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Ayyy! The hard drive install was successful. What a pain in the ass it was. I guess I should have better traced where the extra SATA cable went to, the first time, as it went to a little board I have on the top of the PC tower that has extra USB ports, an eSATA port, and a couple of headphone jacks. So, I basically plugged in a SATA cable that wasn't connected to the motherboard at all. Lol. If I had to guess the disconnected SATA cable is what makes the eSATA work, which I don't need. So I basically had to disassemble the PC twice. But the second time around was successful! Hurray for extra storage! It looks like I have 3.68TB of actual space to play around with.
1404 The meaning of life, the universe, and everything.
Last upgrade I had to move my DVD drive too. I gave serious consideration to removing it entirely.
Yeah, I already made the decision that if it had to come down to adding another HDD and keeping the Buy-ray/DVD/CD reader, the disc reader was going to go, hands down. It's nice to have for the rare occasions that I want to use it, but it is definitely not a necessity at all.

Last time I actually had to use that device was 2017.. 🤔
And it's hard to find notebooks with ODDs nowadays.

But if it fits and sits - and you don't need either space nor connector free, that's the best thing to do: just leave it there.

And how was your day, floofing one? 🤔
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