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What Video Game are You Playing Right Now v2

Bought the RE2 remake on my PS4. Was getting sick of my brother not fixing my laptop. It's as fun as it was on PC. Although a bit harder. Aiming with a controller is more difficult than with a mouse.
DayZ. I'm ridiculously geared and making Bambis dance and tell me terrible jokes to get a few tomatoes. Saved a town close to the spawn zones the other day by capping a guy gunning down fresh spawns. I don't like people that shoot Bambis before they can even get anything or anywhere.
DayZ. I'm ridiculously geared and making Bambis dance and tell me terrible jokes to get a few tomatoes. Saved a town close to the spawn zones the other day by capping a guy gunning down fresh spawns. I don't like people that shoot Bambis before they can even get anything or anywhere.
Ah, nice profile pic you have there. Fucking hell we unknowingly created a mass fucking panic on social media today. Pffft. I mean, what'd people expect from a hashtag like fucking Extermination2020?, Anyone who hasn't seen Hazbin Hotel would obviously be freaking out. Like yes it's cool it's become such a big thing that it became trending, but still....oops.... people should've thought that one out.
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Outlast 2....my....poor....poor....poor dick....why must Marta pickaxe your nuts.... thank holy fuck I don't have a VR headset... that'd make it so...so much more worse.
Boarderlands 3, also trying to figure out FTL (faster than light) every time i think i have a good thing gping i get owned
Under the sea!
Under the sea!
Darling it's better
Down where it's wetter,
Take it fro-
Started a new Subnautica playthrough, this time with permanent death. No close calls yet... yet.
SoulCalibur V.
It's not as bad as I remember. I think I was just pissed off about Taki being replaced with the much inferior Natsu.
Also who the hell thought 3 Edgemaster characters was a good idea? 2 of them don't even have their own supers so what's the point?
Lately I'm always playing one of 4 games depending on my mood and location. Warframe, Tekken 7, Mobius Final Fantasy, or Everquest. Yep 3 of those involve a LOT of work so I have a very large back stock of games I need to play but haven't.
I was playing Battlefield 1, but gave up after 20 minutes. I remember now why I hate it so much.
Movement in the game feels like crossing a river in Death Stranding, but somehow less stable.
And aiming is either sluggish or un fucking controllable with no middle ground. -_-

Now I'm playing Bloodstained, 20 minutes in "THANK YOU IGARASHI!"
Noticed both definitive editions of Dead Island and Dead Island Riptide were on sale on PS4. So I decided, "fuck it, I've played all my other games 10 times over, might as well get 2 games for cheap. I have played the originals on my computer, but it's been a while
Outer Worlds. Just did an intriguing quest which just involving getting drunk with one of your companions and sorting through their feelings. I like that sort of dialogue based thing in an otherwise gun-heavy RPG.
Right now? Uhhhhh... I guess The Sims 2.
I was just playing it a moment ago, I mean.
CoD: MW mostly. But I couldn't play yesterday because I started getting a weird error about DX.
I also play League of Legends with a friend from time to time.
Still playing Dead Island. Feeling sad. Remember the Dead Island 2 trailer?, How fucking awesome it looked. Now the game is in purgatory, fuck the fact that it's in California and the name of the game makes no sense. I just want to slay zombies all over California damnit, I didn't expect a Half-Life 3 style of waiting.
CODWWII but that's not important, this is.

I legitimately cried. I now love trap Cloud more than ever before and I'm willing to bet the fan art will FLOOD the internet over the next few days. It will be Bowsette X1000.
I've been playing minecraft every once in a while as a way to de stress from school.