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What Video Game are You Playing Right Now v2

Had a Nightmare last night, I managed to kill the Scorchbeast Queen, and she dropped a legendary drill...funny thing, 90% of the time my dreams end up happening, like I can see the future, so here's hoping that nightmare is in the 10% and I actually end up getting something incredibly useful, I'm not even 15% ready to start that battle, I need enough supplies (ie:chems, stims, 5mm ammo, fusion cores, etc) to get through a nuke silo, as well as the Queen fight, but, I have confidence in myself, and I am going to record the fight, it doesn't matter if I die multiple times, because that's a certainty with solo fighting her, but as long as the game doesn't crash I'll be fine, I have taken into consideration the fact that halfway through the fight her HP will refill due to being a legendary, but in addition to the 2 shot minigun, I have an Experimental MIRV, and I also plan on "Home Alone-ing" her (ie:get her to land, and lure her into a plasma mine minefield, as plasma explosives seem to do massive damage, and hopefully a entire pile of mines won't crash the game....tbh I didn't think of that being a possibility), but still, I will not rest till that Queen Bitch is on the ground, rotting as I dance on her corpse, because after all, only a very small fraction of FO76 players can say and have proof of solo killing the Scorchbeast Queen. (I also just realized how similar this is to Moby Dick). I have so many chems I've taken to calling myself the "Angel Dust of Appalachia" so once player vending is enabled again, and you see me on a server feel free to come and browse my pharmacy, and help yourself to my many water purifiers, you'll never need to stock up on purified water again, as I have enough purifiers to get you up to or over 50 purified waters, like I have so many built it's honestly starting to kinda lag the game when im at my camp.
Nice! Good luck. Let us know the outcome. Yea I did a silo/nuke with friends and it depleted my items. Takes days to recoup and grind haha. However, i did fight my first legendary sheepsquatch yesterday. Only one start but still hadn't come across one in my time playing up until now.
Nice! Good luck. Let us know the outcome. Yea I did a silo/nuke with friends and it depleted my items. Takes days to recoup and grind haha. However, i did fight my first legendary sheepsquatch yesterday. Only one start but still hadn't come across one in my time playing up until now.
Something I got the other day, now normally I'm not one who uses energy weapons, even in previous Fallout games, (with the exception of the Fallout NV mod, DUST, as in that mod I use anything I can get my hands on, since ammo is so fucking scarce it's almost non existent and 99% of the time any weapons you do find are like 15 or less uses away from breaking) , but this baby, I'd be a fool not to use it.20200521_232858.jpg
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Something I got the other day, now normally I'm not one who uses energy weapons, even in previous Fallout games, (with the exception of the Fallout NV mod, DUST, as in that mod I use anything I can get my hands on, since ammo is so fucking scarce it's almost non existent and 99% of the time any weapons you do find are like 15 or less uses away from breaking) , but this baby, I'd be a fool not to use it.View attachment 76854
That's a good find!
Is fallout 76 any good now that the doc has come out for it?
I was not there for the initial dumpster fire start, but started not to long after. It's a Bethesda fallout. Always will be buggy. Like BlackMesa says most the issues persist on public servers. Hopefully they are reduced on the subscription and private servers lol
Fucking murmrgh, I spend over 300 scrip, and every weapon I got was shit
That's a good find!
Well not really find, I actually bought it from Murmrgh, which makes it even better since with her it's a gamble, you'll either get something useful, or screwed out of Scrip multiple times.
I look at this picture and I wonder, how the fuck did I manage to get away from this most certain death, 2 Glowing Deathclaws, both of which are level 91Certain Death.jpg
Risk of Rain 2, Half Life Alyx, and Warframe on the Switch.
Oh man...... NGL, I'm fucking nervous, more so than I've ever been in my life, anyway....time to go down to that silo...launch a nuke....and blow that bitch out of the sky15903793406816514266326469717449.jpg
Update. Fight is currently on hold, I'm only a mere level 96. Fucking 25 mini nukes (had 5, but the MIRV causes them to split so 5 would equal out to 25) did barely anything to her health bar, I'm going to wait and grind, once I hit level 200+, I'll attempt the battle again. It also doesn't help that along with the queen was 3 other fucking normal Scorchbeasts, so I was getting fucked from all sides.
Finished up horizon zero dawn the other day and recently started a rerun of Witcher 3 on the hardest difficulty. Both of which are AMAZING games and if you haven't played them then I can't recommend that you do enough!
Prepping for ESO:Greymoore which comes out tomorrow. Just got back into elder scrolls online a month ago after a long hiatus.
I tried to get back into ESO during the lockdown but for some reason the launcher was stuck on 'loading' for a while
I tried reinstalling the launcher a few times over several different days lol. Ah well I'll get to the bottom of it one day :)
Update. Fight is currently on hold, I'm only a mere level 96. Fucking 25 mini nukes (had 5, but the MIRV causes them to split so 5 would equal out to 25) did barely anything to her health bar, I'm going to wait and grind, once I hit level 200+, I'll attempt the battle again. It also doesn't help that along with the queen was 3 other fucking normal Scorchbeasts, so I was getting fucked from all sides.
Nice looking Camp. I still have a lot of plans to unlock for the camp. Mine is simple wood cabin lol.
Finished up horizon zero dawn the other day and recently started a rerun of Witcher 3 on the hardest difficulty. Both of which are AMAZING games and if you haven't played them then I can't recommend that you do enough!
I love both of those games. So well done! Can't wait to see if they do any more sequels or dlc to HZD. I also thought about starting another witcher 3 playthrough
I love both of those games. So well done! Can't wait to see if they do any more sequels or dlc to HZD. I also thought about starting another witcher 3 playthrough
Honestly I think it may just be the best game which I have ever played. The story is is absolutely captivating and the combat is brutally difficult
So, early this morning I beat Dead Rising 4, that final boss fight, oh man it was intense and fun, I love how afterwards the entire Plaza was just in ruins, like a tornado tore through it, or a smart zombie in an exosuit fighting a badass in a exosuit with an electrical power up and Christmas trees.DR4-Comp-Image007-XBO.png20200526_053828.jpg
One of my favorite parts about the series, is that by the 4th game people just accepted that zombies exist, like they're like a rat or something, a common pest, I mean hell, by DR4 it's like what?, 7, 8 outbreaks that have happened in the U.S. since the original 2006 incident?
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