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What Video Game are You Playing Right Now v2

I only play consoles so luckily I don't run into that problem.

Only thing I'm caring about right now is demon souls remaster
Doing a run of Rimworld right now. Had a neighboring colony send over one of their own to learn how my tribal group lives. Sent him home after one of my colonists flew into a murderous rage and ripped off his left arm and pulled out his right eye. I think he learned a lot in his stay.
Completed Pokemon Sword but was still in the mood for a monster catch/battle game. Decided to try Nexomon: Extinction since it was on sale for under $20. It's like an actually challenging pokemon with a scaling world so you aren't locked into one path. It's not perfect but I enjoyed it for what it is. Almost 400 completely original monsters to catch if you're a completionist.

I have a copy of Mario 3D All-Stars on the way too. I wanted a physical copy of this one for collection sake. Then there are a handful of indy smut games made via RPGM and Ren'Py that I play if the mood strikes. lol.

Baldur's Gate 3 comes out in about a week and my body is SO READY for that.
I never got around to playing Horizon Zero Dawn because it came out so close to Breath Of The Wild, but now is the time. Only 3-4 hours in but i love it already ?
Completed Pokemon Sword but was still in the mood for a monster catch/battle game. Decided to try Nexomon: Extinction since it was on sale for under $20. It's like an actually challenging pokemon with a scaling world so you aren't locked into one path. It's not perfect but I enjoyed it for what it is. Almost 400 completely original monsters to catch if you're a completionist.

I have a copy of Mario 3D All-Stars on the way too. I wanted a physical copy of this one for collection sake. Then there are a handful of indy smut games made via RPGM and Ren'Py that I play if the mood strikes. lol.

Baldur's Gate 3 comes out in about a week and my body is SO READY for that.
You got great taste. Finished Pokemon Shield some time ago and have been thinking about buying the DLC just to get back in. I also want both 3D Mario and Baldurs Gate 3, but gotta save up a little for a new console and Cyberpunk 2077. I love my Switch but it's time to get an Xbox Series X Too :)
Playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 + 2, never played it growing up, But my wife convinced me to try it out. I’m obsessed! Lmao
gonna start a new round of HEAVILY modded Fallout 4 :3
Really can't wait for Warhammer 40000: Darktide. Vermintide was awesome, but wh40k is much better.
mostly league of legends, fortnite, fall guys, among us, minecraft, the lists goes on and on~
Baldur's Gate III. It’s early access and janky as fuck at times but my younger self who was super into DnD is having a blast.
Animal Crossing New Horizons haha i've played ite very day since it's release.

I'm also doing another playthrough of Skyrim, and sometimes switch over to a little Castlevania to 'relax'
Been grinding away on Medieval Dynasty. Having to get logs to make a sharp stick to poke wolves with is annoying, but working on my own village makes up for that.