I think I am a bit too
I think a lot about sex but I can be 1 or 2 days without wanking myself 

YeahAnyone have hyper sexuality?
HotI was born a hypersexual freak.
And why do you think that would be fun?I wish I had a hyper sexual partner to have fun with.
I get this.rBecause I have a high sex drive myself and having a partner who needs it as much as me would make me feel complete. I like the idea of wanting and being wanted. Two people being connected and feeling whole through sexual release and bonding.
Hold up, autism affects your sexuality? that's the first time i've heard about that, i'm gonna do some more digging on this, is there a source you can provide me with?Yeah unfortunately. from what I understand about the effect autism has on your sexuality, autistic people have a heightened libido and it increases their susceptibility to developing hypersexuality. It's genuinely annoying sometimes
No worries, i did found that it is indeed true, here's a link of it (hopefully sharing links is allowed, if not sorry no malicious intentions here)I wouldn't happen to have the sources, The majority of my knowledge on that subject comes from long talks with my therapist many years ago. He had sources back then but I wouldn't even begin to remember what they were or where to find them wish you luck in your journey of discovery tho
LotsAnyone have hyper sexuality?
Kind of like seasons right? i've been there as well hahahaI go through phases of hyper sexuality and whatever the exact opposite is
Currently I’ve been in the “Hyper Sexual” phase for like a month now