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Zooville Feedback and bug reporting thread.

i wish it was easier to delete something. i know it’s the internet, and you reap what you sow. i’m already beating myself over the head.
but i’ve been panicking all night and waiting for something to be deleted because i can’t just do it myself. the fate of my photos is in someone else’s hands, and i can’t do anything about it. it’s the most hair-pulling, teeth-gritting, stressful thing. being told you urgently need to delete something, only to end up waiting a whole night to do so, when you could in like 5 seconds with a “delete” option.
i understand wanting to prevent spam, but anything can happen in 24 hours across the world. i don’t wanna sit here and wait for bad news.
again, i know this is my own fault. i’m not looking for an i-told-you-so. i just want help. i’m new to this stuff and it’s hard as hell to navigate a forum-style site when i’ve never done it before.
We used to have unlimited editing and deleting for all users on the forum. However you can thank the users that abused that privilege in the past. One such user, a known ban dodger, would actually edit all his posts to include doxxing information, and images of gore (such as people getting bifurcated, a guy blowing his head off with a shotgun, a bunch of dogs getting ran over by a bus, literal dead children, etc.) This troll would post normally, and then days later edit his posts to try and keep the doxing information/gore on the forum as long as possible. So unfortunately, you are now not able to edit/delete your posts once the timeframe has expired. The only exception is if you reach Zoo Settler rank or higher, 150+ counted messages on the forum. Then you'll get the ability to delete/edit posts with no time limits.

The easiest solution is to report your own posts to the moderators by hitting the "Report" button at the bottom for your posts. Just make the report reason "Please delete my post." and usually it'll be deleted within 5 minutes to at most a few hours. As we don't have issues with self requested post deletions for most cases.
We used to have unlimited editing and deleting for all users on the forum. However you can thank the users that abused that privilege in the past. One such user, a known ban dodger, would actually edit all his posts to include doxxing information, and images of gore (such as people getting bifurcated, a guy blowing his head off with a shotgun, a bunch of dogs getting ran over by a bus, literal dead children, etc.) This troll would post normally, and then days later edit his posts to try and keep the doxing information/gore on the forum as long as possible. So unfortunately, you are not able to edit/delete your posts once the timeframe has expired.

The easiest solution is to report your own posts to the moderators by hitting the "Report" button at the bottom for your posts. Just make the report reason "Please delete my post." and usually it'll be deleted within 5 minutes to at most a couple of hours. As we don't have issues with self requested post deletions for most cases.
On a similar note, is there a way to delete private messages (not whole DM conversations just certain comments in those DMs)? I feel like there is but I am just missing something.
On a similar note, is there a way to delete private messages (not whole DM conversations just certain comments in those DMs)? I feel like there is but I am just missing something.
There is not. When it comes to PMs you're only granted 5 minutes to edit your PM. Once that timeframe has expired, the PM cannot be edited. We also cannot delete PMs from users reporting them to us. How our system works is "All or none." Meaning, that we cannot delete your PM that you reported, we can only "Spam" your conversations, which removes all PMs started by you. Mods/Admins don't have access to your PMs, and if you report a PM to a moderator we can only see that one PM reported, not the entire conversation.
There is not. When it comes to PMs you're only granted 5 minutes to edit your PM. Once that timeframe has expired, the PM cannot be edited. We also cannot delete PMs from users reporting them to us. How our system works is "All or none." Meaning, that we cannot delete your PM that you reported, we can only "Spam" your conversations, which removes all PMs started by you. Mods/Admins don't have access to your PMs, and if you report a PM to a moderator we can only see that one PM reported, not the entire conversation.
Ahh, cool. Thanks floofy!
We used to have unlimited editing and deleting for all users on the forum. However you can thank the users that abused that privilege in the past. One such user, a known ban dodger, would actually edit all his posts to include doxxing information, and images of gore (such as people getting bifurcated, a guy blowing his head off with a shotgun, a bunch of dogs getting ran over by a bus, literal dead children, etc.) This troll would post normally, and then days later edit his posts to try and keep the doxing information/gore on the forum as long as possible. So unfortunately, you are not able to edit/delete your posts once the timeframe has expired. The only exception is if you reach Zoo Settler rank or higher, 150+ counted messages on the forum. Then you'll get the ability to delete/edit posts with no time limits.

The easiest solution is to report your own posts to the moderators by hitting the "Report" button at the bottom for your posts. Just make the report reason "Please delete my post." and usually it'll be deleted within 5 minutes to at most a few hours. As we don't have issues with self requested post deletions for most cases.
Holy shit that's dark web stuff.
thank you for your answer, man. in the past few hours, i’ve found similar solutions and the mod even deleted what i had wanted gone!

but still, that’s a huge bummer hearing that happened tbh. i wasn’t around for it, but i’m sorry y’all had to deal with that fucker. sounds absolutely terrifying to come across something like what you described. i’m glad things are different now.

currently working on growing my Zoo Rank atm, little by little. i’m unfortunately unable to be on here that often, due to a bustling family lifestyle, but i try n get a lil chunk of time on here when i can.

thank you again for your response, Floof, and thanks for being so informative n kind ♥️
Just be the best you possible
Email verifications don't seem to be working for me suddenly. Nothing comes to my proton mail.
I think this is the right place to post this, but I can move it if needed.
is there a techie among staff who can figure out why this is happening and fix it? i discovered today that there are several threads that i'm clearly watching, but i haven't gotten alerts from the threads in a very long time (several months .. possibly since the last time i made a post into whichever thread). is there some sort of limit to the number of threads one can follow? and it's pushing out the oldest ones as if from a queue?
is there a techie among staff who can figure out why this is happening and fix it? i discovered today that there are several threads that i'm clearly watching, but i haven't gotten alerts from the threads in a very long time (several months .. possibly since the last time i made a post into whichever thread). is there some sort of limit to the number of threads one can follow? and it's pushing out the oldest ones as if from a queue?
Probably not much help, but I do know this has already been talked about and I believe they're looking for a fix
is there a techie among staff who can figure out why this is happening and fix it? i discovered today that there are several threads that i'm clearly watching, but i haven't gotten alerts from the threads in a very long time (several months .. possibly since the last time i made a post into whichever thread). is there some sort of limit to the number of threads one can follow? and it's pushing out the oldest ones as if from a queue?
Not sure if that's a bug, or a feature... Seems to me that if you don't respond to a notification of a new post to a watched thread, you stop getting the notifications. Can't say if it's deliberate, a side-effect, or just a plain bug, but I have noticed that threads I used to watch, but then started ignoring the notifications for, eventually stop telling me about new activity on 'em, regardless of whether I specifically "unwatch" them. One example, the "count to (whatever the numebr is now)" thread in F&G - I posted to it for a while, so it put it in "watch mode" for me, but a few days after the last time I posted to it (and didn't bother clicking to go to it when notifications about new posts to it came in) I stopped getting notifications without deliberately turning them off. (Which is fine with me, but kinda puzzling when you notice that a thread that was spewing "somebody posted" notices at you just stops for no obvious reason)
Is there a way to reply to a notification that is received after a rule violation report has been submitted? I can't recall specific instances right now, but on a few occasions I received a mod notification and wanted to respond (either for clarity or any follow-up). I know on the main page it sometimes shows which mods/admins are currently online, but sometimes it doesn't. Just a thought, obviously if I can't recall any specific instances it was nothing too important.