"We" find the defendant "guilty". ("We" being just me.I admit it, I'm dramatic. I throw myself upon the mercy of the court.
"We" find the defendant "guilty". ("We" being just me.I admit it, I'm dramatic. I throw myself upon the mercy of the court.
The masses act out of total ignorance. I've already said this on another post, but an animal will let you know when he or she consents. Here's a good example: try forcing yourself on to a mare and watch how quickly you'll end up in the hospital after she kicks you. But when she wants to get fucked she won't stop backing into you. Bitches (female dogs) are similar. When they're not interested they'll walk away, and if you insist, she'll bite (or whimper/whine if she doesn't bite). When she is interested she will also back into you. Animals show consent through actions.Beastilality would never be fully embraced as a form of sexuality by the masses as people out there have compared zoophilia on the same level of pedophilia arguing that fully grown adults take advantage over other living beings that don't understand what exactly your doing with them, and don't completely know what is right and what is wrong, but that's my opinion where I believe animals have feelings like ours but not as complicated and would love and hate you like an adult would
That's it right there. The animal rights idiots like ASAIRS (Asshairs) started complaining the web service providers like Yahoo about zoo content and got the hundreds of zoo content groups shut down. Hundreds of local, state, regional, national and worldwide groups and all their content: GONE.
Then they started publicity and lobbying campaigns to get laws changed because zoos were "hurting the poor animals that couldn't say 'NO!'". And now many European countries and most US states have made engaging in zoo sex illegal thanks to the actions of those control freaks
At this point, it is going to get worse and more dangerous, regardless of what we do. Engaging in carefully targeted diplomatic maneuvering just might prevent some of us from getting hunted down and killed.@SigmatoZeta Perhaps i should had chosen my words better. I was only trying to see things the way they are because of my pressemsic mindset about certain things is all. It the way ya came at me is what I didnt like. Ya bascally accuse me of being things that i not and you dont even know me.
arguing that fully grown adults take advantage over other living beings that don't understand what exactly your doing with them, and don't completely know what is right and what is wrong
Let's work on getting people to agree we should be allowed to fuck our pets later.@SigmatoZeta But here is the thing though. What foundation do we as zoos have to stand on? I could go into stuff but i run the risk of deraling the thread.
Don't forget the other two from the old zoo community in the 90s. Zoobuster and that dimwit who went on Jerry Springer with his pony LOLUnfortunately the only “zoos” who get any exposure are zoosadists, that babbling retard known as Aluzky who single handedly ruined the zoo community on Reddit and Whitney Wisconsin who isn’t even a zoo(and started making videos again) but quite a few zoos were quick to rally to her defense.
So if anyone is wondering why we’re saying we won’t get exposure or rights, this shit right here is why.
It's not here yet. But it's coming. It has to. Why was it ever considered wrong?
Just a matter of time.
Why the pessimism?It is not coming. it is going. Prejudicing, iknowbetter, what I believe is fact because I myself believe it- all this grows easily in social medias. Could our kind of people actually bear an acceptance and legality of bestiality? I think most of us would then think that any animal anywhere is for free use. What have we tried to gain acceptance? Oh I forgot the one and only Fausty who tried to promote acceptance, strange enough most of his appearences on the stage caused new bans and legislations. Some may consider him a hero because he bought himself a lot of friends with free porn and access to animals. That is not something the world outside considers heroship, not least considering his somewhat doubyful financing options.
Yes, it is a matter of time. A very long time, often referred to as eternity.
The masses act out of total ignorance. I've already said this on another post, but an animal will let you know when he or she consents. Here's a good example: try forcing yourself on to a mare and watch how quickly you'll end up in the hospital after she kicks you. But when she wants to get fucked she won't stop backing into you. Bitches (female dogs) are similar. When they're not interested they'll walk away, and if you insist, she'll bite (or whimper/whine if she doesn't bite). When she is interested she will also back into you. Animals show consent through actions.
I've been told "no" and I was very lucky I was standing where I was walked away with some minor bruising very well could've been broken ribs which in turn could lead to punctured vitals I've never been over the fence since. Young and dumb.
Edit: Male animals are the same way when it comes to consent as the females. When they want to fuck they'll obviously have hard ons and try to mount. When they're not interested they just move away.
So what could be done about this? Losing everything you have ever worked for is still a valid reason to sit it out, but there's got to be another way to have activism instead of doing nothing at all.The pessimism exists because the current society that exists today is driven too much by fear to do anything about it. This society of comfotable fear is comprised of two primary groups. One group lives in fear of loosing everything within the life they have built. The other group lives in fear of loosing all its perks and comforts it reaps by supporting the promoters of this fear.
Try dumbing it down about two notches, your prowess in English is way above mine.People have to change how they perceive their own existence by resetting how they assess their own personal worth. Next the people have to realize that they and they alone are responsible for their path in life and how much the surrounding world affects this chosen path. People are responsible for their own destiny. People have spent centuries struggling in the shadow of this persistent and suffocating notion that so long as it supplicates its existence on bent knees to an overseer authority, then all it needs to do is simply focus on its own private corner of existence and not worry about the consequences of the actions any given person takes to make their own life more convenient.
These same tragic trapped people believe the propaganda circulated by this overseer authority, that encourages them to concern themselves with problems that exist on a bigger scale than their own private existence. They are assured that the problem is already resolved and anticipated, regardless of its nature or threat level.
People need to stop this. They need to take back control of their own destiny and ignore the threats of eternal turmoil that will be cursed upon their own soul for defying this overseer authority in their lives. Absolutely no entity in existence has that kind of power. No one. Once people have regained this control, they will suddenly find themselves no longer living in fear of a superior untouchable authority. They will no longer be motivated to take actions that harm people like us, out of fear of loosing everything. People will begin to think for themselves again.
How can i join said projects?I think that @TogglesHappyZoo and others have the right idea about how to get skilled at using social media for outreach, and there is a whole team of people that are involved in the production of their show. They have other projects they and others linked with them are trying to get launched. He, @Lovecat, @Zoo Stories, and others I know are on that project right now. A lot of work goes into the production.
There are already people doing something, and it's not just them. The Zooville team is not just @ZTHorse, but there is a whole team of people, including @dogluver101 and others, behind Zooville. Zooville itself is a method of outreach. We give researchers something to study, so after their first study, they can propose models for deeper research that does not rely so much on convenience samples. If you look at the Articles and Blogs section, here, a large proportion of the research that you see on there happened because of sites like this one.
I am keeping a blog on here going. The reason why is that what I do well is write. I would love to do something like Zooier Than Thou, but I have a stutter and a leaky upper respiratory system that is not about to go away. I know better than to squander time on that which is not within my power that could have been spent on something that actually is within my power and which I can do well and impressively and dependably.
We have many projects that are in motion as of right now, but many of them are slowed down and otherwise hampered by a paucity of manpower. That's not going to stop them, but for shows like Zooier Than Thou, maybe many of them would like to have animated animal characters controlled by face-tracking technology. There is a zoo out there that just took a college course course and did exactly something like that as their final project for that course, and if that person just read this paragraph, there are people working on projects right now that would be enhanced by something that that person has been doing for homework. These projects are in the process of coming together. An everyday person taking an everyday class in an everyday state-funded university can start making a difference in the time it would take to get one of these people's attention. Someone who uses a boring CAD program while working at a boring engineering job could help with the geometry and smoothing.
And that is only what I can think of off the top of my head that maybe someone out there can do.
Projects are in motion as we speak. Some of them have a long way to go. Some of them need one more person with certain talent, skills, and resources in order to be ready to put into action.
Well, more it's the sweeping comments that are hard to get through: "They need to's..." and the "controlling entity overseers".... Put those on a little piece of paper and exorcize them in the fireplace. Poof.Try dumbing it down about two notches, your prowess in English is way above mine.
"They're here stuffing their emotional voids with anything they can find, trying either to curb their boredom, their loneliness, their feelings of worthlessness..."Well, more it's the sweeping comments that are hard to get through: "They need to's..." and the "controlling entity overseers".... Put those on a little piece of paper and exorcize them in the fireplace. Poof.
Do you really want to know how to change things without getting in trouble? Want to be a "safe activist"?
We're already *doing* it, folks. This is a big site. Worldwide audience. Guess who's here watching us?
The lurkers here checking us out see lots and lots of different people here. Sure, they find the people who are just here for porn (no offense, anyone). But also intelligent people speaking articulately about philosophy and psychology and biology or just about how they enjoy sex with animals without a lot of shame or guilt. How can that be? It's so damn intriguing to outsiders, right? The documentary folks seem just floored by that -- that normal, intelligent people can also be zoo.
The more of us who are simply talking, who are comfortable being who we are, the more other people begin questioning (doubting, challenging) their perceptions about sexuality period.
You guys might not remember a "pre-Internet" world, where those of us who were beast/zoo lived out lives thinking we were the ONLY one who was "this way."
First thing I did when Usenet (pre-Web internet, and actually, I stayed in newsgroups like that for years after the Web dominated everything).... First thing I did, as I was saying, when Usenet got sophisticated enough that we had access to underground topic groups list #alt.dogsex or #alt.beast (trying to remember room names form memory)... was search for "me," look for myself, for more people like me.
It had been hell on earth, being the "only one like me." -- Until I wasn't the only one like me.
I found others. I found SANE other people, admirable people, people I really, really enjoyed talking to. I met the old Canuck, Stasya, who mentored me, a "zoo child" yet although I was in my 30s. I was close friends with an old single-guy church musician with an old shepherd, Drakar, and a husky or three, who was among other things also a part-time volunteer at a vet clinic in Florida. I met a young mother with a yellow lab in Ohio, who went by the name Changes. Still nursing one child. Divorced and married a horse zoo. Moved to the NW Pacific Coast. Happily living out their zoo lives there.
We were, all of us, a happy little group of friends for years because of the new Internet. All of us different, but all of us bound to the others. Oh, an incredibly brilliant young man in Indiana, whose sense of humor slayed me. His incredibly "zoo" nickname was ... Bob.
Today? Well, hells bells. Who *isn't* zoo? You can't throw a rock without hitting a zoo. Won't matter, most of them, because they were already bawling before you threw it. That part's different. I don't remember so many pessimistic whiners back then.
But to me, I for sure don't feel alone anymore. In fact, among *this* group? I feel as if I'm most *tame*. It seems like everybody and their brother/sister today is having interspecies fun, and they're doing stuff that either never occurred to me to try or... You know, just way more extreme. And some are doing it just for that reason: they seem to be trying to be most "extreme." I don't know.
So, yes, that means, among us, sure, there are the exact, bestial creeps our critics expect to find when they sneak in here, some really fucked up tards. That will always be. You'll never get away from that. Bent/broken people are always attracted to alternative sexual orientations, sad efforts to get more than their "physical" holes filled. They're here stuffing their emotional voids with anything they can find, trying either to curb their boredom, their loneliness, their feelings of worthlessness, or even maybe some of them, their sadist cravings. Maybe they even think everyone is doing the same as them, that they speak for all of us. Can't help that. That's here. Gonna have that. And where else *should* they be? They should feel welcome here, among people that won't judge them for being with animals. That removes that distraction, maybe helps them find the true reason they're fucked up and get to working on that.
But look who ELSE is here? Your most prolific poster here is a young, fearsomely intelligent woman studying to be a vet herself. She and her sister evidently aren't mentally handicapped by their enjoyment of animals. And you have old and young wives and husbands with families, and single folks working on their careers, hoping to find soulmates here. Old "Boomers" who have a laidback, calm, reflective attitude, the grampas and the grammas among us.
That's HUGE!
Where was this noisy crowd of people back when *I* was growing up? I did this alone -- well, pretty much. My sister for a little while was an exploration partner, but not much. And I *heard* about a guy here, or about a donkey show behind a convenience store. But I wasn't there for those. And I never DARED admit I was interested.
I was alone, and silent, and scared that something about *me* might be off. Alone. In silence.
Today is amazing!!! Just to listen to a bunch of zoos bitching how unfair life is, it makes me want to jump up laughing. Yes! YES! There is a CROWD OF US!!!
When did THIS happen? That the earth got filled with zoos?
I do consider it a mixed blessing that I grew up with this alone. I have an advantage. See, I am a happy little zoo without a community; I am a happy little zoo with one. I can come and go. But it just tickles me to death that you're all here.
So don't start telling me how bad things are right now -- I was alive and zoo before the Internet gave us community, gave us power, reassurance, camaraderie, someone to talk to, someone who knew something about what we experience, other people to validate and affirm us.
Someone who can articulate the way no other animal can: OTHER HUMAN BEING ZOOS!
Sheer numbers ... as the world begins to contemplate just the sheer numbers of us who gather like this. Who insist there must be a place like Zooville to congregate....
No doubt they're listening right now. Think about that. There are people among us lurking, watching, hearing us... measuring us. Assessing us. Trying to grasp who we are.
Then be sure to show them your best side. Show them who we are.
Keep talking. Keep posting about events. Keep talking rationally and being good examples.
THAT's important. What we're doing here right now is important. Being people worth knowing who are ALSO... zoo. Doing just that much... JUST that much... and you're being an activist (low-level activist, but... still...).
I'm an activist at least that much. (How 'bout you?)
I won't bother trying to shame anyone about their inability to make a better future for themselves, mostly because they can't. Trying to be an activist about bestiality while being a bestialist/zoophilist is a great way to put a big target on your back for "law enforcement" and the anti-zoo crowd. It would be an easy way to get your life ruined.Wow. Some of the shit on this thread just kind of pisses me off. Love to see people snark from the shadows at zoos who have the audacity to try to do something worthwhile for the community, telling everyone how stupid they are to fight for a better future.
If we do ever get anywhere, it sure as fuck won't be because of you.
I guess that's all I have to add at this time.
Oh man. I hope that wasn't directed at anything *I* said. If it were, I hope you'll reread what I wrote, maybe reconsider?Wow. Some of the shit on this thread just kind of pisses me off. Love to see people snark from the shadows at zoos who have the audacity to try to do something worthwhile for the community, telling everyone how stupid they are to fight for a better future.
If we do ever get anywhere, it sure as fuck won't be because of you.
I guess that's all I have to add at this time.