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Count to ∞!


It's funny, as a kid I always envied the other kids that had parents which would simply buy their kids candy and the checkout counter. Asking my mom or dad, the answer was always, "no, we can't afford it." But now as an adult, I completely understand, and can appreciate that it did teach me the value of thrifting and the value of a dollar.

Yeah... to me it kinda sucks the spirit out of the holiday. It just isn't right. I mean, I do get that every year a handful of kids would get ran over by cars as I'm sure a kid in a Batman costume is not going to be seen by 72 year old Wilma driving her 2000 LeSabre if they cross the road without looking, and you never know about crazy Bob down the street... but still. It just doesn't feel right. Screw safety, those kids can walk, while I don't have to leave my front porch! Lol

Good morning to you cute floofs and your fellowship companions! 🐾 ❤️

Depending on time difference as well good evening, day or go-sleep-already! :ROFLMAO:

Life's a mess and you're a spaghetti monster hovering around in a body mech, correct.
For those that didn't know: this specific religion basically uses sarcasm, but the "spaghetti monster" resembles what you would look like if your whole nervous system and brain would've been taken out of your body.

The fragility of life is a scary thing, as well as the fragility of our own mind. Memories are simply a recollection of the last time we recalled said memory, and like a game of telephone often, with enough times that a particular memory is recalled, our memories tend to get slowly more corrupted as time marches on. Not the mention the fact that one day we could be walking in our back yard, trip over a branch, hit our head on a rock, and wake up not remembering anything or even remembering everything but aspects of your personality completely change. Kind of like the guy that got into a drunken bar fight, got knocked out, and then woke up only to discover that somehow, like a switch, all of a sudden he was REALLY good at mathematics and complex geometry, whereas before he was not.

The mind, and its fragility, is such an odd thing.

Hello Yancha foxxo floofer!

Hello Floofy with your fellow floofies! ❤️

It's mechanically fragile, that's very true.. but such a complex construct "has" to be mechanically fragile to some level.
That's how "bugs" in information technology came into reality: just by insects and rodents crouching and biting in a "nicely warm" computer system.

Nowadays it's even more sensitive, but quite well protected. But even the static discharge of rubbing your hair with a synthetic clothing would destroy even the most modern AI, if directly "injected" into the processors or storage media controllers without protective circuits catching the voltage spikes.

As such it's understandable that sensitivity comes out of complex concepts. One of the reasons I for multiple years developed very complex electronic concepts which as well were all-day-use robust in the hands of users - not experts. A stressing job.

But: your mind, the goals of it.. are very, very robust, actually. The most of it is subconsciously selected and what you "feel" and "think" willingly about - the higher consciousness - is just a sort of emulated "open world role play game". It's not in power of doing everything or anything "basic". You can't die by willingly stopping to breathe. Neither by willingly diving or willingly touching hot, sharp or comparable stuff. You would need a spontaneous decision and a way to initiate this without actually having time for the subconsciousness to "cancel" this effort. If there's no way for it to cancel the outcome.. then it will not be able to do anything.

But as long as it -can- interfere willingly and prevent the outcome, your lower management in the subconsciousness is a hell of a drug labor. It will do anything and everything to keep you alive. It does not want to die. No matter how ill your body is or how broken it appears, it wants to stay alive.

Humans only "notice" this mostly if they die.. and then it is too late in most cases. But if the subconsciousness could actually block the outcome, it would prefer to rip your organs in shreds by abusing them and to drug you up with adrenaline as well as other drugs to a level which keeps you functioning.. keeps it living.


Hehe, that's part of the sarcastic elements. :ROFLMAO:

But it's quite inverse: if you imagine how each and every living being might appear like a god to some other living beings (out of it's possibilities, life span, power), then it is actually resembling truth.

After all every living being is a god on its own level. All humans are, all dogs are, all living beings are to some degree. Just none of them is almighty or without limitations. They're gods in their own short lifespan (compared to the universe).

As such I don't believe in "higher" gods, just in what's existing. And in my opinion we "gods" should try to do the best out of it. Not to be an evil god like in "Black & White" (a game), but instead use the time productively for as well the surrounding and other gods (animals).

That's one of the reasons why the sun (and moon, and stars, and ..) were and practically still are gods, even without being alive. They're resembling the most powerful thing which almost eternally stays there (compared to the lifespans of those watching them).

After all most modern religions are *modified* combinations of old age religions including most of their gods.

I worship the all mighty doG myself! Both of my doggy girls are treated like the Goddesses they are! 🙇‍♂️🐕🐕

That's the waaaay! *initiates gospel dog choir* (y)
Edit: Oh, then I wish you a good night! Rest well! ❤️

Welcome back, Yimby! 👋 ❤️

Being good turned my wolf purple. Evil is so much better-looking.

Lol - but imagine Zeus going mad and destroying Yggdrasil because he wants a new hair style which is only unlocked by being mad and evil. :ROFLMAO: