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Zooville Feedback and bug reporting thread.

The same thing happened with the emojis a while back after a update, other than editing the posts with the updated emojis there's nothing I'm aware of to automatically change older posts 😕
View attachment 607713

After maintenance question marks are displayed instead of emoticons. Please fix it if possible.

Hugs & kisses



EDIT: they seem to work for me
The same thing happened with the emojis a while back after a update, other than editing the posts with the updated emojis there's nothing I'm aware of to automatically change older posts 😕
Mare Lover 1975 is correct. The same thing happened around the large forum update of 2021 where emojis (I believe all in the "people" category) ended up turning into "?" instead of the emoji it was supposed to be on older posts. The database was recently transferred to another server, and most likely there were some hiccups with this transfer. We actually ended up having to do it twice because the first time around caused some unforeseen but major issues. There's probably not a quick fix, or possible no fix at all, for the older emojis.
I have the same problem with my older post that should end with 🐎 ❤️ but end up being "?" ❤️ instead, it's definitely a little annoying 😒
Some links on my "about"page to my stories no longer work. They worked before, and I've had comments on a few, since.
Any ideas why? Thank-you.
Videos seem to be buffering a LOT when my connection is completely fine off this site. Is this a bug or something i can correct?
This isn't a video streaming site. The servers are not, and will not be, optimized for video data transfer.
As I recall, I can be mistaken or not, but last time I noticed it that I had reached over 1723 messages, now it's showing suddenly 1623 🤔. Is there a major glitch because I didn't delete that amount of posts. @FloofyNewfie, could you perhaps look into it please.
As I recall, I can be mistaken or not, but last time I noticed it that I had reached over 1723 messages, now it's showing suddenly 1623 🤔. Is there a major glitch because I didn't delete that amount of posts. @FloofyNewfie, could you perhaps look into it please.
Usually a big drop in posts happens because one or more of the threads you replied many times in wound up getting deleted, which also shrinks your post count. Just taking a quick look at your profile, back in May the thread "Anyone Else in South Africa?" ended up getting deleted because the original poster's name alluded to pedophilia and it seemingly went unnoticed for awhile. The user got spammed, and once his thread was removed you lost about 50 posts from that one alone. Within the last 24 hours I've deleted and wiped (by self request) about 5-6 users. Yesterday I wiped 3 or 4 of them. I kind of had a backlog going, and still have several more. We also lost one of our Citizens of ZV (bordering Esteemed Citizen) ranked members within the last 24 hours as well.

There's a good chance that 1, 2, or maybe even 3 of them created some threads you had replied a bunch of time to. In most instances I believe that users should be entitled to have their posts wiped if they request it. Unfortunately, that means you'll lose some posts every now and then.
Thanks Floofy, appreciate your time, I understand you had to delete it, no stress, I just became aware my messages dropped that's why I asked. It's a shame many zoos in my country stoop so low.
There is something wrong in the user post indexing, sern when using the search function. I just can't pinpoint what 🤔

Basically, if you click on a user name in a recent post, then click on his post number, you see all his recent posts.

In *some* cases, you only see a few old ones, not showing even the one you clicked in. In other users, itcseems to work well.

Using the "postings" in the user profile serms to do the same effect. However, the "latest activity" tab shows them allright
I have a bug that appears on Chrome, the site appears as unavailable but if I switch to private browsing or change browsers the connection is normal
If anyone has an idea about the source of this problem I would like to know it
I have a bug that appears on Chrome, the site appears as unavailable but if I switch to private browsing or change browsers the connection is normal
If anyone has an idea about the source of this problem I would like to know it
i have the same issue, started last night about 8pm, not sure what is going on.