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Gun Ownership - NO politics, just "Do you or do you not own a firearm"

Do you legally own a firearm of any kind?

  • I own one or more firearms, and am an American

    Votes: 432 55.7%
  • I own NO firearms, and am an American

    Votes: 122 15.7%
  • I own one or more firearms, and am other than American (Feel free to specify Citizenship)

    Votes: 80 10.3%
  • I own NO firearms, and am other than American (Feel free to specify Citizenship)

    Votes: 114 14.7%
  • I am not legally able to own a firearm (Feel free to specify reason)

    Votes: 27 3.5%

  • Total voters
I do that I think there is a point when it gets weird.
I feel I have a reasonable number that represents the most common ammunition. A 20ga and two 12ga shotguns (a pump and the new semi-auto), a basic mag-fed .22 rifle, two 5.56 rifles (a distance shooter with a 28 inch barrel, and the mean-looking shorty build I posted the pic of), a .45 1911A1, 9mm compact, and a .380 sub-compact. I also inherited an M1 Carbine and a tiny little .22 short revolver many years ago. So a very modest and diverse arsenal? I'd like to get a .308 long rifle, but I feel like if I get any more guns without getting rid of some I'm venturing into the "weird gun freak" zone. :D
No such zone. Buy what you want (and can afford) just don't forget they have gotten a lot more expensive to feed over the last 30 years
Gun ownership is very restricted where I live so no, but if I lived in the states and had easier access I would most likely own a gun or two.

Top picks for ownership would be: Desert Eagle .50 AE, Remington Model 700, Karabiner 98k, AK-47... Mostly the guns I've enjoyed using in video games.
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Gun ownership is very restricted where I live so no, but if I lived in the states and had easier access I would most likely own a gun or two.

Top picks for ownership would be: Desert Eagle .50 AE, Remington Model 700, Karabiner 98k, AK-47... Mostly the guns I've enjoyed using in video games.
the desert eagle is fun for the attention it gets, but isn't practical in any sense. I've owned a couple, but sold the last one during COVID for extra cash. At that time 50AE ammo was close to $5 a shot, so yeah. It's also heavy as hell, complex, finicky, requires big hands and the slide moves so much you actually SEE it coming towards your face when you fire. It's a horrible gun.

I really need to get another one...
I haven’t counted but I own somewhere around 60 rifles. Maybe 8 pistols. Most of the rifles are 22LR. I’m a sucker for a good 22 rifle. Most of the others are various bolt action rifles common for deer hunting or varmints. A few AR-15’s. Couple AK’s. And 1 50BMG Barrett. That’s the one we bring out when we have a friend over to shoot. I love the reactions the first time someone fires that big ole 50 cal. That alone is worth the $5 per shot it costs.
I want a 50 cal so bad!
I haven’t counted but I own somewhere around 60 rifles. Maybe 8 pistols. Most of the rifles are 22LR. I’m a sucker for a good 22 rifle. Most of the others are various bolt action rifles common for deer hunting or varmints. A few AR-15’s. Couple AK’s. And 1 50BMG Barrett. That’s the one we bring out when we have a friend over to shoot. I love the reactions the first time someone fires that big ole 50 cal. That alone is worth the $5 per shot it costs.
Cool, I want a 50 cal!
It probably was a bad buy. They are very expensive. I have 8k in the rifle, a few magazines and a nice scope. But they do hold their value.
Yeah, I know that's the reason I don't have one! I don't even know how many guns I have I have so many and I don't want to know how much I have spent on them and ammo over the years! I know I could easily buy a new house though with the money! I have 3 gun safes and need another! I'm really surprised I'm not on some FBI watch list just from ammo deliveries alone!
Yeah, I know that's the reason I don't have one! I don't even know how many guns I have I have so many and I don't want to know how much I have spent on them and ammo over the years! I know I could easily buy a new house though with the money! I have 3 gun safes and need another! I'm really surprised I'm not on some FBI watch list just from ammo deliveries alone!
I know there is a list of gun owners. Two times I’ve seen the proof. My parents left a pistol in a motel in 1980, 25 years later they get a call. Police department had it the whole time. How did they know to call my parents? Another time I found a pistol on the sidewalk at work. Cops came, called the guy and he drove over and picked it up. How did they know who to call??
About half of my stuff was bought second hand.

Good thing about guns and ammo, they store well. Don’t spoil, rot, or otherwise go bad. And they rarely go down in value.
I have several boxes of shells with 9.99 on them. That same box is $38. For 30-30. Never thought I’d see the day a 30-30 round would cost dang near two dollars each. In 1999-2003 you could have invested $250,000 in 7.62x39. And sold it today and net $1.3 million dollars. Not bad for a twenty year investment
Yeah, I have guns I bought and have never shot, too. :( I used to be a right-wing nut job big time, and when Obama got elected the second time I spent so much money on ammo alone, it was fucking nuts. Lol. And I even reload my 9mm and 45. I had a considerable motorcycle crash in 2014 and fucked my body up big time, and since then, my priorities have changed big time. Lol
I spent so much money on ammo alone, it was fucking nuts. Lol.
Personally, I think a small set of fairly common-caliber firearms is good, and then it all goes to ammo. There's no such thing as too much ammo. ? Well, unless you're on-the-move, I guess. Besides, in a time when we would need our ammo for anything other than hunting, range-shooting and/or training, it will be tradable like money/currency. ? Technically it already is at the pawn or gun shop.
Canadian here currently with 2 .22 lr rifles one is a rossi rs 22 and the other is a lakefield 64b from like 40 years ago, type 56 carbine (Chinese sks), good old charls daly 12g pump. Had a black powder 50 cal at one point but was hard to find powder here. Before the fun ones got banned I owned a norinco m14s and a mossberg 930, I miss those heh, they were fun.
I love guns so feel free to pm if you wanna chat ^-^
Northern European here, I don't own any firearms yet, but I do plan on getting a gun license in the near-ish future.
In my country everything is sh.... i can not have a gun ... or a knife ... or something... here in my fu... country only criminals can do what they wantet. In future hunter and sport shooters will be disarmed to! If you say something against politics here its easy that you must give up all privilegs and go to jail but here in my fu... country you can kill and rape wi no bad things happen. If there is a pol wörst not 3 worls country ( at least not yet ) my is the number 1 :(
I'm an American but I do not own any firearms. That will probably change in the future. I plan to eventually get a 9mm handgun or a .22 handgun with hallow pointed bullets. I mainly plan on getting one for protection. Although dogs do make good protection as it stands.

Edit: I now own a 9mm pistol as of last month.


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45-70, 44-40, 44, 357, 12ga..and more.
Yes, legal American owner.
I'm the type that says: you want my guns!? You can have what comes out one end.

Open cary in my state, I can and have gone to Walmart fully geared out
(belt/ammo/revolver/bowie/shaps.. ect)
don't do it anymore.
Some pansy will say something now days.
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This doesnt happen anymore sadly, but I've bought and still own a few dozen long guns that I purchased from Craigslist.

Back in the day, knowing what search terms to use, and what areas to look in, it was easy to buy, trade, or sell what you wanted on CL.

It still happens if you know how to find a listing, but its a golden snitch at this point