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Gun Ownership - NO politics, just "Do you or do you not own a firearm"

Do you legally own a firearm of any kind?

  • I own one or more firearms, and am an American

    Votes: 432 55.7%
  • I own NO firearms, and am an American

    Votes: 122 15.7%
  • I own one or more firearms, and am other than American (Feel free to specify Citizenship)

    Votes: 80 10.3%
  • I own NO firearms, and am other than American (Feel free to specify Citizenship)

    Votes: 114 14.7%
  • I am not legally able to own a firearm (Feel free to specify reason)

    Votes: 27 3.5%

  • Total voters
Nope, British civilians aren't aloud to have firearms. I think there are exceptions if you have military history, or if you're a member of the armed police, but I'm too lazy to check.
In Denmark illegal weapons like knives and clubs is punishable by a fine. But having unlicensed firearms always jail, minimum 6 months.
Handguns is only allowed in shooting clubs and the gun is stored there.
Hunting rifle and shotgun are allowed after a police check and further more acquiring the license to hunt, that is to pass the course about what and how to hunt and includes the training how to handle the weapon.
Im in a shooting club and own firearms. In Germany its one of a few possibilities to get them legal, but its not easy.
It is argued that a gun is bought as a defence against burglars.
According to statistics a gun in the house increases the risk of being shot.
Every 40 times someone gets shot in the house, only one is a burglar. The other 39 is someone living in the house.
Every year this death toll in USA is higher than on 9-11.
It is simple psychology, when you feel in danger, the animal instincts takes control to defend you with whatever is at / in hand. So instead of hitting with your hand, you use the gun.
Lol! Ok then, by that logic driving a car increases your chances of dying in a car accident. Having a knife inside your house increases your chances of getting stabbed, owning a bar of soap and a sock increases your chances of getting sock partied to death. You really really need to stop spewing your cracker jack research in this thread where it specifically asks not to. Any more arguments or opinions will be deleted and offender warned
It is argued that a gun is bought as a defence against burglars.
According to statistics a gun in the house increases the risk of being shot.
Every 40 times someone gets shot in the house, only one is a burglar. The other 39 is someone living in the house.
Every year this death toll in USA is higher than on 9-11.
It is simple psychology, when you feel in danger, the animal instincts takes control to defend you with whatever is at / in hand. So instead of hitting with your hand, you use the gun.
Which part of "NO politics" don't you get?

You've already made it clear in various posts that you've been brainwashed into the whole "Guns bad!" concept. Which likely answers the question posed - "Nope, I think guns are bad, so I don't own one". OK, goody for you. Now move on.

This thread is for one purpose, which is outlined in the original post - To sum that purpose up, "Do you own a firearm?"

Not "OMG! Guns are evil!", but "Do you own a firearm?" That's it, that's all. Your opinion on whether guns are good, bad, or somewhere in between is of no interest - at least in this thread. You want that thread and the flamefest that I'm ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN it'll turn into, just like it does every single time the subject comes up? Then find yourself a corner of the dumpster fire, pile you up a nice mound of tinder, pour some gasoline over it, and strike the match. I (and no doubt several others) will GLADLY hammer you into the ground like a short tent-peg with the "pro-gun" side of the discussion in the proper venue. But that venue isn't this thread...
Criminals aren't? They use a gun for everything because they're not man enough to deal with anything.
You don't hear about legit gun owners just shooting up places.
Kinda weird it always happens when a democRAT gets in office.
Criminals are miss understood and don't have any other path in life.
Criminals are miss understood and don't have any other path in life.
The "snarkasm" is strong in this one...

ESPECIALLY since one of the requirements listed for interning on his ranch is "gun-friendly", though I forget the precise wording he used, he did manage to make that QUITE clear. <snicker>

NAUGHTY gun-guy! No ammo for you for a week! Next offense gets you a straight month in the pit pulling targets! :devilish:
Not only do I own I conceal carry and think we should be allowed to open carry
Some of us are...

I'm also a CPL holder, in a state where open carry is perfectly legal. Have even had the pleasure of schooling a pair of cops on the legalities when they thought they were gonna play the "me cop, you perp, you lose" card. The looks on their faces when their captain rolled up and informed them I was 100% right (as well as 100% legal) was absolutely priceless :)

And unlike some places I've been, having a CPL is specifically "holder MAY carry concealed", rather than the "A concealed carry permit holder MUST conceal" I've encountered in other places. Which makes printing/flashing a "Yeah? So what?" event, rather than a crime.
The "snarkasm" is strong in this one...

ESPECIALLY since one of the requirements listed for interning on his ranch is "gun-friendly", though I forget the precise wording he used, he did manage to make that QUITE clear. <snicker>

NAUGHTY gun-guy! No ammo for you for a week! Next offense gets you a straight month in the pit pulling targets! :devilish:
Shhhhhhhhh, your not supposed to be telling people these things!
Though I grew up in a rural family that owned bows as well as revoked and used them for hunting game, I have only a shotgun for the protection of my household.
My grandfather was a hunter, but because of his age he can no longer hold a gun. That's why I did the official exams, papers and took over it from him. 3 rifles and 1 pistol. I don't use them for anything, they're in the gun cabinet.
Central Europe.
Can you ever own enough guns? I really wish I didn’t like them. I would probably be saving a lot of money…
Same here. Although my spending on them has decreased dramatically over the last few years.