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Deep quotes you heard or made up?

"A mind that rejects new data, even if the data contradicts what the mind thinks it knows, is not functioning at peak.”
We all have the same amount of time 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week 52 weeks a year. Unless you are born in the states in summer. Then you get an extra hour in the fall that winter people do not. Unless you die in the winter, in which case you gave back your extra hour.
? so you think someone gets older just by turning the dials on his wristwatch ?
"Ares: No. Life *isn't* worth living. It's to be *taken*, and *beaten*. And wrestled, and formed in your image. *That's* where the meaning lies. In what you can twist life into. For those who just *endure* life, yeah: it is a very nasty joke. But for those who form it with their will, the joke is on those who get in the way." -Xena: Warrior Princess
Grandpa used to always say,
"A fartin' horse never tires. A fartin' man's, a man to hire."
Cl;ose enough to how I always heard it from mine. Only some minor squiggles on the letters worth of difference. My version? Oh, yeah - "A fartin' horse'll never tire, and the farting man's the one to hire."
I don't get it.
It's been said for many and many a moon that a farting horse is the "strong one", the "one that will last", the one you can "get a full day's work out of". Now, I don't have any idea what, if any at all, scientific study has been done on the topic (Hmmm... perhaps time to put in a call to the instutute of improbable research?) but it seems to hold true based on my experience - As a teamster, I've noticed that a horse that "toots his own horn", while his harness-mate doesn't, tends to "outlast" the non-farting horse.

The saying that the two of us mention seems to be an extrapolation of that concept to the workman that farts fit to shit his pants, but lays three times as many bricks, or hoes twice as many rows, or milks a dozen more cows, or shoes six more horses in a day as a "no-fart" guy. Totally unscientific, obviously, and most likely just apocryphal stuff from "back in the day", but it's one of those things that's always stuck with me thourgh the years.
Back in the mountain infantry I served some time in a mule company. As in we used mules to bring the real infantrymens equipment up into the mountains. As is typical for the our army, we didn't utilise what we have effectively, so in reality the mule company was only for tradition and show and the poor grunts had to carry their mortars and GMGs on their own backs or, if they (and later I, when I returned to the real infantry) were lucky, the austrian horse company carried their stuff.
The mules that farted a lot were the smart ones. Those were the ones, that breathed in and tensed their muscles when we put on the load bearing saddles/gear and when we were on the way they farted a lot. So that the saddlestraps were loosening and wouldn't bother them so much.
It was a problem for us, since if we didn't pay attention, the saddles would shift onto their bellies, but, the farting mules were the smarter mules and lasted longer.
Well now I can say I learned something from this site...not sure what good it does, but it was entertaining, at least...lol
"The internet is a huge distraction. There’s a hundred million things happening in the world all the time, but all any individual can really pay attention to is what’s happening right in front of them. That’s usually enough as it is.”
"The internet is a huge distraction. There’s a hundred million things happening in the world all the time, but all any individual can really pay attention to is what’s happening right in front of them. That’s usually enough as it is.”
"I hate the internet. I can't find nothin' if I ain't lookin' for porn"
"I hate the internet. I can't find nothin' if I ain't lookin' for porn"
haven’t found it, but I at some time saw a drawing about cell phones.
They shoved how the screen got bigger through the years, but suddenly got much bigger.
The explanation : at that time it was possible to watch porn on the phone ?
haven’t found it, but I at some time saw a drawing about cell phones.
They shoved how the screen got bigger through the years, but suddenly got much bigger.
The explanation : at that time it was possible to watch porn on the phone ?
It's claimed that VHS beat out Betamax (when Beta was actually a better format) because the porn industry chose to use VHS. Same for DVD vs Laserdisc.
I heard something like that too. Well not porn, but new releases of all movies.
The only difference was that Video2000 was called the best format.
I never tryed Betamax, but Video2000 certainly had a better image than VHS, and the cassette could be turned over and played back, just like the sound cassettes.
Well that's an interesting take on why AI wouldn't just decide to replace humans.

"What is it that humans do, exactly?"
"Like, in general."
"...Nothing, I suppose. We're just another form of life. We live, and propagate."
"And do you think that if machines took over the world from you, we'd be any different? Would machines have some great and glorious plan for the universe other than 'live and propagate'?"
Well that's an interesting take on why AI wouldn't just decide to replace humans.

"What is it that humans do, exactly?"
"Like, in general."
"...Nothing, I suppose. We're just another form of life. We live, and propagate."
"And do you think that if machines took over the world from you, we'd be any different? Would machines have some great and glorious plan for the universe other than 'live and propagate'?"
Interesting - but it seems for me that the sentences can be said by both humans and AI !
Let’s take the first line “what is it that humans do, exactly?’ Not possible to tell whether it is asked by an AI or a human.