Kinda happy I found this. Began msg'ing a woman who drops pics, even used "her" foreign language in posts. Im actually quite familiar with "her home country" and went there years ago and have several close friends living there. Amazing country!! I told "her" I loved the country and visited... she said "it's not the same here anymore .." (ofd response considering I didnt tell her WHEN I visited till after...) She then told me it was "much like Afghanistan now..."
If you're going to pretend to be someone you're not from some place you're not from least do your research!!!
As soon as I said the country they claimed to be from was ranked the #1 country in the world as far as quality of life was concerned and #3 as best country in the world... their msg's stopped.
So your saying im fake becaus you like my country and i sad that "it's like Afganistan" becaus I have seen it change alot over the just last 2-5years?!?
When i say its like Afganistan i obvilusly don't meen literally, what i do meen is that alot of young men from MENA countres have come to Sweden and the shoutings and bombings is somthing we hear about almost every day now and thats not normal here. And lets just not talk about the muging and raping senarios young kids do unspeakebel tings and its not Anders, Jonas ore Annica that do all this things beleve me.
And you dont know nothing what have hapend to me just this last year so if im sound racist its not that im agaist refuges i do have lots of new friends that are wonderful hard working people!, but ALOT of them are not here to seak help and them i do have somthing against.
So when you take this up here in the fake thread that i should at least do my research or and i do qote:
If you're going to pretend to be someone you're not from some place you're not from least do your research
Thats just absurd and as we do say in sweden:
"ren jävla idioti"
och anledningen till att jag inte fortsate skria med dig är för att jag inte tyckte det var specielt intressant eller gav mig nått. Sen att dra detta i denna tråden får mig ju verkligen vilja prata med dig, not!.
I guess ill have to try translate that becaus its a englich only forum so here we go?:
" its pure fucking stupidity, and the reason i diden't answer any more is basicly that i diden't find the conversation intressting and diden't give me anyting. And then take it up here in this thread makes me really whana talk to you, not!.
So if you dont think im native swedich and say that i pretend to be, all I have to say about that is: who tf cares?!
Huu i really have to calm down now haha sorry to the reat of you all.
And if i'm going to be banned now from this forum i just whant to say to all the other nice ppl here, i will miss u all.
best regards Erika from sweden
(Mvh Erika)? and sorry for bad spelling
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