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It's always the complete environment effects, rarely just one aspect. (y)

Oh, middle of day, I've to put something on (better than a bed duvet, lol - that happens if one starts to read ZV before putting on the dress) and doing some stuff. Might look into ZV today evening, let's see.

Wish you a good day, my good forest protective demon deity. Reminds me to "Princess mononoke" from time to time, but you're more elegant.

Do you know the media reportage about him?
But I am not sure regarding @NeneMacas actually being him (that would be somewhat dangerous).

There should be English reports as well.

To translate the description: "A man which is only known under the name "Toco" has spent over 14.000 $ for a made-to-fit (Border) Collie costume. This should give him the possibility to realize his childhood dream of "being an animal"".

Yes, I can imagine.. the risks. I know about him due to it happening in Germany, as such it was in media as well.

After all it's a sort of specific furry, but probably still highly dangerous if people thought that he is actually a zoo. On the other hand.. as long as users don't state that they are their avatar.. it's allowed from what I saw? People use other animal images all the time.

.. fur suits are very identifiable, and generally not recommended to post, unless it is an all private suit.

That's for sure. They are identifiable and most furs which have a "zoofur" fursuit are not using this aside in "zoo" meetings or activities.

They usually use another separated fursuit with fursona for "non-zoo" communities, as example. Strictly separated. It's absolutely not recommended to go with one costume into both sorts of social circles, this could (probably would) end with injuries and attacks, police raids or worse.

If there's something identifiable posted here, as example - I am very sure all the lovely anti-zoos and "animal protection organization members" (hello there!) collect those information. I as well know that there are blacklists existing and more-or-less open discussions about zoophile (or just "maybe") furries as example. Same goes for "non-furries", they're as well blacklisted if identifiable due to some insecure handling of personal data.

I'm with separate "personas" in varying activity circles, as such it's not hard to see how much time and effort some of those people invest into "outing" or ruining the life of zoophiles. 🤷‍♂️ Know your enemy.. basically.

Hello my good @ShanoirII , long not seen! ❤️ How are you, how are your companions? Hopefully all is fine!

I pretty much act like the regular text form me here. But you have to know me very well in person and be on my regular text reciever list to be able to figure out "Hey! That is a lot like x!".
I know that I have an irl friend at this site, but I don't know her username. And she would most likely know that MrsShemon is her friend.

For me it's irrelevant which "real person" someone on this site is, they can use all the nicknames and pseudo personas they want.
If one is not here to actually meet people in real life (and I am for sure not interested in this), it doesn't actually play a role, as such..

But on the other hand: it's still relevant that people are - with their zoo persona - truthfully. I can understand some small varying data postings (I do this, as well - willingly, to add noise to potential collected data lists), but not to plain lies which are now A, then B and afterwards C. That's not acceptable. People should stay somewhat true, even if using a persona.

@ShanoirII : Hum, it's acceptable. There are some changes which are hard to strive further over experiencing them, but aside this, life will continue. And I wouldn't tell details about it on a zoophile site, that's for sure. As such: for being active here.. all is fine. (y)

A new wooden floor, that's cool! I plan on re-doing the floor some time later, as well - but there are so much bigger and more important aspects the next 2-3 years that I might just use the ceramic tile floor until then. It's at least robust.

Nothing beats exploring the original builders treasures that were hidden.

Unfortunately until now I neither found three tons of hidden war gold (as well neither Maya or Inka gold), nor a time machine.
Mostly just cemented plastic waste which was removed from curious eyes by cementing it into the walls. 🤷‍♂️

True, tragic story of my life. 🚭
140 💯+💯 +2

Hello erribody! I finally beat GTA IV earlier this morning. Of course I didn't take the deal at the end, which is the canon option to choose. What a LONG game it was to get through, but I'm glad I saw it to the end. I figured I'd get through it in 2 or 3 weeks... but I think I started playing it a little over a month ago. So many friggin' missions... many really good... some okay... some "meh"... and few that were downright frustrating to get through.

My next game is either going to be GTA Vice City, or it's going to be Red Dead Redemption 2. I'm kinda leaning towards RDR2 as I never got to complete the game back when I had an Xbox One, which I later sold.