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Gun Ownership - NO politics, just "Do you or do you not own a firearm"

Do you legally own a firearm of any kind?

  • I own one or more firearms, and am an American

    Votes: 432 55.7%
  • I own NO firearms, and am an American

    Votes: 122 15.7%
  • I own one or more firearms, and am other than American (Feel free to specify Citizenship)

    Votes: 80 10.3%
  • I own NO firearms, and am other than American (Feel free to specify Citizenship)

    Votes: 114 14.7%
  • I am not legally able to own a firearm (Feel free to specify reason)

    Votes: 27 3.5%

  • Total voters
Nope, I would be careful if any are black guns
I have lived that bad dream since I got into firearms.
However I know all my policy and there families. old timers in my family got me a pass. I have had some encounters before that led to nothing on there part and just wasted there time.
Always good to have someone who's got you back. Just be wary if Biden wins. You will either get taxed to shit or have to hide them if they are ghost guns like mine (not being political, just objective. Don't kill me floofie)

Eeek!!! Another one with "haunted" hardware? Somebody call an exorcist! :)
Alright, I've removed about 13 posts from here.... let's try this again! I really want to keep this out of the dumpster fire because it doesn't necessarily need to be in there.

The question is, do you own fire arms? Yes or no? This is not a thread about whether guns are good or bad. If the flaming continues I will have no other choice but to chuck it into the dumpster fire.
Alright, I've removed about 13 posts from here.... let's try this again! I really want to keep this out of the dumpster fire because it doesn't necessarily need to be in there.

The question is, do you own fire arms? Yes or no? This is not a thread about whether guns are good or bad. If the flaming continues I will have no other choice but to chuck it into the dumpster fire.
Nooo you killed me always ?
Used to work as a sales rep for a gun wholesaler when I was younger. Had my own FFL as part of the job. Got in trouble with the ATF and part of the settlement was I wouldn't own or sell or transfer any guns going forward from the date of settlement.
Well, seems I'm still part of the "Yes, I own one or more firearms" crowd... Or perhaps it'd be better phrasing to say I'm part of the "I now own ONE MORE firearm" crowd... :)

Was downtown this afternoon, picking up groceries and generally killing time, when I realized I was gonna be driving right past the LGS. I've been meaning to grab some more AR mags, so decided to pull in. Masked up, went inside, and headed to the corner where they've got a crate of Gen 2 30 round PMags. (which, at least so far, not a one of my ARs has objected to even slightly)

Stacked up half a dozen or so, and when I turned around from pulling them out of the crate, my eyes fell on one of the showcases. What's that I spy with my little eye? Looks somehow familiar. REAL familiar. A lot like a slightly larger version of the S&W model 15-1 I not only know quite well, but I've actually got strapped on my hip.

Head for the register, pile my mags on the counter, and tell the clerk, "I think you're holding my gun's big brother hostage over there", nodding toward the case where I'd seen the item in question.

"Really?", he replies, "And what makes you think a silly thing like that?"

In response, I hold back the tail of my flannel to let him put eyes on my Model 15. "I hear it calling to its little brother here."

"Aha!", sez he, grinning like a fiend and nodding, "I think I understand. You just step right over here, and let's discuss the ransom - want a cuppa coffee?"

Well, from there, things rapidly went downhill - for my bank account. Turns out the item in question was indeed my gun's younger big brother. A damn-near-new condition S&W Model 19-2 - The .357 Magnum version of my .38 Special Model 15. But while mine was made in 1959, this one is sporting a serial number that indicates it was probably born in either 1962 or 1963. When I say damn near new condition, I'm not kidding even a little. The bore is pristine. Bright and shiny, the rifling so deep and sharp it might have been cut yesterday. Flame-cutting on the top-strap? What's that? Cylinder lockup so tight that I can barely feel any motion at all no matter how hard I try to make things wiggle. Rust? If there is any, it's internal and invisible. Finish nearly perfect - Some *VERY* minor holster-rub marks near the muzzle, and maybe half a dozen super-fine scratches here and there from handling. The traditional smooth as warm butter S&W trigger pull, complete with "glass rod snap" break. The drag ring that usually wears into a revolver's cylinder is barely visible at all. I'd bet that whoever owned this gun put no more than a hundred rounds through it, if even that much. And the price tag hanging off the trigger-guard? My eyes about fell out of my head when I realized that I wasn't mis-reading it - it really DID only say $799. I've watched this particular gun, only in "beat-to-shit" condition, move on Gunbroker, and similar gun auction sites for north of $1500! And one that looked to be in about the same condition as this one, only complete with original, matching serial number box, and all the "toys" that they came with when new go for $3300 a couple of years ago.

I had to argue back and forth with myself for a bit, but in the end, what could I do? I couldn't leave things the way there were - the poor thing was obviously pining away, desperate for a loving home, so Mr. Debitcard jumped out of the wallet and offered to pay the ransom. I had to - I couldnt help it - I've been looking for exactly this gun for the last 4-5 years or so - not very hard, granted, but keeping an eye open. And finally, one falls into my hands at a price I know to be AT LEAST reasonable, if not flat-out "bargain basement". Especially with the beer flu and the resulting buying frenzy and prices skyrocketing that've been going on recently.

I get to take possession probably on the 2nd or 3rd of next year - After the idiotic 10 BUSINESS day wait the state mandates. I wanna know, if anybody can tell me: what gun crime was prevented by not letting me walk out the door with it today when (A) The NICS check came back immediately with (as fully expected) a "proceed" result, (B) I've got a valid (just renewed this spring) state-issued concealed carry permit, and perhaps most illogical of all, (C) The clerk knows full-well - he's seen it with his own "Eyeballs Mk I", and if any demonstration that it's real and loaded is needed, that demonstration is only a request away - that I've already got a gun strapped to my hip??? Is it not fairly self-evident from these facts that if I had any ill-intent, to either myself or others, I wouldn't have any need to drop most of a grand on a vintage, if not outright "collector-grade", classic revolver? I dunno about anybody else, but I sure as hell ain't gonna spend THAT kind of money on a throw-down gun! Not when I can go someplace and find a Hi-Point or similar piece of cheap, disposable crap for $200 or less!
I do not own a firearm, but I'm considering getting one since I am about to open my own business. But perhaps just a simple pepper spray may be more useful here. And also it's more convinient for traveling, since taking gun over borders is quite difficult.
am from nsw aust (not sydney)
owned no, butts i've shot a few many times tho, i'm no gun nerd neither so couldnt tell ya what they were nether, all i know some were old, some newer-shiny metal lookin, but all had a hefty kick in the shoulder when shooting em, farm i once worked at would invite hunter groups out every now and then to "pest control" the roos
proudly a Registered firearms owner in Australia.
ranging from HMR-17 to 303 - slug guns to shotties
would be lost with out my sports shooting and professional hunting lifestyle
I do not own a firearm, but I'm considering getting one since I am about to open my own business. But perhaps just a simple pepper spray may be more useful here. And also it's more convinient for traveling, since taking gun over borders is quite difficult.
If you are going to carry pepper spray then you should probably carry a knife too. Spray them in the face, stab them in the stomach, and then run.
9mm glock, 45 XDS, 10 ga winchester, 30-06 winchester, winchester model 70, and a few airguns / pellet guns, a couple 22s for squirrels and gophers, a 357 airgun hand cannon for target practice mostly, and a 50 cal airgun for coyotes

You'll scare people with them "ghost guns".
XD I mean if you have some rudimentary mechanical knowledge and access to a hardware store you can make a semiautomatic pipe gun.

I mean the unibomber made one, and people are getting charged with manufacturing homemade firearms all the time. Unless ofc you live in a state like Indiana and live in one of the 2a zones

Ted's homemade pistol attached.


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If you have access to a cnc and/or a welder you can make some pretty sophisticated arms as well. In fact AU the police have a problem with biker gangs manufacturing firearms and ammunition and distributing them
If you have access to a cnc and/or a welder you can make some pretty sophisticated arms as well. In fact AU the police have a problem with biker gangs manufacturing firearms and ammunition and distributing them
I made a black powder smoothbore .38 when I was 13 in my dad's tool shop. Made the ball from melted fishing weights.
I kinda underestimated how loud of a *BANG!* it would make and got caught after the first shot :eek:
I've made a few 12 ga and .45 acp zippers in my time, though one of my favs is the pipe slam shotgun, gotta make it right though, or the pipes could burst and hurt you more than whatever it's pointed at.

And yeah, black powder is a lot easier to get your hands on and or make, but I'd never recommend anybody makes smokeless without knowledge, proper tools, and a clean room. That stuff is SUPER volatile
I've made a few 12 ga and .45 acp zippers in my time, though one of my favs is the pipe slam shotgun, gotta make it right though, or the pipes could burst and hurt you more than whatever it's pointed at.

And yeah, black powder is a lot easier to get your hands on and or make, but I'd never recommend anybody makes smokeless without knowledge, proper tools, and a clean room. That stuff is SUPER volatile
Smokeless is outside the range of knowledge, equipment, and materials easily/economically available for probably 99.9% of the population. I *MIGHT* be able to do it, given several items I currently lack, and plenty of time to dick around (probably with several failed attempts in the process) but it's definitley not something I'd want to try without having a *VERY* pressing motivation.

Black powder is dead easy, pretty cheap, and damned hard to mess up unless you're just plain stupid. (assuming you can put hands on the materials, of course - not too many folks have access to clean-enough-to-be-trustable KNO3 without going shopping and leaving a mile-wide paper trail in the process) It's also pretty forgiving - Foul it up, and you're MUCH more likely to get away with nothing worse than a pile of stinking black mess that sputters and barely burns, rather than the building-leveling kaboom that a botched attempt at smokeless is likely to give you, especially if you're insane enough to try messing with the picrates. And if there's ever been a truly "safe" method of nitrating just about anything in a "bathtub lab" type situation, I've never heard of it.
Smokeless is outside the range of knowledge, equipment, and materials easily/economically available for probably 99.9% of the population. I *MIGHT* be able to do it, given several items I currently lack, and plenty of time to dick around (probably with several failed attempts in the process) but it's definitley not something I'd want to try without having a *VERY* pressing motivation.

Black powder is dead easy, pretty cheap, and damned hard to mess up unless you're just plain stupid. (assuming you can put hands on the materials, of course - not too many folks have access to clean-enough-to-be-trustable KNO3 without going shopping and leaving a mile-wide paper trail in the process) It's also pretty forgiving - Foul it up, and you're MUCH more likely to get away with nothing worse than a pile of stinking black mess that sputters and barely burns, rather than the building-leveling kaboom that a botched attempt at smokeless is likely to give you, especially if you're insane enough to try messing with the picrates. And if there's ever been a truly "safe" method of nitrating just about anything in a "bathtub lab" type situation, I've never heard of it.
If you live up north you could always store the KNO3 for de-icing the driveway if anyone asks...
If you have access to a cnc and/or a welder you can make some pretty sophisticated arms as well. In fact AU the police have a problem with biker gangs manufacturing firearms and ammunition and distributing them
But what about the mass shootings in the USA? (Gang crime is also included in those stats.) But gun control works, right? I mean, they've "stopped" the crooks from obtaining them, right? No more mass shootings, RIGHT???

(Hint: Even New Zealand admits gun control doesn't work.)