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Gun Ownership - NO politics, just "Do you or do you not own a firearm"

Do you legally own a firearm of any kind?

  • I own one or more firearms, and am an American

    Votes: 432 55.7%
  • I own NO firearms, and am an American

    Votes: 122 15.7%
  • I own one or more firearms, and am other than American (Feel free to specify Citizenship)

    Votes: 80 10.3%
  • I own NO firearms, and am other than American (Feel free to specify Citizenship)

    Votes: 114 14.7%
  • I am not legally able to own a firearm (Feel free to specify reason)

    Votes: 27 3.5%

  • Total voters
I'm told that the right striker-spring cups will let a Glock be a shower/underwater gun, though I haven't yet tested that for myself. Something about being sized slightly loose so that when the gun is full of water, the striker can still move freely enough to hit the primer hard enough to light it. The "standard" cups, or so I've been told, seal too close, in effect, turning the striker into the piston of a shock absorber, so that, in theory, although it CAN be fired underwater with the standard cups, it's iffy as to whether it'll do so reliably.

Of course, for a shower/underwater gun, you're going to need properly sealed ammo to go with the correct spring cups, for reasons that ought to be fairly obvious to anyone not in a coma... :)
I'm sure it can be done, but I wonder if you've maybe considered...an $8 dry box from Walmart?
I recently put together an AR (.223\5.56) pistol kit with a 8-inch barrel. It's now one of my favorite things. ? It looks pretty menacing. Compact and super lightweight. I love taking it to the range, but damn is it LOUD with the short barrel! ? If I ever needed to use it in a pinch for home-defense I'd have to put ear protection on or I'd be deaf for a week.
Should any unknowledgeable\untrained schmuck be able to get one of these? Debatable.
Am I glad to have the right\freedom to get one of these? Fuck yes. :p
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I recently put together an AR (.223\5.56) pistol kit with a 7-inch barrel. It's now one of my favorite things. ? It looks pretty menacing. Compact and super lightweight. I love taking it to the range, but damn is it LOUD with the short barrel! ? If I ever needed to use it in a pinch for home-defense I'd have to put ear protection on or I'd be deaf for a week.
Should any unknowledgeable\untrained schmuck be able to get one of these? Debatable.
Am I glad to have the right\freedom to get one of these? Fuck yes. :p
Absolutely any schmuck should get one. We are either free or we are privileged. Freedom over privilege, privilege is a fraud used to convince the masses of being "free" when we are not.
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American, Southern. I own a handful of different rifles for hunting and sport shooting. Several handguns, I carry 99% of the time I am not at home. I treat it like a seat belt. Hope I never need it, but want to be prepared. Been able to shoot a few rattlesnakes over the years around the house since I keep a shotgun handy while working in the yard and such.
Absolutely and schmuck should get one. We are either free or we are privileged. Freedom over privilege, privilege is a fraud used to convince the masses of being "free" when we are not.
While I tend to agree, I have to admit I'd feel better about it if they had to at least take a brief safety test.

1. Treat every weapon as if it is ready to fire.
2. Never point a real gun at anyone\anything you don't want to destroy.
3. Be 100% about your target and what's behind your target.
4. Keep clear of the trigger until you're ready to fire.
5. Keep away from unsupervised children.
I own lots of guns. It's an expensive tool to have but it beats not having it if you ever need it.
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no reason to own one, those are unnecessary, but I do have a long bow, I'm into middle-aged stuff, and in my group I'm the Royal Hunter, never killed an animal, and never will .. vegetarian here hehe
no reason to own one, those are unnecessary, but I do have a long bow, I'm into middle-aged stuff, and in my group I'm the Royal Hunter, never killed an animal, and never will .. vegetarian here hehe
Well, if you find yourself in a situation where you need a firearm and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again.
here there is no need for it here is no US-type situation lol .. I live in a safe country
thats pretty rich coming from someone from a country with a skyrocketing violent crime rate and the 6th highest rape rate in the world lol. Sweden is not really any more safe than anywhere else in the west and it’s only getting worse
thats pretty rich coming from someone from a country with a skyrocketing violent crime rate and the 6th highest rape rate in the world lol. Sweden is not really any more safe than anywhere else in the west and it’s only getting worse
well but that is a mafia and they fight in-between, and only in one city and 2-3 areas of it .. where normal people never venture, and you still would love to change place to live with .. and trust me I was living in Charlotte NC for a year, never ever again in my whole life.
well but that is a mafia and they fight in-between, and only in one city and 2-3 areas of it .. where normal people never venture, and you still would love to change place to live with .. and trust me I was living in Charlotte NC for a year, never ever again in my whole life.
A "safe" country? I do hope Russian tanks never reach your lands nor do I hope you government ever turns tyrannical because if it does, you are totally screwed. What will make it even funnier is that you did it to yourself. But anyway this is NOT the thread for politics, if you want to start that thread then go to the dumpster fire for that.
A "safe" country? I do hope Russian tanks never reach your lands nor do I hope you government ever turns tyrannical because if it does, you are totally screwed. What will make it even funnier is that you did it to yourself. But anyway this is NOT the thread for politics, if you want to start that thread then go to the dumpster fire for that.
then why are you bringing it lol .. besides we always will have the government built on many options and usually left-wing wins .. and those problems are because of the burning Koran lately. So we will not let Right Extremists rule in Sweden .. Thanks and let's not talk about that anymore is simply pointless .. and I'm not a violent person and truly I can't care less about politics and as well any religious bullshit.
no reason to own one, those are unnecessary, but I do have a long bow, I'm into middle-aged stuff, and in my group I'm the Royal Hunter, never killed an animal, and never will .. vegetarian here hehe

Sweden and the west can only survive so much of this type of weakness. Stronger, more determined groups who eat meat, fancy women, and dont mind killing other humans let alone animals will take over.

well but that is a mafia and they fight in-between, and only in one city and 2-3 areas of it .. where normal people never venture, and you still would love to change place to live with .. and trust me I was living in Charlotte NC for a year, never ever again in my whole life.

"Mafia" lol clearly the narrative your left wing dominant media is spinning. Dont worry, that's a familiar problem over here.

then why are you bringing it lol .. besides we always will have the government built on many options and usually left-wing wins .. and those problems are because of the burning Koran lately. So we will not let Right Extremists rule in Sweden .. Thanks and let's not talk about that anymore is simply pointless .. and I'm not a violent person and truly I can't care less about politics and as well any religious bullshit.

Native Swedes are burning the Koran because your extremist left wing party allowed in hundreds of thousands if not millions of Islamic migrants over the course of just several years without proper assimilation(if that is even possible) who are causing the surge of violent crime in your country.

Btw I had this av first.
Canadian. I know plenty of people who own rifles. I have fired rifles. I have no interest in them and live in the city so not practical to own (i dont ave the money and i have a tiny apartment lol).
Everyone in my family has a concealed carry permit, including my son and my daughter. My wife and I carry 95% of the time we are in public, and have firearms within 20 feet of anywhere in our home. We both carry at work, and my daughter carries in college. (I live in Texas and it's legal.) I own several handguns, 2 shotguns, 3 hunting rifles, 2 AR-15s and several antique guns, including one revolver issued to my great grandfather during the Spanish-American war.
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Everyone in my family has a concealed carry permit
I recently got mine a few months back. With all the crazy shit happening these days I decided I needed to be more prepared. I carry a 9mm sub-compact that holds 10 (11 with 1 chambered). It's comfortable, I like knowing it's there, and it's totally invisible. ?
Replaced my arm-brace-buffer with a pistol buffer, just in case the ATF's re-interpretation of the SBR rule becomes law. :cautious:
But this still makes me happy. ? Definitely my favorite of the few firearms I own.
If only I could legally make it full-auto it would be a serious little hate-dispenser, lol. ?

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Replaced my arm-brace-buffer with a pistol buffer, just in case the ATF's re-interpretation of the SBR rule becomes law. :cautious:
But this still makes me happy. ? Definitely my favorite of the few firearms I own.
If only I could legally make it full-auto it would be a serious little hate-dispenser, lol. ?

View attachment 361654
Izzat a 40 seed containment unit from Magpul, or does it just look like it's extra-long 'cause the dispenser is comparatively small?

Nothin' against it, aside from the concept of "I won't be owning one anytime soon", but you do know that you lose a BUTTLOAD of FPS, and therefore a correspondingly large buttload of effectiveness by going to a less-than-16" barrel, right? But don't take my word for it - Uncle Paul (Harrell) did a vid on the topic sometime last year. Found that, using the same ammo, going from 20 inches to 18 knocked off a big ol' chunk of FPS (I forget the exact numbers) From 18 to 16 knocked off even more, and by the time he got down to the 11.5 inch barrel that seems to be the most popular these days (he didn't have a 7.5 incher on hand to continue down the scale), he found/demonstrated that once you get into the "really short" ones, you're talking only slightly more FPS than some of the "extra-spicy" (CCI Stingers, for example) .22LR loads. I mention this because, quite bluntly, the AR was designed around the idea of "make the teensy little bullet go REALLYREALLYREALLYREALLY fast". The almost insanely high speed of the itty-bitty bullet is what gives the AR most of its effectiveness.
I have a crossbow that can group shots within six inches at fifty yards, and fire a bolt every two seconds out of a seven-bolt magazine, if that counts?

Guns are really loud. My opinion of them kinda starts and ends there.
large buttload of effectiveness by going to a less-than-16" barrel
Yep. The shorter you go the more you sacrifice FPS and accuracy. This was more about the building it.
Not terribly practical - probably best suited for close-range, urban conflict. Accurate enough at 25-30 yds, and I haven't shot it at anything further out than that yet.
I had thought about going with a 5" instead of 8" but that seemed a little too ridiculous for the caliber.
Sure looks cool though, don't it? ? You are correct: 40rd mag.
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