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Gun Ownership - NO politics, just "Do you or do you not own a firearm"

Do you legally own a firearm of any kind?

  • I own one or more firearms, and am an American

    Votes: 432 55.7%
  • I own NO firearms, and am an American

    Votes: 122 15.7%
  • I own one or more firearms, and am other than American (Feel free to specify Citizenship)

    Votes: 80 10.3%
  • I own NO firearms, and am other than American (Feel free to specify Citizenship)

    Votes: 114 14.7%
  • I am not legally able to own a firearm (Feel free to specify reason)

    Votes: 27 3.5%

  • Total voters
It was the "assault weapon" of the 1940s. But if you want to make it an "actual" "assault-style" weapon just add a pistol grip to it, because that would automatically make it an evil scary rifle despite shooting the same bullet it did before. ?
Ayup. That's exactly what I meant about getting the furniture for my 10/22. It'd be the same gun - America's favorite semi-auto .22LR rifle - dressed in a different style of furniture to look a lot like an M-16. But its function and ammo hasn't changed in the slightest - only how it looks.
Just one 9mm but I usually keep it loaded with 9mm pepper cartridges for self defense.
Loud boom, usually not lethal and the pepper burns a hole in your face :-D
I thought Germany had some restrictions on firearm use, no? BTW I very much do enjoy HKs. :D
I thought Germany had some restrictions on firearm use, no? BTW I very much do enjoy HKs. :D
It has intense restrictions, wish it was as liberal as in Texas. But if you can confirm and prove a valid point and reason why you own a gun, you can buy and register it.
You must store both, ammunition and weapons separate and closed away. Yearly you have to re-register for gun ownership for firearms.
Some weapons are free to own, like front loaders. Some you just need a small "Kleiner Waffenschein" which just costs an hour at the local federal government building and some money. But in all cases, one must have a complete violation free police record if you know what I mean.
In germoney, it is very hard to have a legal gun.
But there is so many many people who own multiple illegal guns, even military equipment which absolutely violates the local "Kriegswaffengesetz"... until the police finds out...
Only if it's select fire. A "Main Battle Rifle" it ABSOLUTELY is. And among the finest of its breed, with a long and honorable record. An "Assault Rifle", not so much. Leastwise, not the way I ever understood the definition of "Assault Rifle", which specifies select fire, where the M1 is a semi-auto only rifle, and "generally uses smaller calibre ammunition than a main battle rifle". No slur on the .30 cal intended. It's a fine round, and you'll never hear me put it down. But it's a skosh large to fit the definition of "Assault Rifle" I'm familiar with. :)

Assault weapons also have the pistol grip and that shoulder thing that goes up to help maximize killing speed and power, doncha know... o_O Won't SOMEONE think of the chillllldrenn!!!

Of course, "Assault RIfle" is not to be confused with "Assault Weapon" or "Assault Style Weapon", which anyone qualified to have an opinion on the subject understands is a crock of media-political-babble shit made up and hyped to help scare the sheeple* into compliance.

* For the record, I detest Rush Limbaugh, and I disagree with damn near everything else I've ever heard him say, but he DID coin a very accurate term, so I gotta give him credit for it.
No no no... dammit! It was made for WAR and therefore it's an ASSAULT RIFLE! I want my rifle to be a bona fide intended-to-kill-the-krauts-and-japs ASSAULT RIFLE! ??
I'm kidding, of course... I totally get where you're coming from. It's semi-auto, no selection. But I can pull the trigger repeatedly really really fast and still hit the paper. ?
Apparently I could put together a kit to convert it to selective/full-auto, but I'd have to buy all the parts separately from questionable sources. But I don't need a full-auto (or care to own a genuinely illegal firearm). I feel pretty content with my modest, diverse little arsenal and it's ability to spew plenty of hot lead in the directions I so choose.
Back in the 60's they were going to use the AR-10 as a MBR but apparently the recoil was too high on full auto.
Yup - AR-10 is essentially an AR-15 chambered in .308 = 7.62 instead of .223/5.56, and configured for select fire vs. the AR-15's semi-auto only. Lot bigger round, with correspondingly bigger difficulty to control in auto mode.
And why the US had two rifles in service at the same time with the same M1 name is confusing, the M1 Garand in 30-06 and the M1 carbine in .30 carbine.

Make that three with the M1 Thompson sub machine gun in .45ACP.
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Im from germany the country that basically invented weapons, but the standard citizen isnt allowed to carry a gun in the ways the americans have.
Guns are illegal where I live, however I would choose to own one if that were to change.
For self defense only.
Consider archery and weapon throwing as alternatives?

I would have also suggested black powder revolvers but those chain fires are extremely dangerous - not worth losing your fingers or your hand to that. Black powder is the stuff they used in muskets all the way to the 1860s (and up to around the 1900s until smokeless powder was invented).

Perhaps a black powder single shot derringer? (That's assuming black powder arms are legal where you are at.) Also consider high power PCP airguns if those are legal and available - 150 FPE is still no laughing matter.
Consider archery and weapon throwing as alternatives?

I would have also suggested black powder revolvers but those chain fires are extremely dangerous - not worth losing your fingers or your hand to that. Black powder is the stuff they used in muskets all the way to the 1860s (and up to around the 1900s until smokeless powder was invented).

Perhaps a black powder single shot derringer? (That's assuming black powder arms are legal where you are at.) Also consider high power PCP airguns if those are legal and available - 150 FPE is still no laughing matter.
Why even carrying a gun in the first line?
Why even owning a gun in the first line?
Several reasons - self defense, sport shooting, hunting... But that's a decision that can only be made by the potential owner. And I do have to say that it is indeed a responsibility to own them - that's also up to the potential owner to decide if they also want that responsibility. I am in the US, and despite the high prevalence of guns here, not every adult owns firearms - as I've said earlier, we have the privilege of being able to possess them, but that doesn't obligate anyone to get them either.
Several reasons - self defense, sport shooting, hunting... But that's a decision that can only be made by the potential owner. And I do have to say that it is indeed a responsibility to own them - that's also up to the potential owner to decide if they also want that responsibility. I am in the US, and despite the high prevalence of guns here, not every adult owns firearms - as I've said earlier, we have the privilege of being able to possess them, but that doesn't obligate anyone to get them either.
Yes right. But for the daily life they are pretty useless. Unless your job tolds you so.