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Who would perform beastility in front of a group

Since I don't care much about what others think of me, I would have no problem doing it for a group of people with the same interest. I am very familiar with a nice older couple with dogs and the last time I was with them there were two other persons also present. My friends did ask me beforehand if I objected to them staying while I had sex with one of their dogs, but I didn't and it was a very pleasant evening. For a larger group I would also do it, for any commercial video recordings I would wear a mask ... I think.
While the idea has some appeal from a fantasy point of view, the reality of it is more unpleasant. I've been close to getting caught in the act by strangers before, and that's plenty anxiety inducing on its own. Definitely don't wanna go through that again, but have it go even worse.
Since I don't care much about what others think of me, I would have no problem doing it for a group of people with the same interest. I am very familiar with a nice older couple with dogs and the last time I was with them there were two other persons also present. My friends did ask me beforehand if I objected to them staying while I had sex with one of their dogs, but I didn't and it was a very pleasant evening. For a larger group I would also do it, for any commercial video recordings I would wear a mask ... I think.
You sound like an amazing women bee.
Let's say I had some friends or my future wife and her friends were curious about how it is I would gladly give an instructional show on how its done so if they'd it on there own they don't hurt them self or the dog