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What Video Game are You Playing Right Now v2

Alternating between Red Dead 2 and Dragon Age: Inquisition. Got DA:I on release and then never fucking finished it so I'm trying again. Between Yeehaw Skyrim of course.
I need to get back into DR series
It's hard to decide which game is my favorite, like they are all fun, but still, like OtR has the funny as hell "Uranus Zone' but 3 I feel imo is bigger that DR4, like that's probably a placebo due to it taking place in a large City in California as opposed to a small town, but eh. I also believe 3 has a lot more combo weapons and vehicles. To bad the division of Capcom responsible for the series was shut down, as if a DR5 were to exist and take traits that made all 4.5 of the previous games good, then that'd probably be the best one. But since that isn't happening I have to say 3 is my favorite, (despite the fact that my $1000+ gaming laptop still had problems running it smoothly) plus you can't get beat the "Lust Cannon" (pun intended)
Something I've noticed about the DR4 DLC. Why the everliving fuck is Obscuris still hanging around Willamette?????, A firebombing is incoming and they still hang around, not only is their commanding officers dead, but the city is going to be destroyed, Do they have a death wish or something?
I've discovered Islanders by Grizzly Games. It's a city building game where you place structures to get points, and the only resource you need to manage is space. It's like Tetris, but chill.
I got sick of generic names for weapons, so I renamed them all to real life names, let's face it, as much money Bethesda makes there's no reason they can't buy the rights to use the real names and designs, would definitely add to the immersion.20200530_110248.jpg20200530_110240.jpg20200530_110234.jpg20200530_110229.jpg20200530_110215.jpg
Still video game related, I'm not playing so to speak, but I'm watching playthroughs of the original BfBB, in preparation for the release of the remaster in a mere 19 days. I never beaten the original myself, for the longest time I was stuck at fucking robo Patrick, thanks to the conveyor belts making it hard to aim, but yeah, I'm super excited for the remake's release, especially with the restored cut content, like robot Squidward boss fight.
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It's me, BlackMesa1998, accidentally factory reset my phone so I had to make a new account. Anyway I noticed a fo76 loading screen hint, "the liberator robot was deployed in the days LEADING UP to the great war, key words, "LEADING UP" so...does this mean China shot first?. It must, right?, What else would it mean?
CoD ww2, it's free for ps+ members this month, so I decided "fuck it, why not" and it's actually pretty fun. I was only planning on playing it up to the 23rd (when BfBB:R releases) but now I'm actually going to play this all the way through. I can hardly wait though, like I loved the original BfBB, while at times rage inducing (like the infamous "mermalair ball room" (seriously, the person who designer that should be tried for crimes against humanity due to how fucking hard it is, fuck that spatula. I never got it in the OG, and I'm sure as hell not going to attempt it when the remaster releases) , it was still fun, and when I saw it was getting a modern remastered release, I got so excited.
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Just finished Assassins Creed Odyssey + Atlantis DLC, Good game but gosh am glad its over, was getting a chore, even if i enjoyed the game.
That's on Personal Computer, contemplating on what to game next, more fallout 4 or skyrim, or perhaps the new metro game.

And the usual suspects on the Switch, Animal crossing, pokemon sword, dragon quest 11, fire emblem 3 houses(finished all three houses, what a glorious game). Occasionally some Everspace, mudrunner and pokemon mystery dungeon rescue team DX
Just finished Assassins Creed Odyssey + Atlantis DLC, Good game but gosh am glad its over, was getting a chore, even if i enjoyed the game.
That's on Personal Computer, contemplating on what to game next, more fallout 4 or skyrim, or perhaps the new metro game.

And the usual suspects on the Switch, Animal crossing, pokemon sword, dragon quest 11, fire emblem 3 houses(finished all three houses, what a glorious game). Occasionally some Everspace, mudrunner and pokemon mystery dungeon rescue team DX
Can't go wrong with Skyrim. But I did also enjoy Fallout 4 and if you have the DLC, it's definitely a must
I wish I could be playing on my 15+ year old Roblox account.....but, someway somehow it got hacked.... like it wouldn't be so bad if it was like 3 years old or something, but 15+ years, that's something I'm never going to get back, so if anyone here knows how to hack, please message me, like yes I'm 19 but still. I need my account.
So excited for this game

Can't lie, The delay kinda pissed me off and made me lose a lot of my hype, Spoilers fucked it up even more. Hope you were lucky and avoided them.
Bullshit aside, It's The Last of Us part II. I'm going to play it. It's already installed, now I'm trying to get things done for the day so I can sit down and lose myself in the game for hours.
Can't lie, The delay kinda pissed me off and made me lose a lot of my hype, Spoilers fucked it up even more. Hope you were lucky and avoided them.
Bullshit aside, It's The Last of Us part II. I'm going to play it. It's already installed, now I'm trying to get things done for the day so I can sit down and lose myself in the game for hours.
Games like those you do have to dedicate time to. Also, i just expect spoilers now days but try not to scour the interwebz to avoid as much as I can
Wandering around Appalachia, murdering frogs for uranium ore. The frogs in FO76 are ....weird as fuck, the fact that they generate electricity from.... somewhere, is odd.