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What Video Game are You Playing Right Now v2

Same spot for me but it was after I got the shotgun. I was going to try and sneak around nemesis to get back to the burning alleyway but the game refused and made my only option going back through the doughnut shop.
Gave the demo another shot, couldn't find the bolt/chain cutters, but I did find the doughnut shop, and Nemesis, and holy fuck he was terrifying. The delay of Jill standing up after getting pulled by Nemesis's tentacle was extremely annoying however. Hopefully that'll be fixed by the time it fully releases.
Gave the demo another shot, couldn't find the bolt/chain cutters, but I did find the doughnut shop, and Nemesis, and holy fuck he was terrifying. The delay of Jill standing up after getting pulled by Nemesis's tentacle was extremely annoying however. Hopefully that'll be fixed by the time it fully releases.

There's a dodge button, use it. Also the bolt cutter is one of the first things you pick up in the demo how are you missing it? I want to say you get it before you even leave the underground station. I'd double check but I deleted it.
There's a dodge button, use it. Also the bolt cutter is one of the first things you pick up in the demo how are you missing it? I want to say you get it before you even leave the underground station. I'd double check but I deleted it.
I've checked the map multiple times and there is no bolt cutter icon and the area is blue
Animal Crossing, the new one. Lots of fun, appeals to the furry in me. I want to bang that elephant girl that's made of china/porcelain.

When I'm not playing that I'm playing fallout 4.
Just finished up Shadow of War here! Midway through Ni No Kuni II and loving it :husky_laughing:
The menu theme of Doom Eternal.......man it brings back memories.....of a certain 4 legged creature who's all red and who's catchphrase is RUN
Anyone having trouble with Pinkies in Doom Eternal, use the plasma rifle's microwave beam mod. It'll hold the bastards in place so you can easily get behind them. It makes them pushovers.
Devil May Cry V.

Nero is solid and balanced,
V is unique and way more fun than I expected,
Dante is video game ass video game shenanigans and I love it.
Seriously, The level of stupid shit you can do with Dante is fuckdiculous and elaborating on any of it would only be huge spoilers.
......I'm so not ready for the enemy that is coming up...... anyone who has played Doom 3 will recognize this area20200327_140913.jpg......and let me tell you, I fucking loathe the Ticks and Trites, they are so so so fucking creepyTick.jpgTrite.jpg
I've been playing a lot of life is feudal lately, but I'm still a Big League of Legends nerd. Right now I've got a crippling migraine however, so I absolutely can't do League because I can't focus well.

I've been playing a lot of freeware and abandonware games from the early 90s such as Seven Kingdoms, amulets and armor, Wing Commander...

They're all free, they're all classics, and during times like this not only is it a great blast from the past, but it's financially responsible XD