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Gun Ownership - NO politics, just "Do you or do you not own a firearm"

Do you legally own a firearm of any kind?

  • I own one or more firearms, and am an American

    Votes: 432 55.7%
  • I own NO firearms, and am an American

    Votes: 122 15.7%
  • I own one or more firearms, and am other than American (Feel free to specify Citizenship)

    Votes: 80 10.3%
  • I own NO firearms, and am other than American (Feel free to specify Citizenship)

    Votes: 114 14.7%
  • I am not legally able to own a firearm (Feel free to specify reason)

    Votes: 27 3.5%

  • Total voters
I know I already answered, but since then i have bought 3 more guns. In fact my wife mentioned i need a bigger gun safe. I already have a huge safe as it is. But I also use it to store the knives I forge and make. In fact 2 of the guns i bought is to match a type of knife i'm making.

Q: How many guns do you need???
A1: One more.
A2: Yes.


Side note - Ammo I ordered got here earlier than expected - Almost a week earlier! Poor UPS driver... She was a petite little thing - She might've been all of 5 foot 1, and if I were to guess, I'd say if she was fully dressed and dripping wet, she might tip the scale at 125 - and had one helluva time wrestling the box off the truck! (It struck me as a bit odd that the supplier wrapped it up into one box instead of slapping a shipping label on each of the two cases and sending it that way - would've made handling it at least a little easier)

Nice to have a bit of a stockpile on hand. Almost 6K rounds of .22LR to feed the 10/22 that every gun owner ought to have, along with being able to run the AR on it now that the conversion bolt and mags for it came in, nearly 2500 rounds of 5.56/.223, several hundred rounds of .38 special in various flavors, a little less than 200 rounds of 9mm, about a hundred rounds of .30-30, another hundred or so of .30-06, and close to 400 rounds of 12 gauge buck/bird/slugs.

Not *QUITE* enough to arm the proverbial small banana-republic, but if the ever-popular "they" were to get a look at it for some reason, I expect the case of .22LR alone would be enough to get the talking heads creaming their jeans about the "domestic terrorist with an arsenal" on the national news these days. <rolls eyes>

"Arsenal"... Riiiiiiggghhhhht... They'd explode on the spot if they ran across a neighbor I used to have... Made my handful of guns and ammo look like a kid's cap-pistol with half a roll of caps - He once told me about, then later showed me, his "gun room" - I stopped counting at 30, and I'm sure that wasn't anywhere near being even a 5th of what he had. Everything from muzzle-loaders, derringers and shotguns, to a tommy gun and three brands of .50s. He kept talking about the deal he was trying to swing that would have given him a fully functional Ma Deuce, fergawdsake! Don't know if that one ever went through, though, since I moved and lost contact with him. And his "powder magazine" (a 20x20 shed attached to his garage) was enough to make a guy drool... Stacked to the rafters with every kind of ammo you'd be likely to want. Now THAT was an arsenal! Dude could have opened a gun store with what he had on hand, and not needed to order anything for most of a year, I'd bet.
I don’t but I’m a big fan and supportive of concealed weapons and the right to own.

As far as looks go, I see myself as a sword collector rather than a gun collector. Although I had a great time at a shooting range I once went to.
I have three if you want to add to your collection. I can’t part with one, I could never part from him.?
I own a G36c that lives in pieces unless I'm at the range, A FN Fal 50.63 also known as a Fal Para 2 which also lives disassembled, A FN Five seveN, A Mosin Nagant 1891/30(FUCK THE METAL BUTTPLATE X.X) and a SV 98. And yes i need more
I own a G36c that lives in pieces unless I'm at the range, A FN Fal 50.63 also known as a Fal Para 2 which also lives disassembled, A FN Five seveN, A Mosin Nagant 1891/30(FUCK THE METAL BUTTPLATE X.X) and a SV 98. And yes i need more
Damn lady, you've got a hell of a collection!
Oh not a fan? high capacity, highly accurate, very light and compact only downside is ammo which is expensive. Thats the reason i make my own ammo
Newest addition to my hoard of 2011s.... honestly disappointed in some regards. While accurate as expected I ran the same 500round drill as my friend, with the same 124gr +p gold dot, and had 3FtEs and actually had the gun seize up at round counts 150ish and 420ish (rapid fire drills), my SVIs, older STIs, etc never have actually seized up like this. I can’t recommend the staccato lineup.

Going to thoroughly clean it, apply new lube, use my SVI mags, and run 2,000 rounds or so this weekend. My friend ran his so hot his front sight melted, no seize up. Mine shat the bed and had to sit for 10 minutes before the slide would move :(. Was going to be my new purse gun or open carry gun but nope. There is a cute little Wilson combat calling my name tho XD


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Oh and forgot to add one of the 3 “improved” mags had 6 failures to keep the slide open when empty..... hence switching to my SVI 140/170mm mags next time. Bad mag marked and set aside.
Just took the boss to the range today - he's older, and rather frail, but owns two 9s - a Ruger, I think it was the SR-9 - that packs 17 in the mag, and an H&K I haven't actually put hands on yet, plus a S&W Model 36 ("Chiefs Special") of course in .38 special. He was talking about wanting to pick up an AR, so mine went with us so he could give it a try if he felt brave, along with my 10/22, and my own S&W Model 15, as well as the .22LR conversion bolt for the AR, and a thousand rounds of .22LR, plus 600 rounds of deliberately mixed PPU .223 55 grain FMJBT and Federal XM193 all magged up and ready to go. Grabbed range ammo for the .38s and the Ruger 9, and proceeded to shoot holes in targets using the various artillery.

Turns out he's probably gonna hafta stick with the wheel-gun - The slide on the ruger was too stiff for him to operate without struggling, and he doesn't have enough finger strength to get more than 4-5 rounds into the mag without a fight. He thought the AR was too heavy (Dunno what mine weighs - haven't run it across a scale. 7-8 pounds, maybe? Can't be too much more than that, I'd expect - it's a pretty bare-bones rig - All it's got on it is a Magpul MS1 sling, 15 inch Midwest Industries mlok free-float handguard, basic M4 style 5-position stock, and a scope that showed a shipping weight of a pound and a half on the box when it arrived) and trying to charge it gave him a rough time with the standard bolt in it, though he did OK with the .22LR conversion bolt in place, but decided he didn't want to actually fire it. He did pretty good banging away with my 10/22 and both revolvers, though.

That AR with the conversion bolt in it is all kinds of fun, and I'm honestly thinking it's shooting better than I can hold it steady. Put up 4 of those 6-inch-across Shoot-N-C bullseye stickers and ran it to the end of the range (27 yards, according to the target carrier), then proceeded to put 4 25-round mags of .22LR downrange as quick as I could get anything like a decent aim, one mag per sticker.

8 rounds out of the hundred didn't hit the bullseyes they were aimed at, and I just plain shot the bull out of two of them, with at least 15 inside each of the 8 rings. I was shooting the Aguila "Super Extra" 38 grain copper-plated HP ..22LR I got a week or so ago, and had not a single fail-to-fire or any other mode of failure unless you count me fumbling a bit while trying to swap mags.

Put up a fresh set of stickers and did the same with 4 30-round mags of the mixed .223/5.56. Put 4 off the stickers, and out of the other 116, only 19 outside the 3-5/8 inch 8-rings.

I guess it'll do for the moment :)

Gotta wait for the area's outdoor ranges to get back into operation so I can start doing longer range shooting and find out how it does.
Has anyone here fired a SKS or SVD? :p
I inherited an SKS and an Enfield, but was not impressed with their performance in comparison to my M1 Carbine. Both were heavy as hell and the ammo was too damn expensive. I sold 'em years ago. I don't keep rifles that are just gonna sit on a shelf.
I'll admit that if I was the right part of the globe I'd like shooting some of the more exotic guns but have no wish to own one. I'm in the UK.
This isn't the entire collection, but most of it is here. Lol.


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This isn't the entire collection, but most of it is here. Lol.
OH NOES!!!!! SCARY BLACK RIFLES!!!!! And lookit all those extra-scary 30 caliber clip roundazine gizmos!!! And I just bet some of those bad ol' guns have those nasty shoulder thingies that go up, too! I is so afraid! I just might make poopy marks in my fruit-o-the-looms from the terror!


Then again, probably not. I'm more likely to shit myself out of pure jealousy 'cause so far, I've only got one of those naughty black ones and 10 of the clip-round gizmos that go with it. And I haven't gotten around to getting any of those shoulder-thingies that go up... Just the one that slides back and forth.

On the good side, I see that you at least have a *PROPERLY NON-SCARY* rifle... That nice tame little 10/22 in the first picture should be acceptable to everybody, so long as it's housebroken and won't be piddling in the corners?

(Shhhh.... Don't tell anybody, but I've also got one of those thing-a-ma-jigs that let my scary black one eat the same stuff my 10/22 eats. Sure is nice to be able to put in range time that only costs a nickel per bang instead of half a buck each)
OH NOES!!!!! SCARY BLACK RIFLES!!!!! And lookit all those extra-scary 30 caliber clip roundazine gizmos!!! And I just bet some of those bad ol' guns have those nasty shoulder thingies that go up, too! I is so afraid! I just might make poopy marks in my fruit-o-the-looms from the terror!


Then again, probably not. I'm more likely to shit myself out of pure jealousy 'cause so far, I've only got one of those naughty black ones and 10 of the clip-round gizmos that go with it. And I haven't gotten around to getting any of those shoulder-thingies that go up... Just the one that slides back and forth.

On the good side, I see that you at least have a *PROPERLY NON-SCARY* rifle... That nice tame little 10/22 in the first picture should be acceptable to everybody, so long as it's housebroken and won't be piddling in the corners?

(Shhhh.... Don't tell anybody, but I've also got one of those thing-a-ma-jigs that let my scary black one eat the same stuff my 10/22 eats. Sure is nice to be able to put in range time that only costs a nickel per bang instead of half a buck each)
Well this shoulder thing only goes sideways unless you hold the gun sideways. Then it would go up... Or down... Depending on which side you were holding it.
And I'm very polite with it. I make sure the neighbors aren't bothered by the noise when I shoot it. Lol.


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Well this shoulder thing only goes sideways unless you hold the gun sideways. Then it would go up... Or down... Depending on which side you were holding it.
And I'm very polite with it. I make sure the neighbors aren't bothered by the noise when I shoot it. Lol.

Awww.... Ain't dat just so kyooooooot! It's gotta itsy-bitsy muffler! :)
Well this shoulder thing only goes sideways unless you hold the gun sideways. Then it would go up... Or down... Depending on which side you were holding it.
And I'm very polite with it. I make sure the neighbors aren't bothered by the noise when I shoot it. Lol.
Dat collection, OMFG! I'm drooling with envy right now! :p

BTW you purged the EXIF data before posting, right?


That AR-10! :p :p :p
Well, the time has come, the walrus said... Well, screw the walrus - if it'll let you. But the time has indeed come...
I've gotten comfy with the Del-Ton I bought back in March (And I *LIKE* it! Oh, baby, do I ever like it!) and today, I was at the local shop, which has 95% bare walls, and I came across an item I just couldn't make myself pass up - An Anderson stripped lower for $59, and a lower parts kit for $55. As expected the 4473 on the lower was a non-issue - the "proceed" came back from NICS after about 3 minutes - so aside from the paperwork, it was effectively a cash-n-carry buy. (Despite the recently enacted state-level feel-good crap-fest that slapped a 10 day wait and mandated a certificate of completion for a totally idiotic "semi-auto rifle safety course" - that any dead man who's seen a war movie can pass without having to rub two brain cells together - when buying a semi-auto rifle. (But not a semi-auto handgun - SO WHAT'S THE FUCKING POINT???)

But a stripped AR lower is still "just a generic firearm" by legal definition, so the wait and certificate don't apply to it, even though a "ready-to-shoot" AR15 DOES require the wait and certificate - Again, WHAT'S THE POINT?

So yep, gonna build me a so-called "Poverty Pony" ('cause Anderson uses a running horse logo, and is apparently considered by most to be a "bargain bin" grade of lower - thus, some wag declared anything built on an Anderson lower to be a "Poverty Pony", and it stuck) from the ground up. Wheeeeee :) This should be fun! I've already torn down my Del-Ton as far as it CAN be torn down without reducing it to a stripped lower and a pile of parts, and got it back together with no parts left over and 100% functional, so time to move on to the next level - something just a hair more challenging - start from the "pile-o-parts", and see if I can't turn it into a functioning AR15! Woohooo! Let the adventure begin!
I just got my savage 110 scout.
I can’t wait to put her through her paces. I just need a scope and a canted pic rail for a red dot. She’s probably going to get some paint as well.
Question is, what do I name her?
2014-03-14 23.04.11.jpg

An older pic of some of my collection. The nickel 29 and the desert eagle were recently sold since gun values went nut and I want a good financial buffer though. Not pictured is a couple 10/22s, a couple uzis, a glock.....and probably at least 5-10 I am forgetting.

It should be obvious how I voted.