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Does anyone irl know that you’re into this lifestyle?

A few people. my ex-wife, a few ex boyfriends and girlfriends. the mailman. I never bring it up first though, it's always been the other person telling me they are first.
Thankfully nobody IRL knows, me personally i would only open up or share that info with my significant other. It would be nice to be with or around someone who either is into it as well but ive accepted that its not the case. Its nice to know that for some people here that many of either their close friends or who ever know that info about them and dont judge them for it.
I guess my mother knows I feel interested in that, because I made a stupid mistake when I was younger regarding my search history. I just hope she has forgotten about it.
A couple years ago I told my partner my secret. That I was into zoo. It was a relief to tell someone, but she was stunned. A few months later our sex life fell apart and we split up. Told me it was because of the zoo stuff.

I told some of my best friends about it so they'd hear it from me first not her. They accepted it and didn't feel it important enough to make a big deal of. Bless them.

a year passed and we got back together. She had accepted that part of me, but didn't want to talk about it.

Now the people closest to me know this part of me but we don't speak of it. It's like a half secret. They know I'm into it,but I'd NEVER tell them that I have done it or intend to still.

It's a curse and a blessing. I wish they didn't know, but I feel less alone knowing they know.
Outside of ZV? I have doubts about some friends of mine. I think they understand, but they are playing innocent. It sounds more like "do whatever you want as long as you don't tell us anything about it."
I have a friend who already saw how I was with her dog, and she often consciously left her to me. I kept her for three weeks in the summer! The other day, I heard her say to a friend of hers "it's a love story between my doggie and him, but I no longer try to understand because it goes beyond all logic.". It was difficult to hold my smile back.
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Both my current partners know, and one of my closest friends. My partners know because they are both, to some degree, also like me. Prior to them knowing about me I was extremely fearful and cautious, I still am with anyone who doesn't already know.

I will say it has been almost soothing to be around people irl who know a bit more about me than everyone else. It's kinda freeing, kinda validating, and cuts back on how much cortisol is running through me at any given time.
Back when I was younger, probably in HS, I had known these twins, ended up moving away and getting close to one of them and started talking, and somehow my horny little brain steered the conversation that way as I tended to do back then with anyone in the internet, turns out she was into it. We don't talk anymore though :(
My fiance knows, and a handful of others that I've forgotten and no longer talk to
Just people on here. Hopefully no one else. I constantly feel ashamed of it. But I can’t help thinking about it many times a day.
Definitely not and i hope to keep it that way. Some of my friends probably have some suspicion that somethings up since ive never had a gf in my life lol
One of my ex bf's friend was into it and we watched some video's together because her and I was into it and my bf wasn't. Only a few times though and I've lost touch with her. Another female friend was into it for the cocks so liked dogs and horses but then she got out of it. My wife found an old CD I had thought I destroyed years ago about 7 years ago and almost ended things. Thankfully she stayed with me but very clear she is NOT into this.
One of the reasons I'm here is to by the off chance of meeting someone to talk to IRL. Pretty hard to do though.
Yes actually, my ex bf but I'm pretty sure he forgot
I really want to meet people irl who I can be open about my zoophilia and fantasys, maybe one day a person like that will pop up in my life ??‍♀️
i hope u find someone! it can be really nice to talk about it
I’m mostly terrified of anyone knowing, except I’ve told 2 of my closest friends. One suggested I get help for it immediately and stay away from animals entirely… so as far as they know now I am working through it in therapy and am “doing better.” However, my other friend, truly didn’t care. Although we debated on the ethics of it, they’re supportive and truly don’t care as long as I’m not forcing myself onto any animal (that goes for any animal anyways, human or nonhuman).

Overall I’d say being open about sexuality in a safe space does have a positive impact on my self acceptance. Yet, you should definitely still be weary with whom/what you share.
We're not in touch anymore but I was dating an older domme girl a while ago who had a dog cock dildo that eventually led to us watching k9 porn together. We talked about doing it together but neither of us had a dog and we stopped seeing each other before we had the chance
Damn too bad you did not had that chanche.