Zoophilia in history

Anybody have any information on ancient egypt? I heard they had a developed zoo culture with jackals and crocodiles if im not mistaken.
As I know ancient Egypt healing practices involved sex with animals to cure different diseases. Crocodiles were flipped before they had sex with them to increase fertility. I do not know if it was Egypt or Greek but they tried to cure nymphomaniacs by forcing them on animals.
Also sex with different animals were used to worship different gods. Goats in the Temple of Mendes and bulls in Memphis (or the other way around?) big cats in the Temple of Sekhmet.
And fun fact that Bestiality was punishable by slow torture to death despite all this. But it was rare that someone was sentenced.
Greeks were worse/better as it was not just legal to engage with an animal but almost every celebration and festival involved sex with animals and they had every kind of animal.
Roman women used snakes while the husband had fun with sheep and goat. In Rome men and women were often had sex with animals just to amuse audience during performances. Not to mention the intro and outro for gladiator games.
Arabian fathers encouraged their sons to have sex with donkeys to grow their penis bigger, or increase their virility. Also they believed it will cure a few diseases.
African and Canadian tribes used bestiality as a rite of passage for men, mostly using cattle, but sometimes they caught wild animals.
And I didn't mention the cave drawing from ~30k years picturing animals and mostly men having sex.

So bestiality was pretty common at the dawn of civilization and used not just for fun but for variety of purposes.
Wonder if it was ever mentioned in this thread, as the connection is at the moment too slow to load all the images and pages:

The tales of Gilgames(h) and Enkidu from Mesopotamian history are quite extensive cases of human-animal friendships. To what amount one would call them "wild humans" or "animals" is unsure (if one leaves out of view the bull-appearance often mentioned), but there are proofs for their different participation in the viewers eyes:

It's clearly mentioned that the "priestess" (more like a holy prostitute figurine) Shamhat was sent to seduce Enkidu into becoming something more human after weeks with her.
And the girl behind is covering her face :gsd_laughing:
Maybe this is the history's first photobombing. Too bad "suddenly having sex with an animal in front of you just to ruin your photo" isn't a thing today. But it seems in the 10th century if you wanted a stone statue about yourself the risk was high that two dudes dragging a horse between you and the artist and starts to having sex with it. And your only option from that moment is a double facepalm and sigh "not again!", while you stand still for the next hour or so.
And the girl behind is covering her face :gsd_laughing:
Probably a man also. But there are women in the Kandariya Mahadeva temple having sex with animals also. Below is a bigger picture of that scene and in the middle row there is a woman getting fucked by a dog (right side).


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Well in history in Hellenic or Roman mythology it was told in tales when the Gods in animal forms had sexual intercourse with women. But got to see also in ancient India sculptures of humans interacting with animals. I guess back then it was not so banned or taboo as it is by abrahamic religions.
You nailed it - from Greece to India, the evidence we have indicate it wasn't "bad" back then. But then again, the way they lived is shrouded by time, so there isn't any way we know what they were thinking about bestiality other than the fact that it happened.
(Edited for spelling.)
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You nailed it - from Greece to India, the evidence we have indicate it wasn't "bad" back then. Butbthen again, the way they lived is shrouded by time, so there isn't any way we know what they were thinking about bestiality other than the fact that it happened.
Thanks for your compliment.
Sex with animals is stigmatised since Christian religion and Islam expanded and wiped out other religions and occults.
Neither the Roman nor the Greek and as far as I know also the Egyptian civilisations had bigger issues with humans having sex with animals.
It was accepted and tolerated but most certainly not seen too positive by the majority of population as well. This is something we know at least from the Romans, were several people mentioned beastiality and the decay of moral and decency, like Tacitus (2nd century AD) for example.
With the upcoming and later victory of Christianity things became more strict and sexuality was now more a needful thing to make children but not so much a matter of lust and passion anymore.
Sex with animals is stigmatised since Christian religion and Islam expanded and wiped out other religions and occults.
Neither the Roman nor the Greek and as far as I know also the Egyptian civilisations had bigger issues with humans having sex with animals.
It was accepted and tolerated but most certainly not seen too positive by the majority of population as well. This is something we know at least from the Romans, were several people mentioned beastiality and the decay of moral and decency, like Tacitus (2nd century AD) for example.
With the upcoming and later victory of Christianity things became more strict and sexuality was now more a needful thing to make children but not so much a matter of lust and passion anymore.
I would say in the abrahamic religions like Christianity & Islam having sex for fun was seen as sin to God thats why being sexually open was something you wouldve been hunted by the clerics of both religions. People believed back then if you dont please God in following his commands they would suffer more.
I would say in the abrahamic religions like Christianity & Islam having sex for fun was seen as sin to God thats why being sexually open was something you wouldve been hunted by the clerics of both religions. People believed back then if you dont please God in following his commands they would suffer more.
Yes..religious fanatics were/are always a depressing lot...no fun , no pleasure...as they talk to an imaginary spirit/god in their heads...all so silly.
Loving this thread. It's hard to find good info on zoo in history. I think zooier than thou had a episode about zoo in history that was interesting. It's definitely not a new occurrence and is natural based on our history
I'm betting that part of our mutualistic relationship with dogs, going back before "civilization", would be as a consequence-free sex partner. The shape of the dog penis is so perfect for stimulating the human vagina, it's almost as if dogs were bred for this. I'm talking 10k-15k years ago, when sex wasn't taboo and people shared everything in their tribes because they literally needed to trust each other with their lives every single day. I'm not sure how we can know these things with any certainty, but in the book Sapiens, the author talks about women being bred by multiple partners at the same time out of the belief you could combine more than two sets of genes.

In a world where resources are scarce and competition is fierce and violent, and in a time before vibrators or netflix, you can see where "fucking the dog" would be part of life. Necessity is the mother of invention and the human brain hasn't changed fundamentally in at least 30k years.

I'm also guessing that more people are engaging in acts of bestiality with the pandemic because our lives are more closely mimicking how we lived in caves. I doubt it will ever become mainstream or openly discussed, but I do wonder how much more prevalent zoosexuality will be. Between their tongues, penises, etc. I doubt it's a happy accident that everything fits so well. We've lived with dogs for too long for there to not be some sexual selection pressure there, assuming ancient humans had sex with animals but I think we'd be laughably naïve to think that zoosexuality is new. There's a reason your nostrils are big enough for your finger but your ears aren't; nothing in nature that is preserved over time is accidental and there would need to be a clear benefit for humans to share their living space with dogs. I'd actually be surprised if there wasn't a direct connection: you'd be more likely to feed a dog that fucks you well than one that doesn't and we've been living with and breeding these animals so long we don't know when it started. If it hasn't always been a thing, it wouldn't be a thing.
Definitely great points. I couldn't agree more
Yes..religious fanatics were/are always a depressing lot...no fun , no pleasure...as they talk to an imaginary spirit/god in their heads...all so silly.
Don't you know? Those caves they lived in were full of hallucinogens.
Found this interesting shunga. It was already posted here earlier but without the context.fox wife 2.png
From the website of the Honolulu Museum: https://honolulu.emuseum.com/object...5212e3dc96676bf58e8c35697caf128192e4ca&idx=17
And with further explanation from their exhibition:
One moonlit night Princess Igiyoi met a young fishmonger named Sukejū and invited him back to her luxuriously decorated palace. Soon after they arrived, the princess seduced him, and the fishmonger, the princess and her attendant began to cavort as the rest of the entourage spied upon them from behind a bamboo screen.
Three flaps are incorporated into these pages, and when the flaps are turned, the composition folds out to twice its original width, revealing that Sukejū has been cruelly deceived by a skulk of vixen. Rather than in the bedroom of an elegant mansion, he finds himself kneeling on a straw mat in the middle of a field. All of the women have now revealed themselves to be foxes. While the rest of them raid Sukejū’s supply of fish and absentmindedly lick their genitals, Princess Igiyoi lies staring up at her lover and chews on a trout.
I find this super fascinating. It is very rare that I see a penetration by male human on female canine in old zoo art. And while the theme of the shapeshifting fox seducing a human is known from East Asian beliefs I've rarely seen it portrayed so directly zoophilic. In most cases it is more hidden under the surface.
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There is a study by Gerard Carson that describes Rome at the time of the Empire, beyond the known shows where ferocious animals were killed, etc, there were shows where Bears, Crocodiles, Babuins, etc, were trained to copulate with young women. Unfortunately the studio also tells of macabre shows, where women were raped, mutilated and devoured.... a truly horrible thing. The thing that caught my attention is that in the Empire there were zoo brothels, themed brothels, brothels with Horses, Dogs, Goats, etc in short... if you had preferences, you also had the most suitable brothel... I would like to live in the Roman Empire please ;). Sorry for me English.
Is there something to prove this? I doubt crocs would be able to copulate with anything that's not a reptile. Nor would any sane person want to even attempt to have sex with dangerous animals...
No. And I kind of don't want to know with a name like that...
Anyway, you underestimate the power or curiosity and alcohol. :D
I knew a person who did with crocodile/gator multiple times, even with giant snakes and other big reptiles. There is a technic for croc and even in ancient times they knew how to do it with minimizing the risk of getting eaten meanwhile.
Anyway, you underestimate the power or curiosity and alcohol. :D
I knew a person who did with crocodile/gator multiple times, even with giant snakes and other big reptiles. There is a technic for croc and even in ancient times they knew how to do it with minimizing the risk of getting eaten meanwhile.
Jesus Christ, I knew liver cirrhosis was a thing, but I guess enough alcohol causes causes brain cirrhosis too, huh? :eek: o_O