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Count to ∞!

Well, he probably used a different protonmail email. Not sure when they started doing this, but it used to be hard to create a duplicate protonmail email, as you had to at least verify the account with initially just a phone number... then a phone number or a separate email. Now you can create one without any initial verification, which kinda sucks. Because they used to have to work for it.

No telephone number verification with protonmail.
Would not have been a member here if that information was a requirement.

Yep, it's 9:30 AM around here right now. (y)
Another night owl, hehe. :cool:

My days are mostly longer than 24h, as such the sunrise times shift alot over even just three days in relation to being awake.

By the way: did you have any other reasons which resulted in the whole eradication of the specific 1st heat thread? Because for me it reads like there were lots of non-sexual aspects discussed about (the whole talking about his new dog, as far as I remember the initial postings from 2 months? ago or comparable) and probably that's what is missed right now..

On the other hand - grey area decision is decision and there might be more unknown stuff behind the topic. Could probably take too much time to sort it, as well, not sure.