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Fake User Awareness Thread

As noted in my above post.......I do have a few concerns about that poster.

That being said, the scenario that poster outlined does have it's effects on me, which may be the reason why they posted that, admittedly.......but, let me just say, to any fake fuck reading this thread.........

IF any of you fake fucks ARE stupid enough to scam yourself a meet under false pretenses as that poster described AND actually show up to that meeting.......YOU had better pray to any and all the gods you follow that the person you scammed is the normal person who will run away and consider themselves lucky and not someone like me or who thinks the way I do.

In which case, you might come to have very serious regrets for the shit you tried to pull. And, quite possibly find yourself in DIRE need of medical attention, or worse.

The dangers of meeting a stranger from the internet are a TWO WAY STREET, a fact that I think most of you fake shitheels forget about entirely. You would do well to keep those dangers in mind, if you were actually stupid enough to show up with your fake ass self in person.
Something feels off about it all. Can't figure it out. But it's off. People are quoted. Now's a good time to respond

Will say am really a sweetheart who wears heart on theyr sleeve, probably why these things sting. ? maybe went little bit on a war path for a moment :ROFLMAO:
Because humans are scum.

It's not about difficult or easy, it's about advantage and what can be taken for their betterment or entertainment, amusement, whatever other nefarious reason.

Most people are NOT, but, enough ARE that everyone needs to be aware and take measures to protect themselves from that.

Over the course of MY life, I've become aware that the best way to handle that idea, FOR ME, is to simply START at all people are lying, 2 faced scum that I want NO contact or interactions with in my life at all and move forward from that point. As I said, most people are not, and as life unfolds at it's own pace, some people will inevitably be proven to be worth MY TIME in interacting with them. Others will prove themselves to be NOT worth my time.

It's MY life, MY time, MY choice and that's the basis of how I go about living my life. I don't think about it at all, EVER, unless I'm commenting on it like I am now. It's otherwise an automatic process that involves zero conscious thought.

I have VERY FEW close friends, BY DESIGN and INTENTIONALLY.

I have a LOT of what I would call casual friends, who ARE truly friends, but NOT part of what I would term as my close circle.

I also have 10 times that number of aquaintances, people I know and interact with and would and have, say go drinking with, but, don't, and wouldn't, interact with very much, if at all, on a PERSONAL level.

And, the rest of the planet is either unmet, unknown, or in the group of people I don't or won't interact with at all.

By nature, I am, and always have been, a VERY VERY private person. I keep my thoughts and my business close to the vest. There are less than 5 people who are what I consider CLOSE personal friends, and ONLY ONE truly knows me or my innermost self. Call it a control thing, call it a comfort thing, call it whatever you want, but that's the way it is and the way it will remain. The truth is, it's BOTH a comfort AND a control thing.

For good or for ill, I'm also extremely ruthless when it comes to removing anything from my life that no longer fits, for any number of reasons. Be you family or friend, if you cross the line, you are gone, INSTANTLY and PERMANENTLY. No questions, no discussion, no hints, no warnings, you simply cease to exist for me, for ALL TIME.

Here, in this anonymous format, I can feel completely free to voice these thoughts and ideas, where in real life, there is ONLY that ONE person I mentioned who would EVER even have the opportunity to consider the concepts I'm discussing here.

I suspect, when she reads this post, she might comment on what I've said and there might be that conversation or there might not be as there really won't be any need to do so, I'm very certain that she and I are in COMPLETE harmony with this idea in ALL aspects. I've known her for a good long while now and in that time, we have discussed a great many things. And, in that time, much of what I've learned from her, ABOUT her, leads me to believe that while we each might frame the concepts differently in writing or in speech, the concepts themselves are damn near IDENTICAL. And, more to the point, I believe that each of us is quite secure and comfortable with this concept and the state of how that stands right now.

As for most people and any I come in contact with in whatever form, I believe most people are, in general, decent enough and NOT looking to fuck someone over. And, I TRULY believe that at ANY random point, any one of those people COULD become someone very close to me. The potential is there. It's happened, so I KNOW it's possible.

But, as stated before, my guard is ALWAYS UP and it's NEVER relaxed. IF anyone makes it to that inner circle, they can ONLY do so by EARNING that distinction. And, all of that happens UNKNOWN to that person, I cannot be manipulated or bullshitted into that. And, one mistake is all it takes to end any and all consideration of any of that. And, on that, I am utterly and completely cutthroat and ruthless. And all that happens known ONLY to me. The most any other person has ever known is that one day, we talk, that next day, I never speak to them again.

I am in no way saying this is how everyone should appraoch this idea, I'm saying this is how I approach the concept. It's always worked for me and I'm quite happy with how things are and remain.
Thanks for thought out response. Certainly was a bit aggressive overall in hindsight. But I don't see why you should accept that you are talking to catfish just because it's online.

It's less about accepting it and more about expecting it. On the internet people can lie. If people CAN do something, some of them certainly WILL. That's a truth that was already known even when the internet wasn't a common household item yet.

Here's a cartoon from the fifth of july, 1993 showcasing it:


It's a vulnerable topic and it does not matter if a man or woman talks. Just that they aren't lieing constantly. It's not called Storyville? How do you form online community built on lies.

Pretty easily actually. Happens all the time online, for the better or the worse...

You insinuate alot here when a person just wants not to be lied to. I dont like lies in person or online.

Me neither. All I'm saying is, it happens. Forcing people to verify their identity won't change that. I mean, we even lie to websites and service providers now, ever since geoblocking was around and people felt the need to use VPNs to circumvent them.

I'm not sure what you are trying to say.

Then let me be clear: Don't give out personal information to strangers, don't be voluntarily vulnerable and expect to talk to a person of nondescript sex until proven otherwise. Of course people can tell you things and you have to decide for yourself if you want to believe these things or not, but in the end, they may lie and you would be better off if you expected this to happen than being shocked and surprised when you find out it happened.

Internet means you can lie. Very strange argument to me.

Not to most people who use the internet for about three decades now. On the internet people may lie. They don't necessarily have to, but they can and some of them will. Blindly trusting people to tell the truth is like blindly trusting a Nigerian prince to send you a few million dollars or pounds for money-laundering reasons, where you can keep part of that sum, if only you were to make a teeny, tiny deposit first to show you are trustworthy... Blind trust on the internet is a pretty dangerous game to play.

Very wrong assumption to, said like you know of intent.

I don't know. I CAN'T know. And neither CAN you. That's my point. Even if someone tells you "trust me, bro!", can you really trust them? Especially if you never met that person before? How would that work?

it's a poor way to argue. Community of misunderstood people I wanted to enter it's not like can feeling accepted elsewhere. But if your lied to ......how is this even a discussion

It's less about a discussion and more about a cautionary tale. Like I said, not everybody lies. Not everybody intents to lie. Not everybody cares to lie. But some people will. That's why you, in general, should take everything said to you with a grain of salt, especially if it sounds to be too good to be true, because in most cases this means it certainly is.

Sorry if I'm wrong but catfishes will defend catfish.

Thanks for the unnecessary namecalling. I never catfished in my life. And I never will. I find that concept rather strange personally and couldn't even begin to comprehend what I would get out of that practice. But if this is how you want this conversation to go, fine, be my guest. Believe everything everybody ever tells you on the internet, because people are sooo good at heart and never would intentionally hurt and deceive others for some weird gain. See where that attitude will take you.

If you cannot have emotional intelligence to see harm that could happen to someone else through fake online life I can't be bothered with you

Funny for you to assume I have no emotional intelligence while I just tried to tell you that on the internet everybody can lie, which is no defense of liars at all and was just meant to protect you from potential harm.

You remind me of one furry guy I once ran into. He read my profile on a furry forum and hit me up on telegram, he talked to me, well, he wrote me, later we talked via teamspeak, as he wanted to voice and didn't have discord yet. Later he made weird innuendos and suddenly expected me to send him dick pics of me. I refused to do so, due to the nature of this weird request. He interpreted my refusal as proof that I was catfishing him. He assumed I was a girl (I'm not, I'm a guy) an just lied to him due to wanting to abuse him. I asked him what he was on and what he was talking about. He even heard my voice over teamspeak, to which he assumed I used a voice modulator. When I asked him, why I would jump through so many hoops just to deceive him, he came up with weird conspiracy theories and asked me, why his last online boyfriend who turned out to be a girl would deceive him. I told him that I couldn't even begin to comprehend her motives and we had a lengthy conversation over this topic. I thought about to send him to ask a few furries I know iRL for decades know to confirm my sex for him, but then again I decided against it, because it wasn't worth it to pull more people into that mess. In the end that guy asked if I would at least consider to create a club or pact with him, an inner circle where we would only allow people inside who had proven that they were trustworthy.

Not gonna lie, that dude had a childlike mentality when it came to stuff like this and pretty weird hangups due to one girl pretenting online to be a guy to him.

In the end, he put himself in the position to get deceived by not comprehending how someone might lie to him, which led to him lashing out against anyone who wasn't comfortable with having to prove who they were. (That's the part that reminds me of you right now.)

So, I still implore you to be a bit more rational and try to understand that I don't defend liars and deceivers and just intend for you to be more skeptical about others in general, WITHOUT lashing out at them for not wanting to share certain pieces of information.
Sigh mate. I can reply in much fever words. The need for the catfish comment was knejerk reaction to your comment that we are about meetups only. Insinuating surface level. You continue to compare me to some furry guy. Your arguments are just long winded attacks. Really straying away from the core. It's quite tiresome to try and argue with mess like this

Everyone else can you proof thing staying completely anonymous still?. It's easy right? and do you enjoy talking to people lieing to you? You can word womit for days it's simple core here. I bet every single person who read this has an instance of dissapointance of theyr time talking to someone completely fake and understand emotional waste of energy. But that has to be with female right since you are sooo good at reading people. No me and my misses are a strong team. Don't swing. You almost troll baited me into getting heated. Next youl attack the English since Its not my first language. Butthurt furry guy was your thing and you are hurt I'm saying you are emotionally unintelligent oh please

Love of god don't give another book breaking this down leave it. The worst argument is gonna win when defending lieing about a fetish that is jailable and proper shun. over it's ok on internet you can lie can't be bothered to try and change it and emotionally pull people around. Seriously wtf

Can someone back me up here please. Absolute shit with words but you can read between the lines no?
Sigh mate. I can reply in much fever words. The need for the catfish comment was knejerk reaction to your comment that we are about meetups only.

It was an assumption based on your insistence to know, without the shadow of a doubt, what sex somebody is you're talking to. Why would it matter in any other conversation. Lots of people talk on this forum and don't begin with "Just for your information, I'm a guy and here's proof of that!" Why would that matter outside of specific types of conversation?

Insinuating surface level. You continue to compare me to some furry guy.

I continue to do so? I did it this one time. Because he reacted in a similar way you react. I even pointed out which part reminded me of you. Way to go missing the point there.

Your arguments are just long winded attacks.

They're really not, unless someone keeps attacking me first, in which case, I'll defend myself in kind. Aren't you projecting just a little bit here?

Really straying away from the core. It's quite tiresome to try and argue with mess like this

Well, I suppose all that's left to do is for you to ask every conversational partner to proof that they are who they are then. I see no other conclusion to this.

The worst argument is gonna win when defending lieing about a fetish that is jailable and proper shun.

What are you even on about? You are the one who asks people who are into controversial, regionally potentially illegal stuff like zoophilia to identify themself online, not me.

over it's ok on internet you can lie can't be bothered to try and change it and emotionally pull people around. Seriously wtf

Yes, on the internet you CAN lie. Doesn't mean you have to. But some people do. Good luck changing human nature.
"I was ashamed of myself when I realized life was a costume party; and I attended with my real face." - Franz Kafka

Can someone back me up here please.

Instead of asking for backup, which shows insecurity on your part, maybe just try to understand what I am actually saying instead of making up some meaning I never brought forth.

And the meaning is: Don't believe everything everyone tells you, remain skeptical, check for facts if possible and check identity only if you intend of meeting the person you're talking to iRL. That's what I'm saying.

Anything else was just a distortion of meaning on your part, like assuming I defend liars and catfishers and the likes.
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Everyone please be warned. Lovelykbxxx is a 50yr old white male posing as a female. We talked on kik about a potential meet up and eventually we did meet in public for coffee. A man showed up. I'm glad we met before I actually had my pup there. He admitted he uses pictures from women he talks to on here and that he was just interested in watching. I left immediately. Please be extra careful about meeting up! Always meet in person in a public place first
That's crazy
It was an assumption based on your insistence to know, without the shadow of a doubt, what sex somebody is you're talking to. Why would it matter in any other conversation. Lots of people talk on this forum and don't begin with "Just for your information, I'm a guy and here's proof of that!" Why would that matter outside of specific types of conversation?

I continue to do so? I did it this one time. Because he reacted in a similar way you react. I even pointed out which part reminded me of you. Way to go missing the point there.

They're really not, unless someone keeps attacking me first, in which case, I'll defend myself in kind. Aren't you projecting just a little bit here?

Well, I suppose all that's left to do is for you to ask every conversational partner to proof that they are who they are then. I see no other conclusion to this.

What are you even on about? You are the one who asks people who are into controversial, regionally potentially illegal stuff like zoophilia to identify themself online, not me.

Yes, on the internet you CAN lie. Doesn't mean you have to. But some people do. Good luck changing human nature.
"I was ashamed of myself when I realized life was a costume party; and I attended with my real face." - Franz Kafka

Instead of asking for backup, which shows insecurity on your part, maybe just try to understand what I am actually saying instead of making up some meaning I never brought forth.

And the meaning is: Don't believe everything everyone tells you, remain skeptical, check for facts if possible and check identity only if you intend of meeting the person you're talking to iRL. That's what I'm saying.

Anything else was just a distortion of meaning on your part, like assuming I defend liars and catfishers and the likes.
Mate let's be friend. We are going off course. Not here to fight. Or be more right. Can we hug it out. Genuenly. We are just butting heads due to misunderstanding. Come in bro. It's important thread we can continue in pm not hijack it. Or just bury the axe. Pm if you want back and forth it's not fair on the thread

Shit I tried you trolled me to much I to this sorry everyone. First of all

"It was an assumption based on your insistence to know, without the shadow of a doubt, what sex somebody is you're talking to"

Whaaat so to you proofing who you are has to be the sex. Can you sound more butthurt yourself. Can't be suicidal person in distress about liking this and getting destroyed further from lies looking for acceptance????. Come off your simple shit.mate you live in a tight box in your head. You dont think that happens. Like nothing irritates more than people not seeing the big picture. Unlike you actually am thinking about others. A book ropes other idiots in. smart people will read what I say perfectly fine in few words
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Shit I tried you trolled me to much I to this sorry everyone.

Okay, hate to break this to you, but if you feel I AM trolling for just telling you how it is, then I feel you're ill equipped for the internet as a whole. Because I have been anything but a troll to you. If I wanted to troll you, our conversation would look radically different.

Whaaat so to you proofing who you are has to be the sex.

Why else would you need to know. I was trying to have a reasonable discussion, but it's fairly apparent that this is not something you're interested in. And even if it were, would it be less valid until I identify myself to you?

I still wait for you to come forth with a reason why an identification would matter if you don't intend to talk about lewd stuff or doesn't intend to meet someone. Because apparently I must have done conversations wrong on the web for all my life, since I never asked anybody to identify themself for me, when talking to them.

Can you sound more butthurt yourself.

Look who's talking.

Can't be suicidal person in distress about liking this and getting destroyed further from lies looking for acceptance????.

What makes this hypothetical person suicidal? Was the person suicidal before going online or did this person become suicidal because their conversation partner didn't identify themself? You come up with weird scenarios but no valid points.

Come off your simple shit.mate you live in a tight box in your head. You dont think that happens. Like nothing irritates more than people not seeing the big picture.

The big picture of a harsh truth you apparently fail to see and refuse to accept. People lie online. Many people said so in this thread already, and yet you pretend that this wouldn't happen if you could force them to identify themself and act all insulted when people tell you that reality doesn't work that way.

Unlike you actually am thinking about others. A book ropes other idiots in. smart people will read what I say perfectly fine in few words

Unlike me, hm? Okay, if I don't think about others, then I shouldn't care about the trouble you cause for yourself with your attitude. Have fun running into problems further down the road. See if I care...
Kinda happy I found this. Began msg'ing a woman who drops pics, even used "her" foreign language in posts. Im actually quite familiar with "her home country" and went there years ago and have several close friends living there. Amazing country!! I told "her" I loved the country and visited... she said "it's not the same here anymore .." (ofd response considering I didnt tell her WHEN I visited till after...) She then told me it was "much like Afghanistan now..."

If you're going to pretend to be someone you're not from some place you're not from ...at least do your research!!!
As soon as I said the country they claimed to be from was ranked the #1 country in the world as far as quality of life was concerned and #3 as best country in the world... their msg's stopped.
Kinda happy I found this. Began msg'ing a woman who drops pics, even used "her" foreign language in posts. Im actually quite familiar with "her home country" and went there years ago and have several close friends living there. Amazing country!! I told "her" I loved the country and visited... she said "it's not the same here anymore .." (ofd response considering I didnt tell her WHEN I visited till after...) She then told me it was "much like Afghanistan now..."

If you're going to pretend to be someone you're not from some place you're not from ...at least do your research!!!
As soon as I said the country they claimed to be from was ranked the #1 country in the world as far as quality of life was concerned and #3 as best country in the world... their msg's stopped.
Sweden? Just a guess, going by how much the Nordic countries are heralded as some of the happiest in the world.

Also, how can anyone compare that region to Afghanistan? Even someone like me who's never been knows how absurd that is
Sweden? Just a guess, going by how much the Nordic countries are heralded as some of the happiest in the world.

Also, how can anyone compare that region to Afghanistan? Even someone like me who's never been knows how absurd that is
Went with Scandinavian myself
Kinda happy I found this. Began msg'ing a woman who drops pics, even used "her" foreign language in posts. Im actually quite familiar with "her home country" and went there years ago and have several close friends living there. Amazing country!! I told "her" I loved the country and visited... she said "it's not the same here anymore .." (ofd response considering I didnt tell her WHEN I visited till after...) She then told me it was "much like Afghanistan now..."

If you're going to pretend to be someone you're not from some place you're not from ...at least do your research!!!
As soon as I said the country they claimed to be from was ranked the #1 country in the world as far as quality of life was concerned and #3 as best country in the world... their msg's stopped.
Pretty weird. But I admit that I am now curious which country this might have been...
Sweden? Just a guess, going by how much the Nordic countries are heralded as some of the happiest in the world.

Also, how can anyone compare that region to Afghanistan? Even someone like me who's never been knows how absurd that is
Some people tend to make mental connections between refugees taken in and a rise of the muslim population, but let's better not go there.
(To this topic, I meant)

Sad but true in my experience. If you READ my profile, you wouldn't ask me if what my sex or location are or if I'm looking to hook up...all that info is asked and answered already.
My mistake. Only the LAST of those three things was mentioned. (I had posted the other two in a thread here but it wasn't in any of my PROFILE posts.) Anyway, it is now. No more excuses for anyone. :husky_happysmile:
Kinda happy I found this. Began msg'ing a woman who drops pics, even used "her" foreign language in posts. Im actually quite familiar with "her home country" and went there years ago and have several close friends living there. Amazing country!! I told "her" I loved the country and visited... she said "it's not the same here anymore .." (ofd response considering I didnt tell her WHEN I visited till after...) She then told me it was "much like Afghanistan now..."

If you're going to pretend to be someone you're not from some place you're not from ...at least do your research!!!
As soon as I said the country they claimed to be from was ranked the #1 country in the world as far as quality of life was concerned and #3 as best country in the world... their msg's stopped.
Tell us Finland wo saying it
So........you met this person......HOW, exactly? You posted this yesterday from a brand new account and this post is your ONE post with that account.

WHERE and HOW did you supposedly have these conversations here to GET this kik ID of this person? Because you literally have ZERO post history on this site EXCEPT this quoted post and posting of kik or other socials IDs are NOT allowed here in open forums, and it seems VERY unlikely to me that in the less than 30 minutes between you starting this account and making this quoted post, you somehow searched out wherever this person you are accusing has this kik ID posted, made contact, had an entire conversation, met in person, and then came here to make this post.

That account probably IS fake,.......... in fact, despite searching myself for a bit over an hour now, I'm unable to locate a single post from that person so they might already be spam wiped.......however, given the points of observation concerning you I've listed here, I have some grave concerns about you and your account.

EDIT to add......I missed @dogluver101 's post that they server wiped the accused account..............

I would still like to know something more about the accuser who appears to be an alter account at the minimum. There might be points of interest here that don't concern me or anyone else, but, I still feel like I should ask the questions. Something here doesn't add up.
Good work, noticing all that.
You would have none of these issues if you did not use the forum that does not prohibit being fake because it is not set up as a dating site, for dating.