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What Video Game are You Playing Right Now v2

Just got to Hell in Doom 3, I've actually never legitimately played through the game before, and man, it gets Intense. So many Imps. Like my god, it's like it never ends, every 15 seconds it seems you get ambushed by multiple fucking Imps. Like please I'd rather deal with the spiders as this point.
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Jumping between Fortnite and BFV but fuck that shit, FFVII remake just started downloading and.....IT'S 99GB!
Which is somehow not surprising.
Was gonna play some Doom Eternal, but my computer crapped out so I decided to go back and 100% Breath of the Wild on Master mode.
Hunter Gammas in the RE3 remake......as well as..... whatever the hell was at the power station.....this game...my god it escalated faster than light.

Did you ever play the original? You burst out of a door running away from a zombie swarm into the chaos of Raccoon city and ten minutes or so later you encounter Nemesis. The next 3-4 hours are running away from Nemesis.
Been playing House Flipper. It's crazy how fun it is. It's also crazy how incredibly short RE3 was, like god damn. It even has an achievement for beating it in under 2 hours.
Been playing House Flipper. It's crazy how fun it is. It's also crazy how incredibly short RE3 was, like god damn. It even has an achievement for beating it in under 2 hours.

You can only stretch a 3 hour game so far.

....I take it back. CAPCOM, can only stretch 3 hours so far.
Ho-ly-fuck, that's a lot of new stuff mixed with the old.
You can only stretch a 3 hour game so far.

....I take it back. CAPCOM, can only stretch 3 hours so far.
Ho-ly-fuck, that's a lot of new stuff mixed with the old.
Still, where's the Raccoon City Zoo?, The Grave Digger?, Barry in the helicopter?, The Nemesis chase in the RPD??. Hell even the re2 remake kept more content from the original RE2. It legit feels like they purposely left out certain sections to save them as future DLC.
Still, where's the Raccoon City Zoo?, The Grave Digger?, Barry in the helicopter?, The Nemesis chase in the RPD??. Hell even the re2 remake kept more content from the original RE2. It legit feels like they purposely left out certain sections to save them as future DLC.

I don't remember the zoo, it's been a long time. Did they maybe change Grave digger into an enemy type? I know they changed the forgettable RE2 Boss into an enemy type in the sewers.
I don't remember the zoo, it's been a long time. Did they maybe change Grave digger into an enemy type? I know they changed the forgettable RE2 Boss into an enemy type in the sewers.
The Grave Digger isn't in the game, not even an enemy swap. I mean hell, in one of the side games you go there and fight a infected mutated elephant. THAT would've been fucking awesome to experience in the game. Infact, both Resident Evil Outbreak games are small enough in size to make for perfect DLCs. Remake every game that took place in Raccoon City before moving on to RE8 or a RE4 remake.
The Grave Digger isn't in the game, not even an enemy swap. I mean hell, in one of the side games you go there and fight a infected mutated elephant. THAT would've been fucking awesome to experience in the game. Infact, both Resident Evil Outbreak games are small enough in size to make for perfect DLCs. Remake every game that took place in Raccoon City before moving on to RE8 or a RE4 remake.

Why remake 4? It's perfection as it is. The only thing you could really do is boost the graphics and enhance the controls which I'm pretty sure they did in the PS4/XB1 versions. Not a complete graphic overhaul mind you, just a touch up.
Why remake 4? It's perfection as it is. The only thing you could really do is boost the graphics and enhance the controls which I'm pretty sure they did in the PS4/XB1 versions. Not a complete graphic overhaul mind you, just a touch up.
True but still, it's Capcom. It'd be stupid not to remake the most popular game in the series, they'd make a shit load of money.
I ain't playing anything in particular at the moment... But open to steam friends, and league players (NA).
After 43 hours I've finally made it to the Shin-Ra building.

Due to the rona I actually bought the game twice. Digital and physical. Luckily there's so much game and it's so fucking good I'm not even mad. Plus now I have a physical copy I can leave in the box so if I'm alive in 20 years, cha-ching!