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Women what are you hoping to get from this site?

I joined because when I first started out, women posting was the reason I felt better about being Zoo. If there are more girls posting on the site, then more will see that it isn't some rare thing to do in your bedroom that no other woman does. I've had multiple PMs from women talking to me about it so I know it works.

Plus I like being aroused, and this is a sex forum. It works.
I felt the same way, I enjoy being part of the community and not feeling so alone with my sexuality. In real life i can't talk to anyone
I joined because when I first started out, women posting was the reason I felt better about being Zoo. If there are more girls posting on the site, then more will see that it isn't some rare thing to do in your bedroom that no other woman does. I've had multiple PMs from women talking to me about it so I know it works.

Plus I like being aroused, and this is a sex forum. It works.
I can’t agree more. I think this works in general for likeminded people here.
Realizing we’re not alone in this helps with accepting who we are and what we like/love.
Unfortunately there too many thirsty dicks around who scare woman away. (As a guy I so often feel ashamed for men).
I guess I joined at first because I had the thoughts for so long about the topic and with the little experence I had when I first joined I always felt guilty about it so nice there was a place with other people like me. It was also a place I could vent and be open about something I could not be anywhere else. Also nice to be able to make friends who are into the same thing you are to know you aren't so alone in it
I guess I joined at first because I had the thoughts for so long about the topic and with the little experence I had when I first joined I always felt guilty about it so nice there was a place with other people like me. It was also a place I could vent and be open about something I could not be anywhere else. Also nice to be able to make friends who are into the same thing you are to know you aren't so alone in it
That is a great response. Thank you for sharing
The big problem on Fetlife, at least in my view, wasn't the volume of unwanted inquiries though that did get old before mail controls were implemented.

It was the guys who not only sent an unwanted inquiry, but wouldn't take no for an answer.

"I'm into (X)"
"No thanks"
"But I'm really into (X) and you should be too."
"Go away please"

If when I said "No thanks" they went away, it would have been far less of a problem. None of them seemed to understand that no reply at all is actually a reply. It's clearly a no.

The worst were guys seeking a dominant or a mistress. I'm 6'1" barefoot so it's always assumed that's what I must be.

My height was also why I stopped wearing any kind of fetish wear to local kink events. 6'1" in a latex catsuit with 3" heels resulted in an endless stream of wanky men following me around begging for me to beat them in the event's dungeon.

The last few times I went, I wore street clothes - usually a floral sundress with suitable sunhat. Way less pestering.

It amazed me how much my doing that "ruined" their fantasy and they assumed something entirely different I guess.

Which just shows how much some of the patrons of the event really dwell on porn-based stereotypes and fantasies.

If they stopped that, and actually spent 10 minutes getting to know someone, they'd have a significantly different result than what they get - systematic "fuck off asshole" online and off.

I have so many stories lol
Fetlife male subs put me off domming so hard I can barely dom my partner.

Dudes claiming to sub for me while making bratty remarks and demands for how I should dom them made me feel so used and stupid. I’d rather sub and pretend to be debased rather than be humiliated like that.

I haven’t dommed a woman in the last few years unfortunately
Tbh the connection with the people who share the same major interest as i. Not just the ones who bring it up as a joke. Hoping to make friends in my area or close enough to make me feel not so uncomfortable about enjoying something so... So great.
I read this thread addressed to men and there were really interesting comments. So I’m really curious as to the breadth of perspectives, interests and opinions from the female community in this group.
I appreciate you posted this thread and all the replies. I intuited the same, that people come here to have a sense of community, to see that they are not the only one having thoughts that are "taboo", among other things. I had the same drive years ago, but in searching to see if there are mature women who are into younger boys. I know it doesn't really compare, but I feel it's the same curiosity, "am I the only one? is there a counterpart to me?".

I wonder how anyone feels about someone not being into bestiality, but coming here to understand the world. Would such a person be interesting? (shamelessly I'm talking about me)
They're hiding because even coming out here to answer will have dudes lasering in
Does that have to be a bad thing? If you live in fear then you're living in fear.

Some people have more to offer. You can't find that if you hide.

Life is about taking risks. You learn more that way. I also argue love is only for the brave. Yep, I bring up the big topics. I'm not joking. I'm not speaking metaphorically. Fwer people have courage these days. It's very concerning TBH. Communciation is lacking. Love is lacking. Is that how people want to live? Remaining insecure because of their trust issues?

I'd rather take risks. Live life. Learned too. I think the problem is people don't teach the REAL lessons. Just pointless crap in schools. "Keep you head down. Be a good boy/gril." What if that's the problem?
I'm not a super fan of bestiality but i like that there are guys mature enough to talk to and even make a few friends, at least that's what i've noticed and what i'd like to do in this site
I can promise you, most of the guys here are super fans. But I'm glad to hear the experience around here is starting to get better.
I'll openly admit I need to be more social so my inbox is always open.

Reply times may varie.
I had a fairly active social life on Beast Forum. Made a lot of quality friends there. Even met a few in person just to get a coffee and hang out. It's nice to meet like minded individuals, and I'm not talking about sex. Given the nature of the forum we have that partly in common. The major difference is the simple question Bestiality or Zoophilia? Get past that step then it depends on who you are as a person and what shade of red your flags are. So far on ZV they have been almost neon. Besides the maybe 3 individuals I've connected with, I don't really know what I'm doing here other than watching videos, reading stories, and fighting with immature idiots.
I’m having the same experience. I don’t know if it’s an age gap or mental gap but a lot of folks here don’t seem to be able to hold much of an intelligent conversation. Js.

The intro says “I’d like to chat with folks, and meet other zoos” but then the experience is like a flat tire. Who knows. Age gap, intelligence gap, reality vs attention profiles.

Your guess is as good as mine
Perhaps the issue there is that this forum is as diverse as society with all the different attitudes, opinions, and educational backgrounds that come with it. The only thing we are sure of is that we all share an interest in a sexual orientation (which in itself is a cauldron of differences) that is not accepted beyond this forum. I assume this is why so many chats have this sexual undertone, yet I also have some close zoo friends with whom I can talk about anything. Often in our chats, sex isn't even mentioned.

I like to think of myself as a guy who can hold a conversation, even on this forum, but being introverted means that I easily get drowned out by the noisy ones here. Ah well.... no idea of this all makes sense - bit of a late night train of thought while I should be getting ready for some sleep - but this is who I am, and my inbox is always open.
Initially I arrived there out of sheer curiosity, for educational purposes (more than the “what”, dig into the “how”)… found interesting postings and registered to get full access to all contents… then interestingly found a variety of people, very different from me on all accounts, that I could get along with - kindred spirits with whom it was possible to exchange and talk, more often than not of everything but bestiality, and feel understood and accepted for the wicked self I am…sometimes even being able to help too!
Granted there are still oafs and annoying peeps here and there, but overall I like the fun and freedom there is in here, uncommon to what I’ve seen and known before ?