@Tailo @SpaceDragon
Something I think is more realistic would be for zoos that choose to associate together, such as for the sake of activism and public advocacy, start setting aside savings accounts specifically for helping each other overcome legal complications.
I think it may be possible to make a joint account into a living trust with a trustee that is bound by a secret but legally enforceable contract. I am pretty sure that terms for a trustee that the trustee is obligated to follow can be held secret, only accessible by a court-ordered subpoena to access them and to bring them before the court, and otherwise, there is no need for the trustee to tell anybody what the actual terms of the trust are. Therefore, only the trustee and beneficiaries would need to know the terms of the trust.
A cunning lawyer could sort out how that would work.
Set up rules with their banks requiring that a certain percentage of their incomes go into that trust as a sort of legal insurance policy.
I am pretty sure that, once someone had created a prototype, others would start using it. It would just be a matter of a group of advocates realizing that they can afford to take greater risks, such as trying to get on The View or on The Late Show, if they have a dedicated trust for helping ward off external threats.
I am betting that a cunning lawyer could figure it out. I don't know the law anywhere near well enough to know how it would work, but I think that if we had even one zoo or zooey ally that was a cunning lawyer, it could be worked out.
It would work basically like an insurance policy, I think.