That's no problem, I read a lot of stuff which doesn't directly encircle topics which are of any emotional interest. That's the case with erotic stories, it's for me comparable to reading a newspaper about a fishing sports event - and I don't go fishing.
Same goes for most "porn", could basically wake up, start an endless stream of the here uploaded animal porn to my TV, even those with male human on female dog (which actually resembles my particular interest) and go boil a coffee, eat something while watching, read the newspaper parallel, talk with a business partner over video chat, work on some technology.. I wouldn't get aroused by pure analytic viewing of such media.
Another story if that's the goal, but that's rarely the case. I'm more of the "scientifically interested" fox, the horny mess people generate in such forums quite often is merely "not understandable" for me.
But I still find it interesting what you've written and will read it.

Just don't ask me in regards of "how erotic / arousing did you find it?", I can only analyze the story-telling and interest of your writing style.
If you want to see the sort of stories which I actually find really interesting, as in this case it even seems true / real:
That's 0% erotic. But one of the best stories I've read on ZV.