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Gun Ownership - NO politics, just "Do you or do you not own a firearm"

Do you legally own a firearm of any kind?

  • I own one or more firearms, and am an American

    Votes: 432 55.7%
  • I own NO firearms, and am an American

    Votes: 122 15.7%
  • I own one or more firearms, and am other than American (Feel free to specify Citizenship)

    Votes: 80 10.3%
  • I own NO firearms, and am other than American (Feel free to specify Citizenship)

    Votes: 114 14.7%
  • I am not legally able to own a firearm (Feel free to specify reason)

    Votes: 27 3.5%

  • Total voters
Yes, knife crime and acid attacks are pretty much the norm here, especially in London and other big cities. Contrary to what the UK media tell you, illegal firearms are not easy to get hold of in the UK, hence the love of stabbing with kitchen knives and garden machettes.
My own stash includes a .22lr rifle, a .243WIN rifle, a .308WIN rifle, A Russian WW2 Mosin Nagant 7.62 rifle, a 1949 Lee Enfield .303, an Enfield .577 musket and a .44 muzzle loading 6 shot revolver. Add to that maybe a dozen air rifles and pistols.
Black market guns, homemade firearms, etc. Just because your average crook doesn't have easy access to illegal firearms doesn't mean they can't get one, especially with organized crime.
Yes, .308 is probably one of the cheapest rounds to reload, and there is usually plenty of 7.62mm military surplus ammo to be had too. .243 is not too pricey, .303 is probably the most expensive, but even that works out at less than a Dollar/Pound a round with powder/primer/bullet.
Black market guns, homemade firearms, etc. Just because your average crook doesn't have easy access to illegal firearms doesn't mean they can't get one, especially with organized crime.
True, but the media would have the public believe that you can walk into just about any pub in a city and get a nice used Baretta 92FS or Glock19 from the bloke sitting in the corner.
Shotgun - 18.5" barrel. Haven't owned a gun in my many years, but am feeling the need now. I'd love to never use it, but I can :)

I'm the same way. I just love sending slug rounds through my 12 gauge mossberg. It's so much freakin fun!
I am not American and I currently own 1 firearm.
It's a Bersa Thunder .380 Plus, I bought it for self-defense mainly.

Getting a gun is not an easy task in my country, the paperwork can get expensive and it took at least 4 months to complete.
Also guns and ammunition are really expensive. I would love to own a .22lr carabine or pistol just to go range shooting, but I can't afford it.
1 shotgun, 1 rifle, 1 pistol, 1 compound bow. I think that's a good enough aresnal for any 1 household - not that I'm judging any of you "I have five AR-15s in different colors with all the add-on goodies!" freaks. :p
I do not hunt, but I'm certified in case I ever really needed to for survival purposes. :cool:
I am, however, a bit of a blade freak. I have a pretty impressive collection of swords and knives. ⚔
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I'm too much of a pussy to hunt.

I do love breaking flying pottery though. I'm not too bad at it either.
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instead of blowing a proper two foot wide hole all the way through it
I had the pleasure of firing a friend's late-1800's lever Winchester .44-40 once. Holy fuck did that thing obliterate whatever you were shooting. Ka-blooey!
True, but the media would have the public believe that you can walk into just about any pub in a city and get a nice used Baretta 92FS or Glock19 from the bloke sitting in the corner.
The media spins it the same way here in the states despite the fact that most firearms used in crimes here come from the black market. I forgot the amount of "legal" firearms used in crime, but from what I remember it was fairly low, I think it was under 20%. (And that's not to even mention that there's 1.2 firearms in the US for every person if the media is to be believed.)
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The media spins it the same way here in the states despite the fact that most firearms used in crimes here come from the black market. I forgot the amount of "legal" firearms used in crime, but from what I remember it was fairly low, I think it was under 20%. (And that's not to even mention that there's 1.2 firearms in the US for every person if the media is to be believed.)
Same here too. 99.9% of gun crimes are committed using "illegal" firearms, virtually none of the legally owned guns have ben used in gun related incidents, Dunblane and Hungerford excepted.
The media spins it the same way here in the states despite the fact that most firearms used in crimes here come from the black market. I forgot the amount of "legal" firearms used in crime, but from what I remember it was fairly low, I think it was under 20%. (And that's not to even mention that there's 1.2 firearms in the US for every person if the media is to be believed.)
Depends on whose numbers you pay attention to, but basically, *LEGALLY OWNED* firearms here in the USA are involved in less than 5% of all "gun crimes" that get reported. (Which rarely mentions the fact that everything from mishandling, pure accident, "Dropped the gun and it went off", "Dog got paw in trigger-guard and shot owner", gun exploded (for any of several possible reasons, some preventable, others pure WTF??? How/why?!?!?) when otherwise being handled safely, kids finding a loaded gun and playing with it until shooting themselves/someone else from pure lack of knowledge, and of course, the *SINGLE LARGEST CATEGORY*, far and away more frequent than all the rest combined: suicide - all get lumped together under the heading "gun crimes") Scary black "Assault weapons" such as the AR-15, legal or otherwise, are involved in less than 1% of all gun crimes. Full-auto/select-fire weapons (actual "assault rifles" and "machine guns" that are capable of sending more than one bullet downrange each time the trigger is pulled) account for less than a tenth of a percent of all gun crimes that have happened since statistics started being kept.

And again, depending on whose numbers you believe, I've heard/read that there are anywhere from 1 to 3 OPERATIONAL (as opposed to "pure wall-hangers" that are either incapable of firing, or that nobody in his right mind would even consider actually trying to fire for various reasons) firearms per person in the USA. A number which completely ignores muzzle-loaders and other "non-cartridge-based", but undeniably just as deadly, "boom-sticks".
Depends on whose numbers you pay attention to, but basically, *LEGALLY OWNED* firearms here in the USA are involved in less than 5% of all "gun crimes" that get reported. (Which rarely mentions the fact that everything from mishandling, pure accident, "Dropped the gun and it went off", "Dog got paw in trigger-guard and shot owner", gun exploded (for any of several possible reasons, some preventable, others pure WTF??? How/why?!?!?) when otherwise being handled safely, kids finding a loaded gun and playing with it until shooting themselves/someone else from pure lack of knowledge, and of course, the *SINGLE LARGEST CATEGORY*, far and away more frequent than all the rest combined: suicide - all get lumped together under the heading "gun crimes") Scary black "Assault weapons" such as the AR-15, legal or otherwise, are involved in less than 1% of all gun crimes. Full-auto/select-fire weapons (actual "assault rifles" and "machine guns" that are capable of sending more than one bullet downrange each time the trigger is pulled) account for less than a tenth of a percent of all gun crimes that have happened since statistics started being kept.

And again, depending on whose numbers you believe, I've heard/read that there are anywhere from 1 to 3 OPERATIONAL (as opposed to "pure wall-hangers" that are either incapable of firing, or that nobody in his right mind would even consider actually trying to fire for various reasons) firearms per person in the USA. A number which completely ignores muzzle-loaders and other "non-cartridge-based", but undeniably just as deadly, "boom-sticks".
Remove the suicides from the gun deaths statistic and that number goes down by 67 percent.

And it actually is 5 percent or less, but some sources like to be biased about it - and this is coming from someone who leans towards the LIBERAL side of things.

Of course, the news also loves to villainize "assault-style weapons", because it's the lowest hanging-fruit for the anti-gun crowd feeding off the ignorance of some of the population.

And what's even funnier is that it's been proven that banning "assault-style weapons" had basically ZERO effect on gun crime (because like it has been said multiple times, criminals here use the black market and not the legal market, outside of uncommon situations. It does happen, rarely, but even so, what drives people to try to push for a gun ban are two things - the politician's need for power, to control others, and FEAR - this drives the ignorant, non-gun owning public.)
banning "assault-style weapons"
Wanna see gun and accessory sales spike? Just have the mainstream media even hint at a ban on "assault-style" weapons, semi-automatic rifles and large-capacity magazines. While the NRA freaks out publicly, they and the manufactures probably secretly LOVE IT. :ROFLMAO:
Just like this outbreak. You know angel soft is making a killing right now.
Not to mention the gun shops with shelves bare of all but the most exotic ammo and either over-the-top ridiculous gimmick guns carrying idiotic price tags, and pure junk. I'm *REALLY* glad I decided to do my buy when I did - By the time the waiting period was over and I went to the shop to pick it up, there was barely anything left in stock, and people were literally lined up out the door to try to START a purchase - of ANYTHING. As far as I know, the shop section was shut down completely a few days after I made the pickup, leaving the ones who decided to go for it "later" wishing they'd gotten their act together sooner. The range section is still open, though slower than usual, and that makes perfect sense to me - So many new gun owners *NEED* to be dragging their butts in to at least get the "Keep yer booger-hook off the bang switch!" level basics thumped into them by whatever means it takes.

Not that I actually *NEEDED* the new one - I've had adequate enough firepower of both long and hand varieties, complete with concealed carry license for the "hand" versions, for years, but getting this one was sort of a milestone moment for me - My first "evil black assault weapon" :) Not that I couldn't have bought the furniture kit for my Ruger 10/22 and made it at least LOOK LIKE a Scary Black Rifle (TM) but it's extra fun to be spitting in the collective eye of the fairly rabid "all guns are EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEvillll!!!!" liberal crowd in this part of my state by having a for-real "SBR" in the rack. Does that make me a naughty boy? It does? Awwww... Ain't that just too bad... <heheheheheheheheheh>
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Not to mention the gun shops with shelves bare of all but the most exotic ammo and either over-the-top ridiculous gimmick guns carrying idiotic price tags, and pure junk. I'm *REALLY* glad I decided to do my buy when I did - By the time the waiting period was over and I went to the shop to pick it up, there was barely anything left in stock, and people were literally lined up out the door to try to START a purchase - of ANYTHING. As far as I know, the shop section was shut down completely a few days after I made the pickup, leaving the ones who decided to go for it "later" wishing they'd gotten their act together sooner. The range section is still open, though slower than usual, and that makes perfect sense to me - So many new gun owners *NEED* to be dragging their butts in to at least get the "Keep yer booger-hook off the bang switch!" level basics thumped into them by whatever means it takes.

Not that I actually *NEEDED* the new one - I've had adequate enough firepower of both long and hand varieties, complete with concealed carry license for the "hand" versions, for years, but getting this one was sort of a milestone moment for me - My first "evil black assault weapon" :) Not that I couldn't have bought the furniture kit for my Ruger 10/22 and made it at least LOOK LIKE a Scary Black Rifle (TM) but it's extra fun to be spitting in the collective eye of the fairly rabid "all guns are EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEvillll!!!!" liberal crowd in this part of my state by having a for-real "SBR" in the rack. Does that make me a naughty boy? It does? Awwww... Ain't that just too bad... <heheheheheheheheheh>
As someone who is far more liberal than conservative, it pains me to see how many of them close their minds to this - even if they don't want to own one (which is their right not to), they have no right to try to take anyone else's.
Pussy? Why? Not cool with the kill factor?

blood and guts. and the smell. i did fishing for a number of years and never really got comfortable with cleaning, land animals takes that to an entirely new level.

i think i'd be ok with destructive pest control like invasive birds and prairie dogs.

i'd have a hard time with animals that could be potential partners like coyotes or deer.
Nice! Popped like a balloon! :ROFLMAO:

The rifle I have is an authentic WWII M1 Carbine. A bit heavy, but extremely accurate and durable. While it kind of looks like a hunting rifle and doesn't appear as "bad-ass" as, say, a decked-out AR-15, technically it IS an assault rifle.
Nice! Popped like a balloon! :ROFLMAO:

The rifle I have is an authentic WWII M1 Carbine. A bit heavy, but extremely accurate and durable. While it kind of looks like a hunting rifle and doesn't appear as "bad-ass" as, say, a decked-out AR-15, technically it IS an assault rifle.
It was the "assault weapon" of the 1940s. But if you want to make it an "actual" "assault-style" weapon just add a pistol grip to it, because that would automatically make it an evil scary rifle despite shooting the same bullet it did before. ?
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Nice! Popped like a balloon! :ROFLMAO:

The rifle I have is an authentic WWII M1 Carbine. A bit heavy, but extremely accurate and durable. While it kind of looks like a hunting rifle and doesn't appear as "bad-ass" as, say, a decked-out AR-15, technically it IS an assault rifle.
Only if it's select fire. A "Main Battle Rifle" it ABSOLUTELY is. And among the finest of its breed, with a long and honorable record. An "Assault Rifle", not so much. Leastwise, not the way I ever understood the definition of "Assault Rifle", which specifies select fire, where the M1 is a semi-auto only rifle, and "generally uses smaller calibre ammunition than a main battle rifle". No slur on the .30 cal intended. It's a fine round, and you'll never hear me put it down. But it's a skosh large to fit the definition of "Assault Rifle" I'm familiar with. :)

Assault weapons also have the pistol grip and that shoulder thing that goes up to help maximize killing speed and power, doncha know... o_O Won't SOMEONE think of the chillllldrenn!!!

Of course, "Assault RIfle" is not to be confused with "Assault Weapon" or "Assault Style Weapon", which anyone qualified to have an opinion on the subject understands is a crock of media-political-babble shit made up and hyped to help scare the sheeple* into compliance.

* For the record, I detest Rush Limbaugh, and I disagree with damn near everything else I've ever heard him say, but he DID coin a very accurate term, so I gotta give him credit for it.
Just one 9mm but I usually keep it loaded with 9mm pepper cartridges for self defense.
Loud boom, usually not lethal and the pepper burns a hole in your face :-D
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Only if it's select fire. A "Main Battle Rifle" it ABSOLUTELY is. And among the finest of its breed, with a long and honorable record. An "Assault Rifle", not so much. Leastwise, not the way I ever understood the definition of "Assault Rifle", which specifies select fire, where the M1 is a semi-auto only rifle, and "generally uses smaller calibre ammunition than a main battle rifle". No slur on the .30 cal intended. It's a fine round, and you'll never hear me put it down. But it's a skosh large to fit the definition of "Assault Rifle" I'm familiar with. :)

Assault weapons also have the pistol grip and that shoulder thing that goes up to help maximize killing speed and power, doncha know... o_O Won't SOMEONE think of the chillllldrenn!!!

Of course, "Assault RIfle" is not to be confused with "Assault Weapon" or "Assault Style Weapon", which anyone qualified to have an opinion on the subject understands is a crock of media-political-babble shit made up and hyped to help scare the sheeple* into compliance.

* For the record, I detest Rush Limbaugh, and I disagree with damn near everything else I've ever heard him say, but he DID coin a very accurate term, so I gotta give him credit for it.
Back in the 60's they were going to use the AR-10 as a MBR but apparently the recoil was too high on full auto.