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Zooville Feedback and bug reporting thread.

The site went down a few hours ago right, I kept getting bad gateways and the site checking sites aid it was down, just confirming.
I'm getting HTML 500 errors when accessing threads. Totally random, reproduceable but not voluntarily, it happens with no specific constant
That's been randomly happening for at least a month now. Refreshing or hitting back and clicking the link again has resolved it every time for me.
That's been randomly happening for at least a month now. Refreshing or hitting back and clicking the link again has resolved it every time for me.
Yeah, usually works great - until it doesn't.
About half the time when I try that, I get this mangled mess on the screen - characters missing in random places, something that looks almost as if someone tore off half a calendar page, weird "smears" of either blsck or white, like the rendering engine broke - I'll try to catch a screenshot one of these times when it happens - it's hard to describe, but absolutely impossible to miss when it shows up. When that happens, I've got no option but to close out the tab or window, and try again, since reloading just gives me the same sort (but usually messed up in different ways) of "trashed" page. Haven't been able to figure out if it's the forum fucking up, something getting garbled in transmission (theoretically impossible with TCP/IP, but theory and reality sometimes don't agree) or something wrong with my rig/software.
Yeah, usually works great - until it doesn't.
About half the time when I try that, I get this mangled mess on the screen - characters missing in random places, something that looks almost as if someone tore off half a calendar page, weird "smears" of either blsck or white, like the rendering engine broke - I'll try to catch a screenshot one of these times when it happens - it's hard to describe, but absolutely impossible to miss when it shows up. When that happens, I've got no option but to close out the tab or window, and try again, since reloading just gives me the same sort (but usually messed up in different ways) of "trashed" page. Haven't been able to figure out if it's the forum fucking up, something getting garbled in transmission (theoretically impossible with TCP/IP, but theory and reality sometimes don't agree) or something wrong with my rig/software.
This has happened to me over the last few weeks most times if I wait an hour or so it works again
Since a few days the alert function is broken for me. There’s been new posts in some threads that I follow but they’re not showing up in my notifications anymore. Anyone else have the same issue or is this purely on my side?
Since a few days the alert function is broken for me. There’s been new posts in some threads that I follow but they’re not showing up in my notifications anymore. Anyone else have the same issue or is this purely on my side?
I've noticed this too. I am not sure, but I think it might be related to me not checking that particular thread for a longer period of time.
I've noticed this too. I am not sure, but I think it might be related to me not checking that particular thread for a longer period of time.
Thing is, I have been checking those threads recently. Your quote of me did show up as an alert for me, though. Strange.
I was just giving riot/matrix a go via the Element app on iPhone and I’m unable to register an account there (Internal server error). Can’t create on the desktop version of the page too... Is the chat function still a thing?
"The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: first"
A lot of people want to know something that involves the word "first" :D
Is there a way you can allow the search to use the word at least in searching titles only?
"The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: first"
A lot of people want to know something that involves the word "first" :D
Is there a way you can allow the search to use the word at least in searching titles only?
Actually that's something that irks me as well. Say for example that I want to look up the acronym "CDC" which isn't something that most people would post about on here and should yield limited results. This would help me narrow down a single post that I might happen to be looking for. I'm told that this is "too short."

Unfortunately, I don't know if there is anything that can be fixed or not? It might just be something internal to the forum software.
Actually that's something that irks me as well. Say for example that I want to look up the acronym "CDC" which isn't something that most people would post about on here and should yield limited results. This would help me narrow down a single post that I might happen to be looking for. I'm told that this is "too short."

Unfortunately, I don't know if there is anything that can be fixed or not? It might just be something internal to the forum software.
I am pretty sure the forum has some configuration file on the server which probably allows tweaking the behavior of it.
would be nice if room admins on beast.chat got a tool to clean inactive members in there room

(i think there is somting like that and its used in the media and the barn but not sure)
One thing I'd love to see (not sure if this is the place, if not, please move) is the ability to choose which boards we do/don't see. This is mostly for the Dumpster Fire, would love to just move that out of sight for me, both on the sidebar and on the main forum page.
One thing I'd love to see (not sure if this is the place, if not, please move) is the ability to choose which boards we do/don't see. This is mostly for the Dumpster Fire, would love to just move that out of sight for me, both on the sidebar and on the main forum page.
2nd this.
Would come in handy for limiting "New Posts" and my Newsfeed to areas I care about.
Hi! I still have a problems with posting photos or pictures. I can't attach files because they not uploading on forum from my disc. Im using smartphone and Tor browser.
That is likely a permissions issue.
I simply can`t use most forum upload scripts from my smartphone as the security policy doesn`t allow it from Android 9+
I had to log in through a Zoovilleforum Poland link to get in. I kept running into a 502 Bad Gateway.
Type in zoovilleforum.ws

Login from there. That was how I was able to get in.
I have a feedback for the sign up page. I think that the Google reCAPTCHA should be replaced with a privacy respecting captcha solution. Due to the sensitive nature of this website, Google should not be able to track me here. I also think the Google Tag Manager should be replaced for the same reason. For the captcha, I recommend hCaptcha.
I have a feedback for the sign up page. I think that the Google reCAPTCHA should be replaced with a privacy respecting captcha solution. Due to the sensitive nature of this website, Google should not be able to track me here. I also think the Google Tag Manager should be replaced for the same reason. For the captcha, I recommend hCaptcha.
Use TOR or VPN and secure yourself rather than worry about other's doing it for you. That way you can be assured in the security (y)