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Zooville Feedback and bug reporting thread.

Use TOR or VPN and secure yourself rather than worry about other's doing it for you. That way you can be assured in the security (y)
That's what I already do. But the captcha doesn't work on the .onion version of this site. With your logic the forum might as well not even bother to strip metadata from images attached because the user should know how to. And might as well allow people to use Gmail to sign up.
In fact, TOR is the worst thing to suggest to anyone who wants privacy on a site that uses reCAPTCHA. Do you have any idea how hostile reCAPTCHA is to the people who want privacy? Have you ever tried solving one when using tor? When it makes the images slowly fade away and new ones slowly fade in, and it tells you to try again even if you got them all correct. That is not to stop bots but to annoy people and waste their time and make them think "Fuck it i will just turn off tor and my vpn so this is easier." And that's when its not straight up blocking tor users from solving the captcha because of "too many automated requests". At least it's only on the sign up page though. But that does make a real pain in the ass for any new user who cares about their privacy to sign up.
And might as well allow people to use Gmail to sign up.
I have 30 gmail addresses, one of wich used my real IP.

Do you have any idea how hostile reCAPTCHA is to the people who want privacy?
Yup! And why the scripts are sandboxed.
Any plugin/JS is hostile.
Take what you figure is a good secure browser and go do a test on it, as you would browse. They'll have everything on you BUT your IP. Why do you think even "cloaked", Google shows the same ads and recommendation as if you weren't?

Have you read this thread?
CAPTCHAS of ANY type are the bane of the internet. Unless I don't have any choice whatsoever (extremely rare), sites that use them get aliased to loopback, and never seen on my machine again.
Think I stumbled across another bug - message counts.
Looking at one "Tourists" profile, it said his message count was 24. So I checked his postings because he looked like a cool dude, a potential for a follow.
He had HUNDREDS of posts :eek:
Or do certain forums not count toward post count?
(to avoid n00bz from pumping into Citizen w/o actually contributing anything)
Think I stumbled across another bug - message counts.
Looking at one "Tourists" profile, it said his message count was 24. So I checked his postings because he looked like a cool dude, a potential for a follow.
He had HUNDREDS of posts :eek:
Or do certain forums not count toward post count?
(to avoid n00bz from pumping into Citizen w/o actually contributing anything)
Not a bug. Go back to that user, and look at *WHERE* the posts were. If in the "fun and games" section (And I *THINK* the "introductions" section, though that may be me misunderstanding or misremembering) they don't get counted - for EXACTLY the reason you note in your closing parenthetical.

A user with 10,000 posts in fun-n-games, and one lonely post to - oh, say "general discussion" - will still be ranked as "lurker".

Also, I'm not certain, but I believe posts to profiles don't get counted, either, but again, that may be me misunderstanding/misremembering.
Not a bug. Go back to that user, and look at *WHERE* the posts were. If in the "fun and games" section (And I *THINK* the "introductions" section, though that may be me misunderstanding or misremembering) they don't get counted - for EXACTLY the reason you note in your closing parenthetical.

A user with 10,000 posts in fun-n-games, and one lonely post to - oh, say "general discussion" - will still be ranked as "lurker".

Also, I'm not certain, but I believe posts to profiles don't get counted, either, but again, that may be me misunderstanding/misremembering.
Thank you! (y)
Not a bug. Go back to that user, and look at *WHERE* the posts were. If in the "fun and games" section (And I *THINK* the "introductions" section, though that may be me misunderstanding or misremembering) they don't get counted - for EXACTLY the reason you note in your closing parenthetical.

A user with 10,000 posts in fun-n-games, and one lonely post to - oh, say "general discussion" - will still be ranked as "lurker".

Also, I'm not certain, but I believe posts to profiles don't get counted, either, but again, that may be me misunderstanding/misremembering.
Introduction posts count towards your post score. Fun & Games, Profile posts, and I believe Group posts do not count.
Think I stumbled across another bug - message counts.
Looking at one "Tourists" profile, it said his message count was 24. So I checked his postings because he looked like a cool dude, a potential for a follow.
He had HUNDREDS of posts :eek:
Or do certain forums not count toward post count?
(to avoid n00bz from pumping into Citizen w/o actually contributing anything)
Posts in Fun anf Games don't count, and I've petitioned that dumpster fire shouldn't either. Also profile posts show together with forum posts when viewing posts from the profile tab, and those don't count either.
....and I've petitioned that dumpster fire shouldn't either.
I will add my voice to this.

While I don't knowingly go in there, I do follow some from my newsfeed and wind up there. Looking around, I see members that don't seem to post anywhere else. Def. not here for the zoo!
I will add my voice to this.

While I don't knowingly go in there, I do follow some from my newsfeed and wind up there. Looking around, I see members that don't seem to post anywhere else. Def. not here for the zoo!
Nah... DF may be a ... dare I say it? Why not ... Dumpster fire, but there's a lot of actual good discussion (assuming you can wade through the flames without getting overly scorched) that goes on there. Unlike the "Let's count to a billion", "would you have sex with the avatar above you", and similarly pointless "post for the sake of posting, even if you've got nothing substantive to say" junk that makes up the overwhelming majority of the F&G section.
Whenever I click on a new link or refresh the page I quickly get a number on the notifications bell and then it goes away. It started at one and is not currently at 6. I can make a gif to show what is happening. I don't think it is really an issue but I am not sure what is happening on the back end. For example, what will happen when that number slowly grows to 100 or 1000? This happened after the recent maintenance and I am not sure if anyone else is having this strange bug or if it is just myself.
Whenever I click on a new link or refresh the page I quickly get a number on the notifications bell and then it goes away. It started at one and is not currently at 6. I can make a gif to show what is happening. I don't think it is really an issue but I am not sure what is happening on the back end. For example, what will happen when that number slowly grows to 100 or 1000? This happened after the recent maintenance and I am not sure if anyone else is having this strange bug or if it is just myself.
I've noticed that too. The solution I've found for now is to hover over the notifications. If the dot to the right of the notification is filled in it is marked as "unread" but if you unmark the little bubble it marks it as "read" and the little notification glitch goes away is you unmark all of them that are filled in. Or you can just click on every single notification that you get and that will stop it from happening. But it does appear to be some sort of glitch from the update.
I've noticed that too. The solution I've found for now is to hover over the notifications. If the dot to the right of the notification is filled in it is marked as "unread" but if you unmark the little bubble it marks it as "read" and the little notification glitch goes away is you unmark all of them that are filled in. Or you can just click on every single notification that you get and that will stop it from happening. But it does appear to be some sort of glitch from the update.
Acknowledged. It just seemed rather odd is all. However, this seems to be a temporary solution to what is happening. Thanks!
Whenever I click on a new link or refresh the page I quickly get a number on the notifications bell and then it goes away. It started at one and is not currently at 6. I can make a gif to show what is happening. I don't think it is really an issue but I am not sure what is happening on the back end. For example, what will happen when that number slowly grows to 100 or 1000? This happened after the recent maintenance and I am not sure if anyone else is having this strange bug or if it is just myself.
I've been seeing that as well.... I haven't done it yet, but I'll recommend clearing cache, and seeing if that works.
My only complaint, and it's a very very slight one (this is an amazing place!) is how archaic the search function is for posts which you have made. It'd be nice to be able to do things like filter it by photo/text and to search in key words on your own profile for your own posts. Easy for stuff to get lost when you try to be active here! :)
ever since the last maintenance, notifications stay up for a while after viewing them. let's say i have 6 new, i skim through them and go back to main page and there's 6 again. usually goes away after clicking through some threads.
Known workaround (not a new forum problem):
- Open the notifications dropdown in one tab.
- Use middle-click to look at topics.
- Continue until all are read.
- Notifications will stay alive in first tab.
Newsfeed bug since the update?
I only see posts from dudes I follow, none from females.
The females, we follow each other, so it's mutual, I should see their posts in the feed.
Newsfeed bug since the update?
I only see posts from dudes I follow, none from females.
The females, we follow each other, so it's mutual, I should see their posts in the feed.
Hmm... I have not encountered this bug myself. When I go onto my newsfeed I can see the recent activity of both the female and male users I'm watching. Not only that but our system doesn't distinguish between the sexes. As far as I'm aware there's nothing in the code that says "User X is most likely female, while user Y is most likely male." A user should just be a user. Are you sure that the women you're mutually following have had any recent activity?
I too have encounter the bug of old notifications, that I have already read, that keep snowing up for a few second everytime I refresh or open new page.
Also, would it be possible to put shortcut to emojis in the text editor back to be visible from the begining? I suppose this function is much more used than for example custom hyperlinks, so it would be nice to have it handy.
Newsfeed bug since the update?
I only see posts from dudes I follow, none from females.
The females, we follow each other, so it's mutual, I should see their posts in the feed.
There is a privacy setting that allows users to prevent their posts from showing up in other people's feeds. Maybe someone you follow changed their setting.

I stopped following other people when I noticed that many months ago.
Following is basically a useless function then.
I too have encounter the bug of old notifications, that I have already read, that keep snowing up for a few second everytime I refresh or open new page.
The quickest workaround I have found takes four clicks:
[the bell symbol in the top bar] > "Show all ..." > "Mark read" > "Mark read"
Hmm... I have not encountered this bug myself. When I go onto my newsfeed I can see the recent activity of both the female and male users I'm watching. Not only that but our system doesn't distinguish between the sexes. As far as I'm aware there's nothing in the code that says "User X is most likely female, while user Y is most likely male." A user should just be a user. Are you sure that the women you're mutually following have had any recent activity?
Yes! @Jewelry Fish is one of them. She made a few posts yesterday and none showed in my feed. @AriesAngyl 's old posts in my feed have completely disappeared.
There is a privacy setting that allows users to prevent their posts from showing up in other people's feeds. Maybe someone you follow changed their setting.
How odd every lady on my feed began using it after the update :unsure:
Well, I may be victim to account changes, then. I never knew that setting existed until now.

Yeah @Ruben , what's the point in following, then :LOL:
Ah that might just be because of my account settings, lol. I have certain things blocked off like PMing me if I’m not following you. I’ll check to make sure
Oh...did I do something? I didn’t intentionally black my old posts...do I need to undo something?