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Are all you folks already on the new forum (Zoocadia)?

The best ways I can put it, is that Zooville is more like an unfiltered unforgiving wild west landscape. ZooVille is also a bit more like the "WalMart" of zoo forums, as it has a little bit of everything but isn't for everyone.

Zoocadia on the other hand is mostly a chill and less stressful environment. It has more of that wholesome mom and pop store vibe. It's more focused on those of us that care deeply about our animal partners and animals in general. It's also not a very fun place if all you care about is sex, sex, sex, meet and fucks, sex, meet and fucks, and sex.

Just as a side note: if you're viewing the Zoocadia forum as a guest, many of the sections have been hidden for non-members. ZooVille gets around 1,500 posts per day, while Zoocadia get around 350-400 posts per day. So, while not quite as many posts as this forum, it definitely does get a fair number of posts and isn't a slouch.
The best ways I can put it, is that Zooville is more like an unfiltered unforgiving wild west landscape. ZooVille is also a bit more like the "WalMart" of zoo forums, as it has a little bit of everything but isn't for everyone.

Zoocadia on the other hand is mostly a chill and less stressful environment. It has more of that wholesome mom and pop store vibe. It's more focused on those of us that care deeply about our animal partners and animals in general. It's also not a very fun place if all you care about is sex, sex, sex, meet and fucks, sex, meet and fucks, and sex.

Just as a side note: if you're viewing the Zoocadia forum as a guest, many of the sections have been hidden for non-members. ZooVille gets around 1,500 posts per day, while Zoocadia get around 350-400 posts per day. So, while not quite as many posts as this forum, it definitely does get a fair number of posts and isn't a slouch.
Couldn't have put it better, There is no need for people to Bash zoocadia, Zooville will not disappear, more options is all the better after all.
"16. Threads/posts that are deemed overly or solely fetishistic and blatantly vulgar will be removed at moderator discretion. This includes fetishistic posts that derail the intended subject of a thread. This is to curb threads/posts from "pornhounds/fetishizers/leg-humpers" that are not zoos and only see zoophilia/bestiality as a degradation fetish."

The problem I have always had with rules like this is it's far to vague, what I consider a "pornhoud/fetishizer/leg-humper" might not entirely meet with the mods understanding of that rule and I will have no idea of that line until I break the rules and get banned
Then it is fortunate for you that the rule specifies that the messages will be removed only. There is no mention of bans or even points toward bans.
Look, the way that this PSA was put out there was very antagonistic.
Agree. Wolfspirit has always been a zooier than thou prig, and unfortunately for Zoocadia he took it upon himself to become the self-proclaimed ambassador of our site. I have long wished this thread could be locked so that his message is not the first impression people get of the site.
Agree. Wolfspirit has always been a zooier than thou prig, and unfortunately for Zoocadia he took it upon himself to become the self-proclaimed ambassador of our site. I have long wished this thread could be locked so that his message is not the first impression people get of the site.
i am wondering, why do people not like zooier than thou, I dont listen to them but I feel I am out of the loop.
i am wondering, why do people not like zooier than thou, I dont listen to them but I feel I am out of the loop.
Not talking about the podcast; I've never listened to it. "Zooier than thou" is an expression similar to "Holier than thou". Holier than thou means somebody who feels they are better than you because they follow your religion better than you do, they feel morally superior. Likewise "Zooier than thou" means a person who thinks they are better than you because the way they practice zoophilia is better than the way you do it.
Not talking about the podcast; I've never listened to it. "Zooier than thou" is an expression similar to "Holier than thou". Holier than thou means somebody who feels they are better than you because they follow your religion better than you do. Likewise "Zooier than thou" means a person who thinks they are better than you because the way they practice zoophilia is better than the way you do it.
ah cool, thanks! wasn't sure haha
While I don't think that his original post is exactly the most accurate depiction of what Zoocadia actually is, his post doesn't violate any of the rules of this forum. So I see no reason to lock it.
Agreed. I do wish the thread could be locked, but I don't think there is a legitimate reason to do so.
Porn, the ability to post hookup ads, the ability to put dick pics as your pfp... all of this has attracted a lot of folks who are only interested in satisfying the needs of their dick/clit. They're here, quite frankly they're the majority, and making a new section that is less porn oriented is not going to change that. Hell, we've GOT plenty of sections that are less porn oriented.

If you've got a solution for this site, I'd love to hear it.

I find this point very pertinent. If I had seen this site when I first went to make a profile here I would have been much more confident in starting to engage. I'll definitely be looking in to it.
As I read through here and still cannot figure out why you zooville haters continue to come back and harass those of us with more open minds and better understanding of the facts at hand. I will not continue to debate the subject because I know what I am talking about because i have done the research. You wish to deny the facts that will make you just as guilty as anyone else. Just as Jesus wrote the sins of Marry's accusers in the and so too is it being done with you. As I mentioned before I am not jealous or do I hold any animosity towards anyone who chose to create a different site, more power too you. I love freedom as much as the next guy just dont try to push it down our thorats just as you went away because you didn't like having others freedom allowed here. It seems you are more of an issue than us, You continually try to call names and cause all kinds of issues and not want to be criticised or called out for it, Do I come over to your site and make waves over there? I do not. The fact that Masha Sobaka specifically aksed the awesome floofy to lock this down shows my point that all he wishes is for his opinion and others like it to be valid and validated.

Also there are those who continue to imply that I support abuse and thes who do it, quite the contrary actually I would love to see it it all stop and those who are responsible pay for it, but with that said one must understand not everyone shares the same viewpints on what constitues abuse based on your country of origin, how you were raised, wheather or not you produce animals for meat, raise them to get products from them, and wheather or not you consider them somehting other than just a beast. Just as most states and countries consider any kind of zoophilla a most horrid form of abuse. They like those who hate us on zooville would love to see us all hang quite literally. So one has to be very careful how they treat others.

I dont hate or ding on this site because they have things well in hand already and already have good bounderies in place that still allow us some freedom without putting an unneccesray stranglehold on everyone. This site was never designed to be a pristine shrine, nay in fact it was meant to be exactly what it is. The fun loving nasty we all love and enjoy.

I love all the mods and think they are awesome folks who do an amazing job with out losing their minds which is no small miracle with all they have to deal with on a daily basis.

I love discussion and would never shy away from it or demand a mod lock it down simply bedause it did not fit my viewpoint of agenda. It would defeat the purpose of said discussion.

I thank you moderators for being the cool peeps you are and not simply yelling at us all and banning us on a whim.

I hope everyone who reads this has a most excllent day, is doing most awesome, has many wonderful surpises take place, and their day will be most full of blue skies, warmth, and sunshine like it will be in this yotes neck of the woods! :gsd_love:??
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Take what Reprieve said with a pinch of salt. While I agree with some of his points, his claims about veganism are demonstrably false. It is true to say maintaining nutritional balance is more difficult for vegans, and requires them to take supplements. It is not true to say that people NEED meat to be healthy, nor is it true that supplements only provide a temporary solution. There are a number of professional athletes that have maintained a vegan lifestyle for many years yet still get all the nutrition they need to maintain the peak physical fitness required to be among the best (if not the best) in their sports. Ultramarathon Champion Scott Jurek, NBA Star Chris Paul, and NFL defensive end Deatrich Wise, Jr. to name only a few.

As for pedophilia... not in THIS community. Any show of support for pedophilia will result in an instant ban, no warnings. Just as it should be.
For the long term it is very much true.
Pure veganism is fine for periods of a few years, but after a decade or two it becomes unsustainable without some serious effort and/or wealth.
The problem is primarily that it requires a LOT more substantial intake in quantity to achieve the same level of nutritional quality as is gained from animal-based sources such as eggs, milk and meat at large.

I'm not saying it's impossible, but it tends to be incredibly costly to sustain and is beyond the means of most normal people to afford.
It also requires a much more strictly-monitored diet to ensure you're getting everything you need.
Again, I'm not saying vegans can't work in labor-intensive fields or to achieve great things; I'm saying that most people can't live on a vegan diet long-term... Whether it be due to prohibitive costs, the quantity of food intake needed to meet your needs, the careful management of your diet to avoid malnutrition... Or if you're so unlucky, because you simply cannot absorb the nutrients you need from the alternatives veganism provides.

Most vegan-friendly supplements/pills require a double-dosage to meet the needs of the average person, but this isn't represented properly as labels on foods tend to be rather simplified. Saying something contains so many grams of 'protein' doesn't specify what TYPE of protein it contains.
Not all proteins, nor fats, are equal; some are less healthy than others and/or are absorbed differently than others.
Plant-based proteins tend to be harder for the body to break down. This is made even more difficult as the presence of fiber inhibits the proper absorption of many nutrients, screwing with the assumed bio-availability of said nutrients in the typical individual. As such, the labels presenting nutrition information on many food products can be misleading and result in deficiencies that may go undetected for years.

Yes, athletes whom claim to be vegan exist. They may even truly be perfectly vegan. But they also typically have a fair bit of money backing their diet, with specially-hired individuals to monitor their health. Not all sports require the same sort of body-type either and, while veganism can provide a person with enough to survive, it may not always be capable or providing the ideal nutrient intake to keep the body strong and developing as a proper wholistic diet would.

Everybody is different. Some people do better with a vegan diet than others, some can afford the time, focus and money to keep it up.
Not everybody can. Some have genetic issues which prevent such, some have a metabolism that can't handle it, some are just too poor or ragged to sustain it.
Thank you for this sane, informative response. And uh... wait what? Are you implying that pedophilia is prevalent among zoos? I'm not saying that incredulously, I agreed with pretty much everything else you said. If that's true, then I was blissfully unaware of something extremely major about this community
I was more saying that according to most studies, there is a correlation between any non-vanilla fetish and another. This doesn't mean they all match up, there's no simple 'if/than' statement of the sort to be made. Extremely kinky people are extremely kinky... But what kinks they may hold varies from person to person. The likelihood of being a pedo' is simply higher in kinkier individuals by virtue of typically having a greater quantity and variety of kinks.

Think of it like a shotgun versus a rifle being aimed at a target and firing thrice: There's a greater chance of a shot landing on or near the taboo kink with a wider spread than there is without. The key is typically where the line is drawn.
The larger the target's perimeter, the easier it is to land a shot after all.

Some things are, by their very nature, dangerous to hold in one's heart... Not necessarily due to the harm they may cause, but by the potential for harm they can cause an individual or group that is found to hold them. A society that hates homosexuals is one in which homosexuality is a dangerous thing to hold in one's heart. The same is true of any taboo.

The more dangerous the outing of a taboo, the more firmly the line is drawn... Not by us, but by others and ourselves.
The taboo is something scary to desire... It's a line not easily crossed. It takes much more thought and/or impulsiveness to even consider, let alone act upon the taboo. To those used to breaking taboo, however, this can be a less stressful task to undertake.
The same is true of those with a greater awareness of self and introspective, thoughtful tendencies.

Now, mind this is all merely my own thoughts and opinions, dictated by my own logic, social interactions and experiences...
So take it with a pinch of salt.

Kinky motherfuckers be kinky.
You never know what they might be into, but if you know they're kinky...
Well, expect them to have a broader range of kinks than the average dood.
Um... I suppose it depends who you look.

Zoos usually have little interes in humans, let alone their underage form. No, I do not think you will find any in this group.

But, people in "extreme kinks, all taboo, etc", are likely to be into pedo and also to explore zoo... er... beasty as another "extremely weird kink", so you might find an overlapping in those, but:
- For one they will tipically not be zoos but people using animals as sex tools.
- On the other, both staff and users reporting them are doing a good job on playing wack-a-pedo with the banhammer as soon as spotted ?
Correct, but most of the world doesn't really make a distinction between those that seek a relationship beyond cumming with/in an animal and those that use and then discard them. As for the staff bit... Yeah, wasn't claiming otherwise, was I?

Was more trying to point out that it's a bit dumb to claim everyone in one group definitively has ties to another...
That studies on correlation aren't often all that useful as they tend to be vague, inaccurate and filled with flaws in their presentation of data.
Everybody is different. Some people do better with a vegan diet than others
This is pretty much the only true thing in your post. You've made a bunch of wild claims about veganism. Fine. Prove them. Give me verifiable scientific studies that back up your claim that the average person cannot sustain veganism without tremendous cost to themself.
This is pretty much the only true thing in your post. You've made a bunch of wild claims about veganism. Fine. Prove them. Give me verifiable scientific studies that back up your claim that the average person cannot sustain veganism without tremendous cost to themself.
Why the heck would I need a 'scientific study' to show that which anybody whom has ever gone to the store can see?

Animal-based products provide greater nutrient density and quality than vegetable matter, this much is something nobody can disagree with.
Animal-based products receive subsidies in most developed nations due to the above.

And surely you are aware that there's more than one kind of 'protein'?
The labels on food products don't define what kinds of proteins there are in a food nor their quality, only telling you how much there is by quantity.
You don't need a study to know this. You just need a moment to consider the fact and realize it's true.

Processed foods are often composed of very basic proteins and other nutrients...
You can find a single plant providing the ingredients for more heavily processed foods of all sorts, from pies and nuggets to pasta and pizza.
These ingredients are essentially pre-digested by virtue of just how much they've been separated, melted down, 'refined' and slopped about.

The problem with many alternatives to animal-based products is they tend to be more processed in nature...
And for those plant-based foods which aren't, they typically include so much fiber that the bio-availability of all present nutrients drop. Worse, the more fiber you intake, the less efficient your body becomes in absorption thereof such that it can easily leave you bloated and paradoxically malnourished.

If you don't believe this, search for it yourself... It's not terribly difficult to find the results. It's a fairly well-known issue with fiber-heavy diets.

Anyhow... As for the more processed foods, the body seems to have issues with them simply because they're so heavily processed, typically resulting in obesity alongside nutrient deficiencies.

And finally, a personal note... Some people simply cannot survive on a vegan diet as they can't break down alternative sources of protein or iron properly. My own family can neither afford a vegan diet nor survive on it due to the above issue as regards iron.
Why the heck would I need a 'scientific study' to show that which anybody whom has ever gone to the store can see?
So basically you're not able to back up your claim, and you linked a bunch of irrelevant stuff that doesn't in any way support your claim. I think we're done. :gsd_happysmile:
I still haven't figured out what the motivation is for a vegan to keep desperately pushing his religion (or perhaps delusion would be a better word) on everybody else when it's been made clear that the only one who cares even a little bit is the vegan, and all he's doing is pissing off the people he's supposedly trying to convert.

One of these days, I'd like an actual explanation of that behavior. Probably ain't ever gonna happen, but one can hope...

(Of course, the same can be said of ANY political/religious proselytizer - Regardless of what it is they're pushing, it seems that until things turn ugly as home-made sin, they never seem to get the message that their best move is to shut up and walk away from the subject. Even then, some of them are too stupid to figure out they're doing nothing to advance (and are, in many cases, actively HARMING) their cause until the situation reaches the point where they're taking physical damage)
I, as a person living in agriculture. You are aware of the fact that the mechanical production of plants, soil work, chemical spraying, without which there would be 1/10 of crops, how many animals die?
Last week, a foxhole broke under my tractor. It probably crushed the whole family to death. During the harvesting of plants, many animals die, because not all of them run away, but hide and we are not seen when the machine drives through them, fox, rabbit, roe deer, hedgehog, spermophilus etc. The grain is usually full of dead lizards, snakes, and grasshoppers.
This veggie thing is just as much crap as an electric car that is powered by a coal plant. If you like vegetables, you eat them. But don't guess that this is mandatory and the future and don't make mental terror in other people.
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I'm going to have to agree that there's really no good reason to be vegan. Some people claim it makes them feel healthier or gives them more energy, but I'd just as soon chalk that up to placebo effect. Some people do it for ethical reasons, which is subjective so... whatever. They can do what they want.

However, even if I'm not a fan, I won't allow people to spew blatantly false bullshit either. Reprieve's original argument was "You need meat to live." After I conclusively disproved that, he back-peddled to, "Ok, you don't need meat to live, but if you stay on a vegan diet for decades it will take a tremendous toll on the average person." I asked him to back up what he was saying with any kind of proof, and he wasn't able to. Bullshit debunked.
Just a quick PSA (on my own accord) for any of you unaware, some of the Zooville mods got together and created a new zoo forum (which is pretty active) that is designed more for real zoos and to better keep out the fetishists, bestialists, kinksters and zoosadists that websites like this unfortunately tend to attract. If you understand the difference between those terms and you fully identify as a zooromantic, zoophile or zoosexual zoophile, come on and join the growing pack!

Yeah, no thanks... The delusions of grandeur in some members here towards those who partake in the porn section is already high enough.

I can only imagine the levels of own fart sniffing over there. ?

I had a quick browse of the threads though and literally every thread there already exists here so what's the point?.. but have fun over there I guess you superior beings you.
In all honesty my posts about Zoocadia have just been a little trollolol to try ruffle some feathers for my own entertainment but seems like nobody cares enough to take the bait or everyone's already over at Zoocadia anyway as most of the threads are dead around here...

Anyway, you can keep your superior being title if you'd like though. ?