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Yep, it's 9:30 AM around here right now. (y)
Another night owl, hehe. :cool:

My days are mostly longer than 24h, as such the sunrise times shift alot over even just three days in relation to being awake.

By the way: did you have any other reasons which resulted in the whole eradication of the specific 1st heat thread? Because for me it reads like there were lots of non-sexual aspects discussed about (the whole talking about his new dog, as far as I remember the initial postings from 2 months? ago or comparable) and probably that's what is missed right now..

On the other hand - grey area decision is decision and there might be more unknown stuff behind the topic. Could probably take too much time to sort it, as well, not sure.

I figured that was the time in your current location. Since your profile location states "From Europe / Germany quite often" I simply Googled the current time in Germany. Lol

Nope, it was pretty much due to the reasons I had listed in the threads. If Salty wants to create another one that completely omits the whole sexual aspect of it all, I'd be fine with that. But as it stands now I don't really see any reasons to bring it back. I may get with a couple of the other staff members and see if we can devise a "minimum age" requirement for sexual activity for the rules. But doing so would be a bit tricky since I don't think any of us have any experience outside of dogs, horses, cows, goats, and maybe sheep. When it comes to dogs I can't just say "no less than the second heat" as you have your oddballs like Salukis which often have their first heat at 1.5 years old. Trying to clarify it outside of "must be of breedable age" is probably going to be an absolute clusterfuck. If a decision is reached, I'll post an update in the threads.

Yep, aside from business meetings (quite often around the EU, less abroad) it's mostly Germany right now.

Like written earlier: At the moment we try to establish a hightech new sort of business, would mean it needs at least a high six digit sum from investment companies, this is a hassle. Banks are contracts with devils, tho. :ROFLMAO:

Nope, it was pretty much due to the reasons I had listed in the threads. If Salty wants to create another one that completely omits the whole sexual aspect of it all, I'd be fine with that. But as it stands now I don't really see any reasons to bring it back.

As I don't know that thread wholly, I can only describe like it reads. It's as if it counted like a diary of him loving to report over the growing-up and development (not specifically sexual from how it sounds) of his new doggy girl and that's what he misses much. That's why I wondered that not only the postings related to the heat were removed, if there "should be" such a big amount of diary-like stuff beforehand.

But at the end: it's a result from his action, as such he has to get along with it. If he doesn't want to stay at the forum or just re-do the story-diary sort of reporting in a new thread, that's sad but ultimately his decision.. I can't imagine it would be too hard to post the diary-stories again in 2-3 postings in a new thread and I am sure people would be happy to follow the development of his girl as well as the bonding of the both.

When it comes to dogs I can't just say "no less than the second heat" as you have your oddballs like Salukis which often have their first heat at 1.5 years old. Trying to clarify it outside of "must be of breedable age" is probably going to be an absolute clusterfuck.

That doesn't work.. true. You would necessarily need a hard number, not a "status quo" of her breedability (lol).

It could be based on something like: "No sexual interaction below the age of -throw a fair number of months, like 12- to be shown off or described between any female/male dog and humans, dogs or other animals. Playing between younger dogs is fine (no intercourse).
If a female dog is in heat, posting media or interactions about it is allowed starting from her being at least 12 months of age. The media has to be made after she reached this age."

Else it's really a wild dice as I know dogs which reached first heat at 4,75 months of age. ?‍♂️

Others reached first heat at 17,5 to even 21+ months of age. And that would be fine (I don't see any development-sided problem with it, breeders wouldn't see one as well).

And even if they're in heat and fertile with under 5 months of age.. it's logical that nobody with the dogs mental and physical health in mind would either suggest intercourse between her and another dog, nor a human / other animal. That's just a young dog, almost puppy..

I see the hardship here. In humans we have said "18 and above", despite "breedable age" happening before that. And dogs are very different where saying "1,5 years and above" would mean that some of the larger breeds have not stopped growing yet. And some have their second heat before turning a year.
So neither a set age nor a number of heats could apply to all dogs as they would have different mental and physical maturity depending on what breed they are.

As we can say that humans live around 80-85 years on average, it would be around 20% of their expected lifetime when it is okey to have sex with them.
So maybe something similar in dogs? As a breed that lives for a shorter time hit second heat and physical maturity earlier than a breed expected to live longer?

But this is not really the place for these discussions.

Welcome to the lil' devil! ?

So maybe something similar in dogs? As a breed that lives for a shorter time hit second heat and physical maturity earlier than a breed expected to live longer?

Hard to do, as well. Not to mention it would cause more confusion for all those with less information about their (any) breed of dog in mind.

An age number would probably be the best, but 12 months might be too early as well. People might .. abuse the rule by telling their 9 month old dog is 12 months old. 15 months maybe? There you see more clear signs of bone structure growth, muscular one as well, ratios or in relation to the sexual development.

And then there's the big "?" how to verify it.. aside the way that's used right now: by individual judgment through mods / admins. Not sure if in the US they -have- to have a pet passport or comparable.. Here it would be easy to fake, tho.

From my opinion a number of age plus two- or even three-person judgment by experienced mods/admins based on the media files is fine. As that's as precise as it gets. False positives / negatives would still occur, but there's something to link the people to and less hassle around it.

As it's just thoughts and ideas, I don't think the place for discussion is relevant. Mindstorming doesn't worse a situation which is given. (y)
Welcome to the lil' devil! ?
I am not that little, even if I am not huge.
Hard to do, as well. Not to mention it would cause more confusion for all those with less information about their (any) breed of dog in mind.
But with a "20/25% of expected lifetime", we would pretty much end up in the 15-18 months gap.
An age number would probably be the best, but 12 months might be too early as well. People might .. abuse the rule by telling their 9 month old dog is 12 months old. 15 months maybe? There you see more clear signs of bone structure growth, muscular one as well, ratios or in relation to the sexual development.

And then there's the big "?" how to verify it.. aside the way that's used right now: by individual judgment through mods / admins. Not sure if in the US they -have- to have a pet passport or comparable.. Here it would be easy to fake, tho.

From my opinion a number of age plus two- or even three-person judgment by experienced mods/admins based on the media files is fine. As that's as precise as it gets. False positives / negatives would still occur, but there's something to link the people to and less hassle around it.
Absolutely, experienced people reviewing the content and reaching a consensus would likely be the best course of action. But a defined minimum age, as with humans, can't really be just a bad idea, can it?
As it's just thoughts and ideas, I don't think the place for discussion is relevant. Mindstorming doesn't worse a situation which is given. (y)
It is just that I have seen many threads relocated to the DF depending on what people started to talk about in them, and I would hate for this thread to end up there.
Do you want me to call you big devil instead? :unsure: :husky_grin: It's just a descriptive metaphor, not a factual analysis. I don't know you "live", anyways. (y)

But a defined minimum age, as with humans, can't really be just a bad idea, can it?
Exactly.. It would lessen the unsure confusion of people and maybe (with some luck and people using their brain cells actively! I know, my hope has no boundaries! ❤️) even prevent them from "accidentally" posting such media files or stories.

Probably it would be good to exclude prior media from the years before establishment of the new rule from this, as to not cause unneeded harassment and war. It's easy to check by the date of creation / last edit and prevents internal targeting of users due to personal disliking.

.. and I would hate for this thread to end up there.

Oh, that won't happen I hope. If it's that annoying to have a bit mindstorming here.. they could just delete my postings and that's fine with me.
After all the topic is already finished for me and I accept the decisions (without interest in knowing everything, just some clearance was helpful).
Do you want me to call you big devil instead? :unsure: :husky_grin: It's just a descriptive metaphor, not a factual analysis. I don't know you "live", anyways. (y)
Just a joke from my side, I don't mind to be called lil', little, small, tiny et cetera. Because I am more or less those things.
I don't mind to be called huge, big, fat either, as I am not those things and the one calling me that is simply wrong in their assumptions.

For me (> 6"3) most people are small or mostly: casually sized, but I don't see size as any important aspect.

Smaller people have disadvantages and advantages in sports, for my size it's actually a challenge to control all the muscle fibers in a manner which doesn't look weird, this means: if you focus on just "sending signals to your legs" it wouldn't work out very smooth and actually anger me.

Doing this in a more smooth manner consciously is a) exhausting and b) slower as the subconscious mind works hundreds of times faster (but less feedback-loop related, it's semi-automatic subconscious).

Comparable to you walking down a stair consciously, not by your subconscious mind. It will get very stressing, believe me. It's the compromise of being very fast and being big: usually you look sleazy or jerky, not smooth. :ROFLMAO:
Last edited:

Yancha is a foot taller than me. Proof of me being lil' have been provided.

Biggest issues with competing with taller people are their reach. Not easy to fight with someone that out-reach you. You being smaller does not equal to you being faster or more nible.
Only one thing to do when fighting a bigger opponent (besides running away from there) and that is to get in close.
Shorter distance between the hip and knee means that up close, you can knee kick while the larger opponent can't, their elbows are still a factor to take in huge consideration, but your own elbows against their chin and knees to their legs and belly might very well settle the fight in your favor.

If they're males, you can just grab their testicles and squeeze them VERY carefully (please!), they'll instinctively bow down a bit to protect them.
Or just fake a kick to them (don't kick them, please). They'll bow down instinctively as well, leaving their fingers or hands which are raised above their head probably in reach for you.

As long as you don't hurt them you can just laugh it off as a trick and they're probably bamboozled.

If they're females (rarely 6"3 I guess) ram them two fingers left and right below the rib cage in the sides of their stomach. Not too hard. Just enough so they "twitch" and curl together a bit.

It's plainly impossible to keep something held high into the air while getting such an attack. In some cases they'll let it fall out of the hand as well.