I'm pretty sure KendallRae doesn't see her dog as just a sex toy, she takes care of her dog and loves it immensely obviously lol
unless she got the dog for the sole purpose of using it for its penis and abuses and doesn't feed him/give him proper shelter then I guess the problem lies elsewhere right?
Well one thing wrong is society's views on people having sex with animals first and foremost!
However since she was in a relationship and was caught accidentally by her now ex-bf there's more than just the moral/ethical side to things such as the act being immoral/sacrilegious to begin with.
Now there are other things to consider, such as what constitutes as cheating in a monogamous relationship lol
Yes it's probably not good or healthy to keep secrets from or do things behind each other's back, especially when it involves your partner having or doing sexual things with their body! But it is ultimately their body and not yours!
I'm no expert or pro at relationships but I would say that while yes you are not supposed to share yourself aka have sex with someone other than your chosen mate heck even less than having sex many/most would consider out of line
but does this specific incident qualify as cheating?
Yes it was sex...and it wasn't with her bf...so its cheating right? I guess if we want to get technical about it ok sure yes
But if that's the case then, so would be playing with sex toys or masturbation right? You're having sex with yourself or a piece of silicone rubber and not your partner and without their knowledge or consent...thus cheating correct?
Or does cheating apply only when done with other humans? because it's kind of relevant here
A dog isn't an inanimate object but it's also not a human being
And Yes many people do view pets/animals as family members or at the very least more than just another piece of property they own, so it could be looked at as if you cheated on your partner with their sibling or best pal in a sense but that's also depending on the degree to which the animals status is elevated too. I also wanted to say I think there's way worse things you could walk into or be that repulsed by that you vomit at the sight of seeing!
Seeing someone enthusiastically chow down on feces might do that for me lol yuck but hey everyone is different!
Regardless Communication is key..you need to talk and be honest in relationships but with this topic it's touchy and not easy to share or open up to others about.
So your choices are either keep it a secret(which this Gal was doing apparently beforehand) or test the waters and find out what the other person thinks about animals and people having sex/making love with them! You don't have to admit to liking or partaking in it at all but you can possibly get a sense of their views on the subject if you just find a way to simply ask them about it however you choose to do that...there's plenty of those topics on this site
I don't think Kendall is wrong for wanting to feel pleasure tho! And she chose to allow the dog to bring her some which should be her choice!
Unfortunately there are laws that make it illegal!

but I feel what you do in your own privacy is your own business as so long as it's not harming others especially rape, murder, theft, things along those lines...assault/harm to another person or property!
I understand that most vanilla non kinky or taboo people, even some of those might still not accept the idea of people and animals shagging it up but too each their own for sure...like I said a person might eat poop and then turn around and judge you for letting a dog pleasure you lol that's just the world we live in hahaha it's a funny place
But what isnt funny is what her ex-bf did to her home and stuff and to force law enforcement to get involved
Cheating might not be cool but yes two wrongs don't make a right!
And he definitely ain't right!
He has the right to be upset, feel cheated or slighted if he wants and chooses to
But he has zero right to make threats, damage property or to cause stress and/or harm to anyone or thing