It's funny, as a kid I always envied the other kids that had parents which would simply buy their kids candy and the checkout counter. Asking my mom or dad, the answer was always, "no, we can't afford it." But now as an adult, I completely understand, and can appreciate that it did teach me the value of thrifting and the value of a dollar.
Yeah... to me it kinda sucks the spirit out of the holiday. It just isn't right. I mean, I do get that every year a handful of kids would get ran over by cars as I'm sure a kid in a Batman costume is not going to be seen by 72 year old Wilma driving her 2000 LeSabre if they cross the road without looking, and you never know about crazy Bob down the street... but still. It just doesn't feel right. Screw safety, those kids can walk, while I don't have to leave my front porch! Lol