the chamber packed with a glob of crisco. Eventually, of course, I had to know why, and he was happy to explain about the mechanics of chain-fires, and how the crisco kept 'em from happening.

Eye-opening to a black-powder know-nothing like I was at the time. And pretty well convinced me that sticking with cartridge-based weapons was my personal best bet :)
It's funny how the ATF considers suppressors firearms. So when I shoot suppressed I have a firearm on my firearm.

But I do so love my suppressed MP5.

How many of you reload like I do?
It's funny how the ATF considers suppressors firearms. So when I shoot suppressed I have a firearm on my firearm.

But I do so love my suppressed MP5.

How many of you reload like I do?
I do.
I also find it funny that the same person that invented the suppresser also invented the car muffler. The only real reason the suppresser had to be regulated wasn’t the fear people would be assassinated. It was of fear that people would knock off cattle on ranchers land and not be found in the night. Go figure.
I do.
I also find it funny that the same person that invented the suppresser also invented the car muffler. The only real reason the suppresser had to be regulated wasn’t the fear people would be assassinated. It was of fear that people would knock off cattle on ranchers land and not be found in the night. Go figure.
That, and allegedly full autos were banned for fears of an effectively armed (communist) revolution.
I got no problem with the ones who DO go to the effort to actually learn. Ignorance can be easily cured with liberal applications of education and practice. Stupid, on the other hand, is forever.

A fellow I worked alongside years ago packed a black-powder "hogleg" that would be fired now and again during performances as part of his "singing cowboy" routine. Since I'd never had any personal experience with black powder guns, I was baffled at first by the can of Crisco in his kit. Finally broke down and asked him about it, and he told me it was for when he was reloading. Which left me imagining he used it for lube, or something like that. But then he went and confused me even more - For performances, he loaded blanks - not a good idea to be popping off live fire amongst an audience, obviously - made up of a half-charge of powder under a wad of toilet paper, with the rest of the chamber packed with a glob of crisco. Eventually, of course, I had to know why, and he was happy to explain about the mechanics of chain-fires, and how the crisco kept 'em from happening.

Eye-opening to a black-powder know-nothing like I was at the time. And pretty well convinced me that sticking with cartridge-based weapons was my personal best bet :)
My fear with black powder guns are the detonations known as chain fires. ?
I believe you, however what are you restricted too? Would you be aloud to defend yourself with them? Can you carry concealed?
Semi Auto rifles over .22 cal are banned, as are handguns apart from Long Barrelled Revolvers and muzzle loading pistols. We can have centre fire rifles up to 50 BMG, but definitely no CCW (gets you a 5 year jail term). In a home invasion, you are allowed to use firearms to defend life and property, but in reality it would be doubtful as all firearms and ammunition has to be locked away in a gunsafe. You have to specify on your firearms license how much ammo of each calibre you wish to hold. but the cops only ever get to see what I decide to show them! Each firearm is logged by it's serial number, and Law Enforcement must be informed of any purchase or sale so they can track who has which firearms. You can only have what is specified on your license, ie .22lr, .223/5.56, .243Win, etc.
Semi Auto rifles over .22 cal are banned, as are handguns apart from Long Barrelled Revolvers and muzzle loading pistols. We can have centre fire rifles up to 50 BMG, but definitely no CCW (gets you a 5 year jail term). In a home invasion, you are allowed to use firearms to defend life and property, but in reality it would be doubtful as all firearms and ammunition has to be locked away in a gunsafe. You have to specify on your firearms license how much ammo of each calibre you wish to hold. but the cops only ever get to see what I decide to show them! Each firearm is logged by it's serial number, and Law Enforcement must be informed of any purchase or sale so they can track who has which firearms. You can only have what is specified on your license, ie .22lr, .223/5.56, .243Win, etc.
For all of the gun (people) control there is in Britain, it's done nothing to stop the black market. Look at London.

I'm sorry you have to deal with bullshit "legality", dogboy!
For all of the gun (people) control there is in Britain, it's done nothing to stop the black market. Look at London.

I'm sorry you have to deal with bullshit "legality", dogboy!
We have Liberal fanatical anti gun lobbyists here who whipped up so much gun hate after 2 idiots (Micheal Ryan and Thomas Hamilton) went on shooting rampages, (Hamilton killed 16 Primary school kids). Yes, it was sad that it happened, but the Gun Control Network kicked up such a huge stink in the media, plating on peoples emotions, and a pussy Government said basically "Guns bad, ban guns, no more gun crimes"....since then, crime rates have soared!
We can be debated buddies. Remington all the way.
except the 700. There still having problems with it.

To be honest, it's a brotherhood between the two models. I like the mossy better because it doesn't have that annoying little elevator tray you have to push the rounds past into the magazine. But I've had issues with mine concerning the forend. I had a pinned forend, which fell apart on me while at the range. Once the outbreak settles down, I'm going to have to swap that whole thing out. That's the thing with shotguns, they're so modifiable! Slap a pic rail on it and go nuts.
We have Liberal fanatical anti gun lobbyists here who whipped up so much gun hate after 2 idiots (Micheal Ryan and Thomas Hamilton) went on shooting rampages, (Hamilton killed 16 Primary school kids). Yes, it was sad that it happened, but the Gun Control Network kicked up such a huge stink in the media, plating on peoples emotions, and a pussy Government said basically "Guns bad, ban guns, no more gun crimes"....since then, crime rates have soared!
I’m curious to what they are doing for the stabbings there as well? As from what I was told, knife attacks are much more deadly and prevalent over there
To be honest, it's a brotherhood between the two models. I like the mossy better because it doesn't have that annoying little elevator tray you have to push the rounds past into the magazine. But I've had issues with mine concerning the forend. I had a pinned forend, which fell apart on me while at the range. Once the outbreak settles down, I'm going to have to swap that whole thing out. That's the thing with shotguns, they're so modifiable! Slap a pic rail on it and go nuts.
Mod your lifter on the Remington. I bird hunt with the 870 and been in the field with 500 guys. When there’s got dirt and grimy in there 500 it fails more then my 870 would. The lifter is a major contributor to dirt entering the action in 500s. Have you noticed that when DCOAing your shotgun?
Mod your lifter on the Remington. I bird hunt with the 870 and been in the field with 500 guys. When there’s got dirt and grimy in there 500 it fails more then my 870 would. The lifter is a major contributor to dirt entering the action in 500s. Have you noticed that when DCOAing your shotgun?

You have a valid point! I don't hunt or carry mine into the dirt. I have it for self-defense and target practice lol. But the trays on those Remmy's make more sense to me now that you put it like that. It's a solid shotty my guy! I also love how Remingtons have a color coded cap that shows when you use up all of the rounds in the magazine. It's a nice touch.
I’m curious to what they are doing for the stabbings there as well? As from what I was told, knife attacks are much more deadly and prevalent over there
Knife attacks are indeed prevalent in the entire country, bit statistically speaking a knife wound is about as lethal as a gunshot wound from a pistol.
You have a valid point! I don't hunt or carry mine into the dirt. I have it for self-defense and target practice lol. But the trays on those Remmy's make more sense to me now that you put it like that. It's a solid shotty my guy! I also love how Remingtons have a color coded cap that shows when you use up all of the rounds in the magazine. It's a nice touch.
If that’s the case then I wouldn’t denounce them. They work just fine. I find that with the lifter rounded at the lip makes loading easier and guides the round right where it needs to be. On a 500 you bottom out the shell on the bolt before you meet the mag .
Knife attacks are indeed prevalent in the entire country, bit statistically speaking a knife wound is about as lethal as a gunshot wound from a pistol.
Working in the medical field I have had surgical doctors tell me they would rather treat gunshot wounds over knife wounds. There much more messy and requires more to control and patch up. They say they go through 15 to 20 packs of thread on bad cases.
I’m curious to what they are doing for the stabbings there as well? As from what I was told, knife attacks are much more deadly and prevalent over there
Yes, knife crime and acid attacks are pretty much the norm here, especially in London and other big cities. Contrary to what the UK media tell you, illegal firearms are not easy to get hold of in the UK, hence the love of stabbing with kitchen knives and garden machettes.
My own stash includes a .22lr rifle, a .243WIN rifle, a .308WIN rifle, A Russian WW2 Mosin Nagant 7.62 rifle, a 1949 Lee Enfield .303, an Enfield .577 musket and a .44 muzzle loading 6 shot revolver. Add to that maybe a dozen air rifles and pistols.
Yes, knife crime and acid attacks are pretty much the norm here, especially in London and other big cities. Contrary to what the UK media tell you, illegal firearms are not easy to get hold of in the UK, hence the love of stabbing with kitchen knives and garden machettes.
My own stash includes a .22lr rifle, a .243WIN rifle, a .308WIN rifle, A Russian WW2 Mosin Nagant 7.62 rifle, a 1949 Lee Enfield .303, an Enfield .577 musket and a .44 muzzle loading 6 shot revolver. Add to that maybe a dozen air rifles and pistols.
Can’t go wrong with a 308. I prefer 6.5 creed more but it’s expensive