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What Video Game are You Playing Right Now v2

We Happy Few, a perfect example of how to do a open world survival game right. An interesting main story line, each character plays differently, especially with the RNG world. And the DLCs are all unique in terms of gameplay, and the music is amazing. Hell, for the 3rd character you have to pay attention to your blood sugar levels. Sure it's not the most stable of games, but it's a hellofa lot better than what it was in Early Access, and the story, a world where part of England is hooked on this drug called Joy, that makes them forget they sent all the children off to Germany to presumably die, and once you cutoff the joy supply, all hell breaks loose as they remember what they did....and you see dead bodies everywhere, either having starved or committed suicide. And then there's the numerous Uncle Jack shows, I often find myself crouching infront of the TV after slaughtering the occupants of a house, and just watching the shows for a bit.
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Unfortunately I personally /can't/ play the fallout games... The ability to get around in the game is beyond my skills?
But... i watch my girlfriend/roommate/Domme so I'm Very familiar ?
Yeah DUST...
Fallout 4 though is my fave ?
Zion in Dust...Jesus fucking Christ I remember my first time going there. Almost instantly I felt uneasy, like something was watching me, it was dark as all fuck, but I pressed on, came upon a bloodstained scroll that read out "The Walls Speak True. The Tall One. The Branch Fingers. He Hunts. He Finds. He Kills. The Walls Speak True. The Walls Speak True. The Walls Speak True.", Put down my pipboy after reading and heard a inhuman growl/hiss/wail. And I instantly hightailed back to the Mojave, not wanting to find out who "the branch fingers" was. A few months later Al ChestBreach made it to Zion, so I decided to watch him and see what was in Zion, a Wendigo, supposedly Joshua Graham reincarnated. And when I say dark, I'm not over doing it, it is incredibly dark in Zion, 24/7 basicallyScreenshot_20191201-141559_Chrome.jpg
And when the Wendigo spawns in you better pray you have Project Nevada installed, because you'll need it to RUN, like the NES Godzilla RED creepypasta. You can't fight the wendigo, you just need to run and hope it decides to spare you for the next 15 or so minutes. And believe me, it is very dangerous and tall (about as tall as a watchtower I'm pretty sure) you can still injure it, but I'd advise against it. It has an incredibly high health level and since it's DUST you for sure wouldn't have enough ammo to spare, and even if you do he'll just respawn eventually. It's best to just run and hide until he goes away, and save your ammo for other things. It may not look like much. But in the pitch black canyons of the once bright and beautiful Zion it can be truly terrifying, because you get no warning other than a shreek mixed with a scream mixed with a wail when we spawns in...JointPics_20191202_065816.JPG
The mod though is still amazing. More amazing than New California and the upcoming Miami for Fo4, those are just one big worlds, but DUST changes the base map, Zion, Big MT, Sierra Madre, and The Divide. It alone is kinda lackluster, but in combination with the interior adding mods, Project Nevada and Project Solid,the mod that adds in Bunkers everywhere (forgot it's name) and some others. (Bunkers is good because they will have plenty of drinks and food, a bed, etc which if you're playing DUST with survival mode enabled will be a lifesaver.
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I've been play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare quite a bit lately. I'm absolutely clapping people with the AUG and Desert Eagle!
I keep jumping between WWII and FFIX. Once I beat 9 then it's back to RE2 to finish the B stories.
I'd say I have 5 months left where I can enjoy gaming, after that, back to adulthood and work and meh.
Just got done with outerworlds a few days ago back to red dead 2 for 100% completion in my second playthrough. Im gonma start horizon zero dawn soon
Just got done with outerworlds a few days ago back to red dead 2 for 100% completion in my second playthrough. Im gonma start horizon zero dawn soon
Ah outerworlds, as much as I loved the game imo it's too short. Hell there's 2 planets that's literally just saying "you can't come here yet because we're future DLC"
The RE2 remake, just got done watching the trailer for the RE3 remake, and hype. Hype ×9999999. I mean, believe me, I'm surprised it's releasing in only around 4 months. I didn't think it'd release till at least 2021, but eh.
Idk might plug in the N64 and play Banjo-Kazooie again. It is sort of like a Christmas tradition for me to do a playthrough of it around this time of year
The Outer Worlds, which is awesome and precisely as good as everyone hoped it would be because Obsidian are RPG geniuses, and about 70% through my millionth playthrough of Skyrim. First time I’ve ever played a Khajiit, which as a cat person is almost sort of absurd.
The Outer Worlds, which is awesome and precisely as good as everyone hoped it would be because Obsidian are RPG geniuses, and about 70% through my millionth playthrough of Skyrim. First time I’ve ever played a Khajiit, which as a cat person is almost sort of absurd.
Hell, Obsidian is made up of people who created Fallout originally. The original concept for Hoover Dam in fallout 3 Van Buren looked awesome. An entire settlement built on the slope of the Dam.